Why do most men like MGTOW but hate feminism. Let me explain.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Jan 14, 2018.

  1. HooEmAi

    HooEmAi Fapstronaut

    MGTOW is more "grassroots" in that it is funded by the participants, really. But it's still funded, and there are still beacon leaders of the movement. There's money being made, no doubt, by some of these men in leadership. Once you start seeing coffee mugs with your "brand" on 'em, you know there's money being made.
  2. It’s no surprise it’s being funded, since the majority of the MGTOW guys are misogynists who act equally as pathetic as feminist. I respect the true purpose of MGTOW, but I’d have more respect for them if the majority of them didn’t always look for excuses to talk shit about women.
  3. HooEmAi

    HooEmAi Fapstronaut

    It's catharses for men on a massive and anonymous level. I don't believe that most will speak about or live their catharses in waking life. Men are NOW more than EVER made to be stoic and not talk about their vulnerabilities, and I'll speak for myself, when I feel like I hold something in, it comes out with a sense of urgency/exaggeration. Men look at one another in adversarial ways still, the way we did when we were homo erectus. Instead of being leery of another man from a passing tribe, we compare the appearance of health/affluence to size one another up. We don't share the unity/empathy that women seem to share when it's needed most, and that's because there isn't a popular narrative that awashes down to every level fostering said unity. We see it. And we resent it, because it's born of what was once necessity during the first wave. But now it's a facade of PR, which brings power and money.

    There are countless women support groups online and brick-and-mortar, free of charge. Popular media makes us to look like thoughtless buffoons, both covertly and overtly. We're told we're privileged because we're men, so we get no empathy for our plights. Where do men go? Their local church? Many don't want the proselytizing that comes with it. So they formed their own group to address a very specific set of grievances in response to the societal assault that is 3rd/4th wave feminism. I'm happy to see the response, as caustic as it may be from some men. I equate those that are unhelpful/overly-angry to man-size temper tantruming online, really. To not yet realizing facts and assessing them calmly. They rather remain ignorant and merely intuit the wrongs, like children. A louder voice of hate speaking over a louder voice of hate, ad nauseum. The important thing is, that more men become aware of their own role in all of this, and realize the "THIS" in the first place. And learn of the disparities/false narratives that affect them each day. As a previous poster has stated, there are many faces/voices you don't see/hear who are far more rational within each movement, who do want equality, I think.
  4. I just hate how the mainstream media are trying to make women into sex objects, and men into perverted freaks. Especially in popular music that comes out nowadays. You do make good points, though. But it is good hearing about a few feminists actually seeing through the bullshit, and leaving it. Like Ex-feminists, you know?
  5. Look, it’s great that MGTOW is against feminism. But if MGTOW didn’t represent extremism like it does now, I’d have more respect for it. Just like if feminism didn’t represent extremism like it does now, I’d have more respect for it to. MGTOW and feminism both had good purposes at the beginning, but then it turned into extremist groups, which suck. That’s just how I feel, you know?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. HooEmAi

    HooEmAi Fapstronaut

    Christina Hoff Sommers and Helen Smith, FTW!
  7. What’s funny is that I used to be into AndyWarski videos exposing feminism and SJWs, but now I don’t watch it much because I just stopped. Have you ever watched his latest videos? If so, what videos do you reccomend?
  8. HooEmAi

    HooEmAi Fapstronaut

    I think that some men are doing this in error, on their own part. This won't get them the same kind of exposure that the long-established feminists have gotten from such extreme tactics. The fems are seen as the ones who need to "come out on top" in this "fight." Men need brotherhood/community now, more than ever. I believe that there should be a more positive invitation toward men via social media platforms to join/create local groups/communities for discussion, face to face. From there, these groups can gather to confer throughout the country and be part of/form something bigger. Who knows, maybe one day there will be a place for men that is not demonized in "gender studies." I'm not a historian, but I'd wager this is how feminism began in the first place.

    We're shouting up at a giant when we really need to be coming together to form our own organized community of brotherhood and strength, to form something bigger, more educated, more unified. I don't say "we're" as a MGTOW, but as a man who would be part of the movement if it were as it should be. I had contemplated trying to start my own local men's group, but I didn't know what I wanted the focus to be/what would draw us together/how to lead and where to go. I'm sure many men "in the middle" who have had this desire, have had this same issue. Thoughts?
  9. Okay I agree with every single thing you’re saying. There should be a community that promotes unity, equality between both genders, and that promotes “peace and love” for everyone. It may sound corny, but I feel like that should be the way to go. What’s also awesome is that there is normal women in this world that think feminism is moronic.
  10. HooEmAi

    HooEmAi Fapstronaut

    No, I think we can acknowledge the wrongs done to us by 3rd/4th wave feminism. I mean that men themselves need to come together to give brotherhood/inspire/teach one another. We don't have to love those in the fringe who hate us, but we do need to be rational in our approach, BY the numbers, IN good numbers, and patient.
  11. No I wasn’t saying to love those that hate us (feminists), I’m just saying to give unity towards everyone and all normal people in this world.
    HooEmAi likes this.
  12. HooEmAi

    HooEmAi Fapstronaut

    Going to make a thread about this after my workout. It'll be in the self-improvement section. Guys and gals, please feel free to give me ideas on how to go about forming a live group in my community. I have many means at my disposal, in social media platforms, local library meeting rooms, ideas for shared reading, etc. I just need a "brand" a sort of mission statement for advertising that will speak to other men's needs. I don't know how to convey what the group will be.
  13. Well you’d need a name, and money to create a website. Then you gotta have a marketing platform. But just so this won’t go off topic, I’ll leave that discussion to your “soon to be created” thread.
    HooEmAi likes this.
  14. HooEmAi

    HooEmAi Fapstronaut

    RKO, I appreciate this. I think I'll take the risk to do this. I have no idea how to go about creating a website, but udemy.com has some good free tutorials I've already downloaded. I don't know one iota about the marketing platform either, beyond creating a page and asking others to "share it" and spamming it in the comments of things. There must be better way than that and fliers around town, alone. We'll confer on this once the thread is made, I hope, and thank you again! I'll tag you!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. I'm a man and I don't like MGTOW and don't hate feminism. I think the women's suffrage was a good thing.
    I saw Red Pill and it's not an anti feminism, it's a anti sexism film. If it is an anti feminism film then Daddy I Do is an anti Christian film. It's funny how people don't treat Christianity as they do feminism. Red Pill is talked about a lot on this forum but it's like everyone is scared to mention Daddy I Do.
  16. I am extremely politically incorrect person, so I am cool with differing opinions.
    Gotham Outlaw and Hitto like this.
  17. I really liked the Red Pill movie. And it's anti sexist and feminism, especially for what was said and shown in there.

    I've also never heard of that movie.
  18. Hence, why i said "most" men. But yea, feminism was a good thing before it got taken over by extremists.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. It used to be about equality and fairness back then, at least I think so.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. You're right. It was exactly about those things. But now it's gone too far, you know what i mean?
    Deleted Account likes this.