Separating The Addict From My Husband

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by TryingToHeal, Mar 7, 2018.

  1. TryingToHeal

    TryingToHeal Fapstronaut

    How do I do that?

    Any (SO or PA) advice would be greatly appreciated.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2018
    Numb and SpouseofPA like this.
  2. 21yearsin

    21yearsin Fapstronaut

    I can see two separate people right now, don't know how long it will last. Today he is 57 days P free. I have seen him come back to be the loving husband he was so many years ago, but I also watch for signs of the "addict" I know those signs and I look for them. I am always afraid the monster will return. As long as I am seeing positive changes and I am still seeing my husband I am OK, not good but OK. Can you see the differences in him?
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2018
    Numb, Jagliana and SpouseofPA like this.
  3. Queen_Of_Hearts_13

    Queen_Of_Hearts_13 Fapstronaut

    Its a Jeckle and Hyde situation for sure. The sweet side and then the addict. I am always on guard for the addict. I can distinguish his healthy new behavior from past unhealthy behavior.

    Have you ever written down a list of the addicty/unhealthy things he used to do, used to be?

    Keep your enemies close as they say, so I very intimately know "the enemy"(the addict) part.

    For me, when Jak gets into a healthy space or demonstrates healthy behavior and we are close I point it out, his happiness, my happiness, the actually healthy behavior being displayed so he is aware that this is the healthy part of him.

    It can be very hard to distinguish, and when triggered all you can see is the addict. I still am working on seeing healthy Jak when triggered. I think it takes time to really be able to separate the two.
    Rachie, hope4healing, Jennica and 2 others like this.
  4. TryingToHeal

    TryingToHeal Fapstronaut

    Yes, he is completely different. He is doing great in his recovery. I couldn't ask for anything more, so that isn't an issue. It is just although it seems like two different people, I still think of them as one. HE still did all this stuff, it isn't two different people to me. But I have seen it said many times that in order to heal, it should be looked at that way.
    Thank you. :)
  5. TryingToHeal

    TryingToHeal Fapstronaut

    I haven't made a list, but I do know what you mean about the behaviors. He isn't doing any of those anymore, so that is good.
    I just have trouble separating the two. Like I know the difference in how he acts, but they are both still HIM. It isn't some other person. I don't see it that way and I'm not sure how to do that. I want to heal, I've read from people here that is one way to do that (I remember @SuperFan saying this at some point). But I don't know how. I feel stuck.

    Thank you for the insight! That is a good tip, too, to point out healthy behavior. I do that with my kids, don't think to do it with my husband as much.
  6. SpouseofPA

    SpouseofPA Fapstronaut

    i was told in a different thread of mine something that made me go hmm...
    (sorry i can't remember who said it)
    consider this, if the addiction was alcohol. it be easier to separate the two of them right?
    the PA is an addiction as well.

    now thats not to say that i have an easy time separating the two either, but it does make you go .....ok i can see the two people.
    hope4healing and 21yearsin like this.
  7. 21yearsin

    21yearsin Fapstronaut

    You're right it is one person but somehow it's split into husband VS addict at least for me because they are 2 different people VERY. I understand your difficulty it took me a while to get here. I just set up my counter- we're not quite at 60 days yet- thought we were.
    Deleted Account and hope4healing like this.
  8. Jagliana

    Jagliana Fapstronaut

    This is me, right now - in a nutshell.
  9. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    That’s how I always put too. It’s two different men in one body.
  10. TryingToHeal

    TryingToHeal Fapstronaut

    See, I don't see it that way even with alcohol. That doesn't make it easier for me to separate the two. I can see how they act differently when under the influence, but not that they are two separate people.
    Maybe because I grew up with alcoholic parents? They are one to me as well, I don't see them differently.
    This is really bugging me how I can't seem to see them separately. I want to!
    SpouseofPA and hope4healing like this.
  11. TryingToHeal

    TryingToHeal Fapstronaut

    I want to see it this way. How do you view them as two different men? Because they act so different or something else?
  12. 21yearsin

    21yearsin Fapstronaut

    For me, yes because they act so differently. Night and Day
    Jennica likes this.
  13. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    Yes, when I look back at the peek of PA and the whole timeline 18 years, I remember the man I fell in love with, he was watching porn and I knew but the escalation part, the dark out of control part. I could see him changing like a mental timeline. I knew then, the peek that something was changing but didn’t know what it really was (lies, secrets and escalation). I look back on the peek of it and I refer to calling him a monster as he behaved like one to me and sometimes with many other people. I can also think back and see de-escalation the last four 1/2 years and especially the last 6 months since quitting and him opening up.
    He’s a better man, the man I always knew he could be, loving, caring and honest. Hes respectful and humble. I can feel it’s genuine and not an act or front like before no more flip flop between the two, Dr Jekle and Mr Hyde. I love one and fear the other. I have chosen to love the Dr (him now) but only if he handles and fights the Mr Hyde.
  14. TryingToHeal

    TryingToHeal Fapstronaut

    I get what you are saying. And I definitely think there has been a change in actions. He also believes P is wrong now and hates it, can't believe he ever liked it, etc. That still doesn't help me separate the two in my head. Ugh, I wish I could. I'll take a look at the links.
    Thank you!
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2018
    Jagliana and FearMyDiscipline like this.
  15. TryingToHeal

    TryingToHeal Fapstronaut

    Thank you, Jennica. I see what you are saying. And yeah, I see the two sides of my husband, the one he is now and the one he was before. But I still fee like it was him, the good guy he is now that went down the addiction rabbit hole and could do it again, even though he is completely different now. He did things I find appalling that I can't imagine him doing now. I get the escalation with this, I know why it went there. It doesn't make it less painful or unbelievable.

    Maybe my hang up is in separating the two, it gives him a pass on his behavior in a way. I don't really know what the hang up is but I'd like to have it gone. Am I just not accepting of it? I try, I really do, I don't know how to just say, yes, that was someone else that did that, a different version of my husband. Yes, I can get it was, but my brain screams that it's still him. The one that made (broken) vows to me, that I created and raised children with, that has been with me all this time, that went on such great vacations with me and went to work providing for us so I could stay home and raise our kids. He has always been a good guy. He, that guy that I have those good memories with, was using P that whole time. It wasn't as frequent during all those times, but it was there sporadically until 2016 when it went out of control. That whole time wasn't all bad, there was a lot of good in there. How was he this terrible person with this addiction then when there were so many good times? The last year before I found out, yeah, that was shit, but the rest of those 15 years I've been with him were great. How is that guy, the one that had all those great years, the Mr Hyde? I just don't get it even though I'd desperately like to, since it may help me heal and move on.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2018
  16. Queen_Of_Hearts_13

    Queen_Of_Hearts_13 Fapstronaut

    Yes, exactly! Love the Pysch in this response! Ive told my husband about his cognitive dissonance and I think he still has some lingering in certain area's hence why we get into big fights on occasion about things I thought were like pretty clear cut and already discussed.
    FearMyDiscipline and Jagliana like this.
  17. Jagliana

    Jagliana Fapstronaut

    I want to believe this, so badly. But this is exactly the conflict I find myself battling, it's just so difficult to get passed the facts. I want to see the difference; two different people; the man and the addict, truly and I am really trying but... at the end of the day HE was still there, when the "other guy" was hurting me.
    Numb likes this.
  18. TryingHard2Change

    TryingHard2Change Distinguished Fapstronaut

    @TryingToHeal, I don't think you are ever going to "get it".

    I like drinking wine (red) .. and I like most beers .. but I don't understand alcoholism (personally). I am lucky/blessed that I have never had to deal with it in any close relationships (parents, etc.) .. so I've never had to think about or worry or really care about trying to get it / understand it.

    Somehow, I think you need to let go of trying to fully understand how/why your husband was drawn into [and gave into] his secret porn addiction for all of those years. I DON'T KNOW what that looks like or how that is done.


    When I read your last two replies -- at first, I thought your biggest concern was buried in these five little words => "...and could do it again"

    But you went on to say, multiple times, that you really are hung up on not getting it / not understanding it _and you want to get it_. I think you should, somehow, try to give that up .. give up that desire to understand it fully. ("it" being how your husband could be both Dr Jekle and Mr Hyde at the same time.)
  19. TryingToHeal

    TryingToHeal Fapstronaut

    I'm not trying to understand how/why he had a P addiction, I think I already know how and why he did that. I'm trying to "get it" on how to understand how to separate my husband the addict from my husband the good guy in order to heal.
    The only reason I'm trying to get it so bad is that I've seen it said from people that have been through addiction therapy that it is vital to separate the two, the addict and the good guy, in order to overcome it and get past it. For the addict and the SO. That's why I'm trying to understand. Because I want to get past this and be happy with my now changed husband and enjoy life with him now but I'm stuck. I thought that might help. But maybe you are right, I'm never going to get it. I do fear that.
  20. TryingToHeal

    TryingToHeal Fapstronaut

    This is one of the times I've seen it, this is the one I was referring to. This post and the ones that follow: