Love Dare Challenge

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Deleted Account, Apr 25, 2018.

  1. So I told a friend that I was going to post this “Daily Love Dare”. It’s something mentioned & demonstrated in the movie “Fireproof”. These exercises are designed to selflessly show love to your partner and to build a genuine intimacy. You are supposed to work through these even on the days you might not want to...

    This may not be easy so hang in there...

    Good luck the challenge is on!
  2. Day 1: Love is Patient

    The first part of this date is fairly simple. Although love is communicated in a number of ways, our words often reflect the condition of our heart. For the next day, resolve to demonstrate patience and to say nothing negative to your spouse at all. If the temptation arises, choose not to say anything. It is better to hold your tongue then to say something you’ll regret.

    Click like below :emoji_point_down: once you’ve completed the challenge...
  3. Day 2: Love is kind

    In addition to saying nothing negative today, do at least one unexpected gesture as an act of kindness.

    Click like below :emoji_point_down: when you’ve completed the challenge :emoji_kissing_heart:
  4. Day 3: Love is not selfish

    Whatever you put your time, energy and money into will become more important to you. It’s hard to care for something you are not investing in. Along with restraining from negative comments, buy your spouse something that says “I was thinking about you today”.

    Remember this don’t have to be a huge gift or anything, could just be their favorite candy bar or cup or coffee. If it’s something that shows them you were thinking about them.

    Click like :emoji_point_down: below when you have completed the challenge...
  5. Day 4: Love is thoughtful

    Contact your spouse sometime during the business day. Have no agenda other than asking how he or she is doing and if there is anything you could do for them.

    Click like :emoji_point_down: below when you have completed the challenge...
  6. I bought cake
    mmmmmmm cake.......
  7. Oh now I’m jealous & hungry lol

    But good job! Your doing amazing!:emoji_birthday:
  8. LOL ... my son is the gamer but he tells me these things
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. I’m single so I’m going to do these things to myself; although Day 4 will be challenging.
  10. LMAO!!!! :D

    This one's for you, @SOB -
    You got this, man!

    I BELIEVE IN YOU!!! ;)
  11. Lmbo!

    That’s great!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. Day 5: Love is not rude

    Ask your spouse to tell you three things that cause him or her to become uncomfortable or irritated with you. You must do so without attacking them or justifying your behavior. This is from their perspective only.

    Click like :emoji_point_down: below when you have completed the challenge...
  13. Get on THAT one, @SOB!

    I think my SO's reaction will probably be "What, only three things??!"

    This is such a great thread, @Broken3, thanks! :)
  14. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    I don't see this..... (-, -)
  15. :emoji_cartwheel:
    Thank you :). I wish I could say I was doing it with you guys..but I’m not... lol.

    I’m totally here for support though! You boys are are rocking it out!!!

    @Kenzi & I will be the cheerleaders :p :emoji_cartwheel:
  16. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    As long as u don't have to wear a skirt...
    (-, -)
  17. Haha you can totally rock a skirt though :rolleyes:
  18. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Gee thanks..... *rolls eyes
  19. Uhh ..... might have to pick just the right time to ask this one.
    It might take a while
    Deleted Account likes this.