Why do most men like MGTOW but hate feminism. Let me explain.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Jan 14, 2018.

  1. That's absolutely disgusting and wrong. He must have had a pretty terrible lawyer, because last time I checked, that's not how the law works. The burden if proof is on the prosecution, not the defense. I can't believe that happened to him. That's horrible. People are the worst sometimes.
  2. Shapirous

    Shapirous Fapstronaut

    This guys have a lot of reasons to don't marry or create a family with the modern womans, they have reasons to complain about all the injustice that modern man has endured in the courts, in society and how the media and vehicles of influence have portrayed the men.
    The wise man retains and absorbs what is good from things that make sense, this MGTOW boys' perspective is another perspective on various subjects tackled in another way, far from what we call common sense, and by what I have seen all the knowledge that is spread in these MGTOW communities has helped some men not to be trapped, so I can not see anything bad about this movement.
  3. Well unfortunately when cones to that kind of thing you don't really need evidence though unless it's actual rape. She claimed he sexual assaulted her when she was vulnerable (which women apparently call rape now?), and the women there like HR essentially backed her up because well she's a woman and automatically they "fought" for her, the coworkers even said he was like sleazy and was kind of "scary"... It did get thrown out but he was close to getting either community service or jail time, and most surprisingly of all he didn't lose his job either.

    It's things like that are reality though. I mean I don't like being touched by people and I get mad because it's personal space and I have certain things that make me that way, but I'm not going to try and put a person in jail or anything like that. I don't get how a person can do something like that.
  4. ..Anna..

    ..Anna.. Fapstronaut

    I agree that we should come together instead of making divisions. But how big is the percentage of extreme feminists and extreme mgtow? I see so many happy couples which treat each other with respect, so there is still not much to worry about.
    But yeah, when I first read about mgtow, looked like a self improvement group. But then I opened their forum and after seeing what really it is about, all that aggressive hate and misconceptions, my stomach was turning. Awful. Just high level type of misogynists. If 50 % of men would become like that, would be soo bad. I guess porn plays also a part there, as it lessens the empathy.
  5. Except go to feminist forums, it's the same rubbish and both sides are doing the same thing as each other.

    At the same time, look at what guys go through though, I don't think it's so much to do with porn in that regard and more to do with what they put up with on a daily basis. While this doesn't excuse the aggressive behaviour or other bs I've read, I understand why they're not so empathetic towards women.

    Just read around and look at the news, I even see it in my own city so I know it's bad. But in all honesty all I have to do is ask my SO, he experiences crap all the time.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2018
  6. Porn Free Wanderer

    Porn Free Wanderer Fapstronaut

    Disgusting, perhaps, but hardly surprising. I've long known that if I'm ever accused of rape, the burden of proof will be on me and not on my accuser. I think that's a big part of the reason so many men turn to PMO and escorts. If you give an escort an alias and pay with cash, you're nearly impossible to trace. Even with the risk of STDs (which isn't lessened that much in the general population anyway), it's almost become as the safer option. Even if an accused rapist is found innocent, he's likely to be on bail for three to four years waiting for his case to be heard. He'll probably be publicly shamed by his accuser and the media, and he'll have to leave the country if he ever wants to work again.

    As I pointed out in another thread, I consider myself a mgtow (small letters). I don't identify as an official MGTOW, because I don't subscribe to many of the things that they believe. I don't have a raging hatred of women, I don't refuse to hold doors open for women or refuse to talk to women. I'm not chasing revenge, or spending hours on Internet forums calling women names, but in life I do 'go my own way'. I also acknowledge (reluctantly) that a lot of the injustices perpetrated against men were actually the fault of other men. It would be easy to be able to just say "it's all women" or "it's all feminists", but that wouldn't be entirely true.

    As far as I'm concerned, there's been a war on what society perceives as "beta males" for at least 30 years, possibly longer. I even saw it at school back in the early 90s. If ever I had an argument with a girl, it was somehow always my fault, regardless of what actually happened. Of course, the fact that I grew up poor, was shy, introverted and physically small made me an easy target or a low hanging fruit. I saw other people get away with things I couldn't, and made the mistake of seeking refuge in PMO. How I wish things like MGTOW and The Red Pill had been around back then. I might have made some different choices with that knowledge.

    Incidentally, I got to see The Red Pill movie recently (despite the fact that it's actually banned here in Australia). While there were a few things that surprised me, most of it was stuff I already knew, and I was left wondering what all the fuss was about. I suppose political correctness has made it so unthinkable to talk about those topics for so long that people were shocked when it actually happened, but I really didn't think there was anything in there particularly confronting.

    What do I do about it? These days very little. In fact, the less the better. There's an old saying which holds that "There are no winners in a war; only casualties". However, I don't believe that's entirely true. It's possible to win a war, but the first step to doing so is to stop fighting. A "beta male" can win the war on beta males by simply leaving the battlefield in contempt. While other people have these arguments and boost their own ego by inflicting casualties and ruining other people's lives, I'll focus on finding joy in the simpler things, taking care of my health, saving money and so on. Keeping a low profile is the way to go. The MGTOW people call it "ghosting".

    We'll see who's better off in 10 years time.

    *Clarification. The references to "beta males" are a direct reference to the way society judges people. Personally I don't subscribe to the alpha/beta paradigm. I think all of us are a mix of "alpha" and "beta" qualities, but that doesn't stop society judging people.
  7. ..Anna..

    ..Anna.. Fapstronaut

  8. Whenever I see the news here, it's now constantly about one woman or another acusing some male actor of "assault" or whatever bullshit that apparently happened 30 years ago... Other instances where wives separate with their husbands because they fell out of love and almost every time get granted custody of the kid, and some get to decide visitation rights as well as other crap. I've even seen it where they get court orders to keep the father away from ever seeing the kid, even though he never did anything and force him to pay for the child. The shit a lot of guys go through breaks my heart.

    I don't care to explain every single thing that goes on in the news and as I said there's a lot, but I guess if you don't see a problem with anything to do with how women treat men then apparently it's not that big an issue and it's fine.
  9. Ugh, that's such crap. I hate this new trend of people blindly believing and supporting any and all women who say they were assaulted, as if women are incapable of lying. I've even seen people say things about how women don't lie about rape, which is blatantly false and Can be proven false... there are proven cases where women have come forward later and said they lied. But for some reason people just don't want to see that.
  10. Not sure I agree with that one... I've seen with my own eyes soooo many ways in which modern feminism is destroying society. Pretty dang quickly, too. It's definitely something to be concerned about.

    Yeah, I know. It wasn't surprising to me either.

    Honestly, just gonna throw this out there... if people stopped having casual sex and waited until marriage, like they're supposed to, that would fix a lot of problems. It's almost as if we were told to keep it in marriage because someone knew that crap like this would go down if we didn't. Hm... something to ponder.
  11. I feel like nobody actually cares about what happens to men at all, even though they're human beings. I've seen women say they expect men to do this or that and to just give their lives up for whatever reason, because they're nothing more than expendable beings... Like seriously, what's so special about me or any other woman compared to a man? Why do I get granted more say and more rights just because my chromosome is different?

    I just don't get it, woman demand this and that and push for equality, but when they get treated "equal" with men they bitch and moan even more than before. It's exhausting and I don't understand women myself, I feel like a guy in those areas. lol

    Joke aside I do feel bad and wish there was something I could do, while I don't personally do the things those women do, for some reason I feel responsible enough just by being female.
  12. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    lol I never understood that and the overlying generalizations are ridiculous like women are only out for my assets or will leave me and take the kids and the house as if all women do this also the mere fact that there egos can't let them realize that all women are not gonna like you and to condemn for is the least masculine thing ever using others to seek validation is wrong I hope to seek a relationship with my future wife as something additional in my life and we can share with each other and challenge one another and make both of us better in the process I think Mgtow base their entire existence on women and the mere fact that they do makes them resent them even more I try to people as individuals as humans everyone is capable of all the deadly 7 sins
  13. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    He just pretty much stating the truth about some at least the ones I've heard on social media
  14. ..Anna..

    ..Anna.. Fapstronaut

    I don't know what you all speak about, but maybe medias in USA portrait a lot of feminism cases. Just like in my country where 99,9 % are white europeans, if muslim will do a crime somewhere in west europe, like smallfight with fists in a bus, lol, medias will make it public, if a white person will do even bigger crime, then medias will not show it, because in their interest is to make an opinion, that muslims don't do anything else than just crimes, so that's the reason they should not move to us ever). Maybe you got the idea what I meant with that?
    I just know about ''me too'' as it was a global thing.

    I find it hard to believe that someone to very faithful and kindhearted husband would do that...
    Husbands will cook for the child 3 times a day and many other things? Women pay attention to every smallest detail in child's health, while man would bother if a child would get too much obviously sick. And tens of other reasons why for a child is better to stay at mother. In cases where woman drinks alco every day or use drugs etc it is better to take child out from her, but it happens anyway. But would be better, when institutions evaluate each person individually to decide which has more qualities to raise a child, true.
  15. ..Anna..

    ..Anna.. Fapstronaut

    I know a guy who cheated his gf a lot with prostitutes, sent even to me their sex video, which should be left between them two, in general very misogynistic person. When she dumped him, ofcourse it was ''unfair'', he was the sufferer and ''she is an ungrateful b*tch''. For people, who don't know his prostitution and sex addiction problems, it really seems like that. Things doesn't happen out of nowhere usually. But his friends agree, that it is ok to cheat and send naked gf's picture around.
    I think that now there IS some equality. Men have their own bad sides, and nowadays women have theirs. No point to say that women are higher just with taking out only few factors which mentioned in this discussion. Both genders suffer equally from opposite sex, just on different aspects.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2018
  16. I'm not American, I'm in the UK.

    No point in me bothering to explain to you, you're delusional. You only see what you want to see I guess.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. ..Anna..

    ..Anna.. Fapstronaut

    No, I see both sides. I think you are the one looking only on one side and focusing on bad aspects among women. There are so many women which suffer from ''innocent'' men also and in some aspects society supports men more.
  18. Porn Free Wanderer

    Porn Free Wanderer Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry, but I just don't think that would fix anything at all. And to be honest, I don't think it's ever really been the case. I know that "back in the day", it was common for a man to take his son to visit a local whorehouse when he reached a certain age so he'd know what to do on his wedding night. I also think cheating back then was probably just as rampant as it is now, but because of the shame and the stigma associated with admitting your partner had been cheating, people just didn't talk about it, and often turned a blind eye. And a lot of the structures of marriage and so forth only survived back in those days because the law back them was that women were basically the property of men, without any laws prohibiting domestic violence. It was also a lot easier for people to stay married their entire lives back when life expectancies were much shorter.

    In many ways, I'm relieved that I don't live back in those days. I much prefer the freedom I have these days. I love being unattached, I love being able to take off for a weekend away, or even a morning in the mountains or an afternoon at the beach at short notice. I love having female friends on three different continents. I don't believe the world is going to hell in a hand basket the way a lot of people think it is. Things are just different.

    I think what would improve things further is if we were just more honest. Human being are imperfect, and we always will be, and that means that women are just as capable of imperfection as men, something that the application of our current law neglects. While we need a certain number of laws to prevent us from harming others, there are far too many old and outdated structures in our society that just make people miserable. I don't think people need to abstain from sex until marriage, and I don't think it's realistic to expect it. Nor do I think being married will stop someone screaming "Rape!" if they get tired of being married to someone. I'd much rather marriage itself was abolished. Sign a contract if you bring a child into the world that details how the child will be looked after, but beyond that, I'd rather see the government just stay right out of personal relationships.
  19. Support them more how? You know shelters cater to women and most don't even accept men at all? I'm a woman and I know how shit men can be, I see both sides but on a daily basis it's women. I even see my SO treated like garbage by them, I'm sick of it.

    They're not equal whatsoever, that's just laughable. If I go to the police station and tell them I was sexually assaulted by a guy, they'd get right down to business finding the guy and try to put him in jail. Now turn that around and say a guy comes in and says the same thing, what do you think happens then?

    I honestly prefer men regardless, I've been treated fair and better than other women have.
  20. Today, we live in a society that worships femininity and women as a whole whilst attempting to prove men are the inferior gender. I read an article ( I can link it if you like ) that was attempting to state that the reason men are inferior is because women tend to live longer.

    By the same logic, tortoises are superior to human males because they can live well over 100 years.

    The same with jellyfish. They don't die from age at all.

    The word "equality" today is now being substituted for the word "dominance". Groups like modern-day feminists want special treatment over the party that's supposedly "oppressing" them.

    It's nice to see an actual, everyday woman's opinion on the subject. I think I've gained a bit of respect for you.