***The Exercise Challenge***

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by LoyalKnight, Jun 26, 2017.

  1. Biked 12K today going from home to school and back. Later strength/cardio for about 25 minutes total. To top it off I went to the gym with my brother and ran an 8K on the treadmill.
  2. Did a 7 km run and also went for a long walk. Tired.
  3. Superadders

    Superadders Fapstronaut

    Nice one ThisEndsToday. You training for anything in particular or just general fitness?

    Did a 5.5 mile tempo run today. First hard running session for a while. Didnt feel particularly great but not too fussed - as long as i do the training and stay injury free!
  4. Thanks! Right now I don't have any races coming up but I just want to stay in shape.

    Nice workout yourself
  5. LoyalKnight

    LoyalKnight Fapstronaut

    Today I went to the gym, the second day in a row. I went quite late because I had to finish my studies. I did a really good chest workout and did some cardio afterwards. It felt awesome. For the first time after weeks I could actually enjoy the gym thoroughly!
  6. Navdeep

    Navdeep Fapstronaut

    1st set - 56 jumps
    2nd set -25 jumps
    3rd set - 202 jumps
  7. Navdeep

    Navdeep Fapstronaut

    10 sets of skipping exercise.
    Set with highest jumps = 85 jumps
  8. LoyalKnight

    LoyalKnight Fapstronaut

    I went to the gym today. My motivation was not high because I am cutting right now heavily, so no muscle gains. But I have to do it!

    So I focused on chest and triceps today. At the end I had a 20-Min long High Interval Training session - cardio. Felt great!
  9. Superadders

    Superadders Fapstronaut

    Great working out guys!

    So my training week gone went like this:

    Monday - Weights and core - dumbell bench press, chest fly's, clap press ups, pull ups, dumbell rows, leg raises, plank, side plank (21 sets total)
    Tues - 6 miles easy (40 mins)
    Wed - Intervals - 6 x 1km off 2 mins recovery (3:14 pace)
    Thur - 4.1 miles easy (30 mins)
    Fri - am: 5.2 miles easy (37 mins), pm: Weights and core - power cleans, single leg squats, dumbell lunges, barbell step ups with knee raise, leg curls, Russian twists, single leg planks (20 sets total)
    Sat - 5.2 miles easy (36 mins)
    Sun - 7.5 miles easy (52 mins)

    Starting to get into some kind of shape as I continue to build mileage. Have an XC race next weekend.
  10. Navdeep

    Navdeep Fapstronaut

    3sets of skipping exercise.
    1. 195 jumps
    2.56 jumps
    3. 89 jumps
  11. Deth

    Deth Fapstronaut

    Aye, I'm in! I really like this thread and working out in general when it comes to PMO recovery because:
    1) It's a distraction from PMO. Gives you something to do, and half the time you're so tired you immediately fall asleep afterwards
    2) You're really just doing it to clear your mind but you end up looking and feeling better
    3) Again, it's just to get over PMO, but you're also "unintentionally" (perhaps intentionally, if you're not just using it as a distraction, besides the point though) building a great habit for yourself that will stay with you long after you get over PMO.

    Okay, day 1, my workouts have been so far:
    2x 50 jumping jacks
    2x 20 push-ups
    20 sit-ups
    20 crunches
    40 calf raises, 20 on each leg
    15 lying leg raises, hover over the ground for 5 seconds before dropping
    20 exploding lunges (10 on each leg)
    1:30 plank

    Normally planks kill me, but I tried something new today and it actually worked; I meditated. I always used to use this on my school's cross country team to tune out the pain and figured it wouldn't work on anything else, but I guess because of how little focus planks use it worked on them too. I just visualized my arms and the tips of my toes digging into the ground, and the dirt beneath, and all the pain flowing out of my body into the earth. Doing this and planking for 1:30 hurt me way more than a 40 second plank usually does when I'm not using this technique. I'll definitely keep using this going into the future.
  12. Navdeep

    Navdeep Fapstronaut

    4 sets of skipping exercises
    100 jumps -highest set
  13. Deth

    Deth Fapstronaut

    I didn't eat a whole lot today, so I didn't exercise too much either, but:
    20 push-ups
    40 second plank
    20 exploding lunges (10 on each side)
    20 calf raisers (10 on each side)
    20 sit-ups
    15 pushups
    1 minute plank
  14. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Doing some kettlebell things, nothing specific. The usual 6:
    Get up, military press, swings, clean, squad, snatch.
    Getting stronger. The weight I had problems with a few months ago I can
    now handle with ease. I also play with some upside down movements where the kettlebells base looks upwards.

    Get stronger guys and girls! Good job!
  15. Navdeep

    Navdeep Fapstronaut

    5 sets of skipping exercise
    Average 90 jumps
  16. Deth

    Deth Fapstronaut

    (3 sets in PE class)
    10 pushups
    20 crunches
    30 second plank
    20 lunges

    (Personal exercise)
    2x 20 pushups
    2x 50 jumping jacks
    20 calf raisers (10 each foot)
    20 situps
    40 second plank
    20 lunges (10 on each side)
  17. Went for a two mile walk today. Felt good.
  18. Deth

    Deth Fapstronaut

    Walks are always great for clearing your mind and your body :)
  19. Agreed. I used to do it every night but I stopped for 3 weeks and just felt like a shit show. It felt good to get back to it again. Now I just need to do the same with lifting weights.
    Baldur, Navdeep and Desperate_Warrior like this.