Trying to gain back my SOs trust

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Acky31, Mar 30, 2018.

  1. Gooding

    Gooding Fapstronaut

    @Acky31 please let me know what you believe lead you to PA in first place. That is one thing no one thinks or talks about
  2. Wade W. Wilson

    Wade W. Wilson Fapstronaut

    I guess we look at these things little different. I don't owe anything to anyone, but my wife. I appreciate the help I get here and all the advice, and all the useful information, but the only person I owe is my wife. I owe her to be better and rid of this problem, I talk to her and think of her as my accountability partner because if I get used to being honest with her about everything it will become my new normal. I tell her everything, I tell her about all my urges and triggers, and I tell her what I write in my journal, and if I forget something she does read it. I don't think it's her responsibility, it is my responsibility to be honest with her and that's why I think of her as my AP.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2018
    Numb, Acky31, Jennica and 2 others like this.
  3. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    Plenty of addicts on this forum who have successfully regained the trust of their wives or partners have done exactly this so yes it’s possible and no it does not imply you have to be perfect, rather be honest about your imperfections don’t hide them. And poo pooing it as not possible is setting yourself up for failure. “ I can’t do that so why should I even try?” We should all strive to do our best that’s all anyone can ask but sometimes our best may not be good enough for our partners particularly for a partner who has been deceived for so long. The men I see regaining trust throw themselves on their sword. They are truly willing to do whatever it takes. They throw out ego and pride and selfishness and do what they have to. It does not always come to them immediately but eventually they get there. A mistake I see and that my ex made was to think he was on equal footing. He would argue with me like the lies never happened. He thought he had some right to argue, he did not. You have to swallow that pride and give it all you have if this is really what you want and it will not be easy. But nothing that is worth it ever is.
  4. stid

    stid Fapstronaut

    I am a bit jealous of your wife. My husband feels the opposite, he doesn't want to tell me anything about his struggles, urges, triggers ect. I wish he thought like it is his responsibility to be honest. He instead gets mad at me when I check his apps to make sure there is no history there since he won't tell me anything.
  5. Gooding

    Gooding Fapstronaut

    Well all the best to everyone who is trying

    If I can do my first reboot with no relapse or urges so far, no cheating, that too being in a sexless marriage for 5 years.... Why cant guys with SO so much behind them giving all the connection do it...
  6. I told my wife and my sister about my addiction before coming here to NoFap. Both were incredibly supportive, kind and forgiving. I genuinely feel that what @GG2002 wrote in points 3, 4 and 5 is the perfect recipe to getting this situation sorted, and is why I have more forgiveness than I feel I deserve.

    Of course, I understand that every SO, PA and relationship is different. But this is what I feel helped me to get that burst of kindness, understanding and a measure of forgiveness from the start.

    Point 4 - Once I told my wife I had been P/MO'ing for almost my whole life, I promised that I would tell her anything she wanted to know, at anytime she wanted to know it, even if it was 10 years down the line. She wanted to know how often a week, which I told her totally truthfully there and then. She asked if I had ever watched something illegal, which I truthfully told her no. But I felt that I had to swear this to her by something she knew I would never, ever lie about (my sister), and thankfully she believed me. And that's all she wanted to know about the porn itself at the initial discussion.

    A few times over the last 2 weeks, she has asked additional questions, and I have told her immediately the truth. If I could just offer a piece of advice, answer truthfully as soon as your SO asks. Like @GG2002 wrote, if this relationship is going to heal, it has to heal on the SO's timetable, not the PA's. And I can imagine a lot of trust will be lost, if you say "let's discuss it tonight instead."

    Point 3 - I told her honestly why I started (neglected childhood). It is a reason, but I tried not to make it an excuse. Because there is no excuse for continuing to watch porn for years, and there is no good excuse to omit telling my wife before we got married. I even said as much. I don't think it was the reason why that gave me understanding, I think it was more that my wife could see that I was coming clean, admitting that I had betrayed her in my mind and heart, and asking for the chance to earn her forgiveness, on her terms. So if I may suggest, don't play on a SO's heartstrings to get forgiveness - actions speak louder than words.

    Point 5 - I had come up with a plan of action, on what I was planning to do to beat this addiction, BEFORE speaking to my wife. I wrote down literally every account and password I have over the internet for her to check things out at her own pace. I wrote the most draconian internet usage plan I could think of (never, ever, ever use the laptop, unless I am in the same room as my wife / maximum blocking settings / all exceptions to be OK'd by Mrs. Harp / etc.). My wife came up with the idea of contacting our ISP and changing things to "family-friendly", which I immediately agreed to, and I also suggested that she change all the ISP account into her name and whatever password she chose. I think coming prepared with a plan showed her I was serious about beating this problem, and it also showed that I was doing point 7.

    Currently working on 1, 2, 6 and 8. :)

    Point 6 - after an amazingly forgiving response from my wife, I got her a bunch of her favourite flowers and wrote, "thank you for giving me the chance to earn your forgiveness." It was not a calculated gesture, I genuinely meant it. This was accepted exceptionally well.

    I'm with @kropo82 on point 9 - for me, I don't feel the need of counselling yet. More importantly, my wife doesn't want me to try it (she had a bad time with grief counselling, and doesn't hold much store by it). If she did, I'd do it.

    I am not a good man - if I was, I wouldn't have been a liar for all our marriage. And I still do not completely forgive myself... that'll take time. But honestly, if any PA wants a shot at forgiveness... follow what @GG2002 wrote.

    Get angry at yourself and want to change for yourself. Write a plan on how you will fix this problem first, then go eat humble pie. Then ask for seconds. Put your SO in as much control as they feel they require to rebuild trust and their self-esteem.

    I keep trying to remember that for the last 13 years of marriage, it's all been about me. Now for (at the very least) the next 13 years, it should all be about my wife.
  7. Acky31

    Acky31 Fapstronaut

    I started PMing at about 15 (fairly late compared to a lot of people), I think because of loneliness, and often did it before bed to help me sleep, and when bored, but that quickly escalated. I realised that it eased stress and helped clear my head from exams and coursework, but I have come to realise that afterwards, I was in the same place as before except with added guilt and regret.
    By the time I met my SO I was already hooked, but was too embarrassed/ashamed to tell her, so this whole situation started 11 years ago when we first started our relationship.
    I have started writing about things that led to our current problems, I might post them on here at some point, but it's made me remember how much I enjoy writing on paper!
    lardy_renewed, Kenzi and Gooding like this.
  8. Gooding

    Gooding Fapstronaut

    Thank you @Acky31 that was helpful
  9. MindfulAchilles

    MindfulAchilles Fapstronaut

    @HARP Got it right. I wish I had that before coming clean with my ex. Could’ve saved me and her a lot of heartbreak.
    Deleted Account and Kenzi like this.
  10. Jason Russo NYC

    Jason Russo NYC Fapstronaut

    Why would you not do this? isn't the whole point of "recovery" to make you, finally be honest with your S.O?

    Why is it that you talk differently to your wife, then what you post on here? doesn't that continue to make you a liar? I'm not trying to sound condescending but I would really like to know.

    All I ever wanted was full transparency.

    I normally don't agree with PA's but @Wade W. Wilson has made the right decision, if he is actually following through on it.
    Deleted Account and stid like this.
  11. EyesWideOpen

    EyesWideOpen Fapstronaut

    I assume you mean cheating as intercourse, because you mention in your journal that you visited a strip club dancer for "intimacy" on multiple occasions. That is most definitely a form cheating in my book, and my husband would think so too. Just making a clarification.
  12. Acky31

    Acky31 Fapstronaut

    So, the past couple of months since I posted have been filled with mixed emotions (I kind of feel bipolar at the moment). Most of the bad bits have been my fault; still struggling to be open and honest at times, and I had shared some revelations with my SO that nearly broke us, and still might. But the good times have been very good, but with a constant niggle that things are going to slip straight back into an abyss of misery.

    I know I haven't made as much of an effort as I should have, and I had intended posting on here much more frequently, which I didn't do. I had started writing in a notepad, but stopped doing it after a week or so, but I have started meditating, and I believe it's making a difference.

    There have been several rock bottom moments for me with my wife, where I honestly thought she had given up with us, fortunately for me, we are still together, but I have come to terms with the fact that it's her and my 2 daughters happiness that's most important, and if us not being together is what is required for that then I am not going to argue.

    So far I have successfully stayed P and M free for almost 3 months now, and I haven't once had even the slightest urge to watch porn, in fact the thought of doing so makes me sick. However I have made the decision not to M at all as I feel like that would leave the door open to possibly want to watch porn again.

    I have also made great progress on stopping ogling women, which I think meditation has helped with to an extent, hopefully it will get easier with time.

    Anyway, I intend actually making more of a contribution on this site now, as I had intended originally, so I hope that I continue.

    I'm not sure what the future holds in terms of my marriage at the moment, but I know that I currently hold the cards, but I hope that we can weather the storm.
  13. Acky31

    Acky31 Fapstronaut

    I have noticed over the past few weeks, how much of a difference having kids has made to recovery (both good and bad).

    So, we have a 3 year old and a 9 month old, and on terms of giving me motivation to do better, they have played a huge role in my recovery. On the other side of the coin, they have also made it difficult, the youngest for keeping us up on a night, and the eldest for starting to have tantrums and shouting and screaming when she does not get her own way. That has impacted on me and my SO significantly more recently, resulting in arguments born out of tiredness.

    Altogether though, I think I am much more focused on recovery because of them.
    Recovering PA and hope4healing like this.
  14. Acky31

    Acky31 Fapstronaut

    So we have had an excellent weekend together; had drinks at a friend's party, celebrated fathers day with our respective parents and, for a change, our eldest was very well behaved (which always makes things feel better!).

    On Friday, we took a fairly big step in that I went for some drinks and food to the pub with my brother, my dad and my father-in-law (nothing crazy, just a few drinks and a some games of pool at the social club). Obviously we agreed to some rules and I was home by midnight (as the kids would have us up at 5am..). There were no problems at all, and the rest of the weekend was great!

    Yesterday was another first since day (the first time alone in the house). My SO had gone to have food with her friends and the kids and I get back from work before she was home, so we had discussed what I would do when I got back. So I had work to do for my job, and I set about doing it (and more importantly, managed to do it without any urges or even the faintest inclination that I wanted to M).

    We still managed to end up in an argument though, as when we came to watch TV later in the evening (after a pretty stressful time of getting the eldest to bed) the remote controls were not in quite the same place in the hiding place as they were when she left them (although I had not touched them and had not even been in the living room to see the TV). (Just to clarify, the remotes were hidden to help my SO feel more comfortable about me being alone in the house as we have a smart TV, and no way to install accountability software on it.)

    These are the little things that I have come to fear in life, the little things that bring every big thing back up again. I know that ultimately it is all my own fault, however it is difficult to take when I am trying my hardest to better myself. I don't expect any praise by the way, I just want us to be happy, and I feel like we can't at the moment for more than a few days at a time.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2018
    RobbyGo36 likes this.
  15. Acky31

    Acky31 Fapstronaut

    We have decided that starting a list of things that I should be working on would be a good idea to try and improve the relationship. It's not exhaustive, and there are doubtless many other things that could be on there, and it will be kept updated, but I think it's a good start.

    It includes things like; write a list of triggers and identify what I could do to stop them affecting me/avoid them, start writing on nofap more regularly, write in a notepad my thoughts and feelings that I can't get out loud, even start doing more exercise so when alone I have something to distract me with.

    Like I say, this list will get updated, but if anyone has any suggestions that have helped them then they are very much welcome!
  16. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    I feel for your situation, however I've had a lot of drama in my life too and I know it's what's going on and everyone's lives just to let you know I'm doing hardmode hard mode pmo with my wife I don't accept relapses we don't accept relapses been married for 33 years occasionally having sex is not the answer you will have discovered each other in a different way if you completely stop you're doing nothing but complicating the issue by continuing to have sex just look into it
  17. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    means he's hiding things that's reality, come clean is the only way.
  18. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    nothing wrong with spouse being occasional ap, mind was and is, the sex addiction industry at $130 an hour on average is the problem, people are therapist with opinions values morals the impose on others what's right for one does not make it right for all.
    as long as healing is together is what truly matters here.
  19. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    33 years married hardmode pmo together so yeah I get it man de 91 of 180 120 275 365 whatever number it takes God chooses my wife decides pmdd help feel free to ask
  20. Acky31

    Acky31 Fapstronaut

    Yesterday was the first day of carrying out the list and it went really well! I feel like it's been a good step to take and hopefully might start to help make some progress in healing our relationship.

    Thanks for the suggestion @GhostWriter I will look at making them.

    Today has been good so far, being in a good mood makes things so much easier to handle. When I'm stressed or in a bad mood from arguing, I feel almost compelled to look at other women as they walk past, and I have to concentrate so much harder not too check them out, but when I'm feeling relaxed, I don't have to think about it, I just carry on with my day without having to be on guard.

    My SO is on a late shift tonight and is working the weekend, so I am gonna be using my list to keep distracted when I'm on my own, although i have the kids that will take my attention most of the time, they still nap.

    I still feel like it will be a good weekend :)
    TryingHard2Change likes this.