Fetish fans. get in here

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by The Watcher, Nov 9, 2017.

  1. The Watcher

    The Watcher Fapstronaut

    I would like to discuss with you the real and deep causes of this error, why and how did it start and why do I call it error?

    First of all you have to ask yourself are you comfortable with it? if the answer is yes alright no problem but there is always a cause and effect for example I am so comfortable with eating sweets and I don't want to change it now, but you have to understand it is not natural, because we were created normal and perfect, and because of our environments and people around us we force ourselves to change in the wrong direction.

    I read many books about psychology and I am a huge fan of fetishism but I want to change that and I will try to help and discover with you the deep roots of that error. Unfortunately the internet is very poor when it comes to this topic and find the real causes of it.

    When you confess that it is an error and not something natural you have passed 50% of the treatment the other 50% is all about changing the believe or the idea which have been rooted deep down on you.

    But how can you change that idea ?
    Most of fetish fans got a huge depression root every category in fetish has something to tell you about that depression you are living. every time a desire for fetish comes it is actually your mind telling you we need to solve this this is actually an error but instead of being present with it you are renew it by deny it.

    The main root or the most common one on the fetish fans is the UNDESERVING believe, We believed all our life we don't deserve that. we don't deserve this girl, this girl is so beautiful for me I don't deserve to have the best in life, and because of that your mind uploaded an error in the sexual desire and because you don't deserve the best in life and have the best sex naturally you get out that desire by the other side of the pole which is humiliating yourself with the other person.

    Other fetishes come originally from the childhood specifically from our mothers by mistreatment, our mother was the first person we received love from, but when we find mistreatment from the person who supposed to love us unconditionally it builds an error deep down in our mind so when we grow and fall in love we feel like we must to pay the price and here when we humiliate ourself.

    Some causes I discovered about the undeserved root on us:

    - Mistreatment from our mothers
    (you feel kind of pleasure when you receive pain)

    - Mistreatment from teachers in the schools

    - Fights between parents

    (you see yourself a miserable part in this family you don't deserve life)

    - Violence in the family
    (specially between parents you feel so sympathy toward the innocent one in this family you wanted to help but you couldn't so you pay the price by humiliate yourself sexually)

    - Negative talks from the family
    (things like you are nothing, you don't deserve that..etc)

    - Negative talks from friends

    - Pornography

    (because every time you masturbate in front of those beautiful fancy women you give yourself more confirmation that you don't deserve that and will never ever reach to them so all you have to do is to be depressed and masturbate)

    The treatment:

    1. As I said the first thing you must to confess it is an error and it needs to change so your mind can re-program itself.
    2. From your favorite category ask yourself, Why you feel it is so pleasurable than anything else ? try to remember the first time you felt it was pleasure, when ? with who ? ask and try to remember conquer yourself, Did you have to pay the price? you saw your mother or your sister in a very difficult situation from caused by a man or vice versa you wanted to help but you couldn't? have you been told all your life you are worthless you are nothing. you can't do anything
    3. when you remember the first time of that misery you lived repeat that event many times in your mind with every details and feel everything again
    4. forgive yourself it is not your fault
    5. forgive your family your mother your father your friends.

    some affirmations I wrote for you they will help so much in your journey.
    - I deserve everything good in life
    - I deserve the best for me
    - I am open and I forgive myself I forgive others
    - I love myself
    - I love my body
    - I completely forgive my family for everything
    - I see women/men as I see myself under our skin we are exactly the same
    - i deserve natural sex
    - I deserve pure love
    - I share my love with the world
    - Nobody is better than anyone we are all one it is just a matter of perspective

  2. An interesting read there. I know for me my fetishes are porn induced but I don't know if they're a part of me now or not at least some of them. Some of my P induced fetishes I don't really like anymore or fantasize much about nut others I'm still curious about. I'm hoping that by abstaining from PMO I'll have a better understanding of what is a part of me and what came with the porn.
    FapstronautCumsmonaut likes this.
  3. Yeah I haven't had any of these problems with family etc, my fetish is also porn induced. I was exposed to it at a very young age and unfortunately can't remember why I took an interest in it. But my life hasn't been lived in absolute misery because of this and I've seen other people who have it worse on here. So it is an error as you'd say. I've always seen it as something that's latched onto my life not something I was born with. But I do admit that I have a special attachment to it now which will be hard to get rid of.

    So I'm into bondage. It started off as just that and then escalated into extreme cases of bdsm and the like. I seeked higher doses of dopamine from things that were much more extreme. Currently I'm at a point where I get off to injury and choking where it even becomes life threatening. And yeah it sickens me. That's when I knew I should be doing something about it so I joined nofap. I've seen quite a few people tell their stories and how seriously it has affected them. Their fetishes would make them question their sexuality and well-being. This is because of how frequent they've done PMO and how far their desires have escalated. We crave dopamine in high doses because we have easy access and we feel undeserving as you said. The longer we do it for, the more we crave something more and we eventually cross our morals for more sexual desires. So for me, I'm not sure yet if I'll be able to get rid of my fetish. But I do want to undo how far my desires have escalated, the things that I really shouldn't be looking at. Otherwise I'll be living the rest of my life disgusted with myself.
  4. I completely agree with you. I to am into bondage although not nearly to the extreme that you've mentioned. Abstaining from it and PMO is key. I'm talking to a girl who is in to BDSM and from what we've talked about it's different than what you see in porn which is nice. It needs and should be safe, sane and consensual. It's a fetish that I'd like to try as I'm curious to see if it would be something I'd actually enjoy but only time will tell.
    Eternal Fire likes this.
  5. Glad to see I'm not alone! I'm glad your tastes haven't become as extreme as mine. Yeah only recently have I thought about whether I would actually enjoy still being into it. I'm wondering if doing nofap will get rid of my fetish or just the extremities that I speak of. If it were fun, safe and consensual trying it in real life maybe I would enjoy it without guilt. But I am at the point where I enjoy non consensual simulation of this porn. I definitely want this to go away as it's very scary to think about.
  6. You're never alone in this fight, we are all here for you. Yeah I'm glad I never could get into the really heavy and graphical stuff. Try seeing what it feels like to you after your reboot maybe you'd like it less extreme or maybe not. Nofap would most certainly help I think. From everything I've read about BDSM and the people who practice is professionally safe, sane and consensual is the only way anything else is considered abuse and is not tolerated. If I may ask, what exactly do you mean by you "enjoy non consensual stimulation of this porn"? You can always message me about this as well. We will get through this!
    Eternal Fire likes this.
  7. Thanks :)
    http://rekink.com/guides/kinks/ I came across this here the other day, "consensual nonconsent" is what they call it in the link. They also refer to it as rape fantasy or rape play but they prefer "consensual nonconsent" as a softer term. Soo like... they consent to act out that they haven't given consent as part of the scene. I know that the thought of rape does not sit within my morals and I would never actually rape someone, so this always confuses me how I can be into such a thing when I'm browsing for sexual pleasure. Usually the stuff I'd watch is where they'd act out such a scene and then show the girl at the end to show she was okay. But I have come across videos that cast doubt on whether the line between roleplay crosses over to something that "wasn't part of the plan" aka non-consensual. Whenever I'd watch those kinds of videos, I would feel a heavy wave of guilt and sickness much more than usual. This is as far as I went before I joined nofap and I'm glad it stopped there. It's manifested into something I'm not proud to call mine and I want it gone.
  8. The Watcher

    The Watcher Fapstronaut

    As long as it is inside your subconscious you will never get rid of it, the mind must to re-program again and abstain from pornography alone will not fix it the desire will still be there and it will express itself somehow. you have to know the root and re-live it and fix it. Knowing the root is the hardest part of the process because you have to remember things from your childhood.

    you said you are into bondage from my search I found the root of this back to too much pressure from responsibility you want to feel a relief from this pressure even the responsibility of your life itself you want to put it to someone else to be free from this pressure, this is also caused by our parents who were always saying you have to be a responsible person you must take all responsibility for your family your sister and your wife otherwise you will be worthless in the society so we choose to be worthless sometimes because it makes us free from this pressure and let it all go.

    try to remember the first time you felt the fetish desire or kind of fetish. with who and where? maybe in your school. the where and who always attach to the main root that will give you another key to understand.

    I don't really agree that pornography alone is the main root of fetish. many people watch porn and they are not interested in fetish at all. pornography only waters the plant of this root to make it grow but it is not the main cause.
  9. joewillsucceed

    joewillsucceed Fapstronaut

    Interesting read. Definitely got me thinking about myself and my fetishes.

    I think my fetish must also be porn induced. My particular fetish is dominant women. I just got erection thinking about it. Anyway... I have a very loving mother. She has always treated me with love and care so I don't think my fetish stems from my relationship with her. I did used to argue with her a lot when we lived together but I don't think that can be linked to femdom can it? I did find myself enjoying porn that involved the punishment of women aswell so it's not all about submission of myself. I also enjoy being watched by a woman. I have never had proper sex. I think that it all stems from becoming desensitized from "normal" porn and looking for more extreme stuff. I have only acted out my fantasy once in real life. I asked for the women to insult me and strangle me. She was payed. I enjoyed it and when I think about it I get excited.

    My conclusion is that if I hadn't ever watched porn I would have never got into these fetishes. Porn has deeply affected my sexual needs and I wonder if when I am one day in a relationship if straight missionary will ever make me happy. Hopefully this nofap process will make me "normal" again. Then again what is "normal"?
    thorswrath32 likes this.
  10. The Watcher

    The Watcher Fapstronaut

    Well if you are comfortable with it no problem but as I mentioned there will be always consequences for example you will struggle having a natural relationship you will find yourself a meek person in any situation involved with any female and you will always receive the negative side from any female and you will keep attract many situations like that because it is all in your subconscious mind, your outer world is a reflection of your inner world.

    and again porn alone is not the main root you had the ability to accept that you have to find the first time you felt the pleasure from fetish with who and where ?

    enjoying the watching of punishment of women has several causes, but it depends on many questions. if that was since your childhood so 100% your parents are the cause if you got that lately so pornography plays a big part of it.

    since your childhood if you as a man feel pleasure watching a man has a dominance over a woman that means a female person in your family had a dominance over a male person so subconsciously you felt so much sorrow over that male person and you grow up and want to take the revenge so every woman you see has to pay the price and be punished. you have to know by yourself.

    Abstaining from porn is a successful key and it will heal many things but the fantasies of fetishes will still there until you re-program your mind and cut off the main root. it is like anger for example you can stay calm as you want you can practice even and suppress it as you want but one day it must get out until you understand the root of your anger then you will start to re-program your mind.
  11. That was an eye opening read to say the least. I certainly wasn't aware of the extremities of such fetishes.
  12. I have that fetish as well and feel like I've had a normal relationship with family and friends and that if I hadn't watched porn I wouldn't have known about these fetishes. I sometimes think because I'm a virgin that my curiosities get the better of me and make me want to experience it all.

    You raise a good point here. I think it might be something to do with this as well, as I've heard of people in power liking to unwind like this. I do think it is an escape mechanism or fantasy for stress relief for myself. I like the idea of it being sensual and with love and being caressed and cared for while being tied up. In my mind it sounds so exciting and relaxing to just melt away from all the daily pressures. I know my PMO addiction largely stems from stress and boredom and since managing them better I've been able to go on the reboot I'm on now. Not sure if that makes sense or not.
    The Watcher likes this.
  13. I would appreciate it if you could name your fetish. Then, please identify the deep root cause in your list. You can then give a first hand account of your recovery. Many thanks.
  14. The Watcher

    The Watcher Fapstronaut

    but why you wanna know mine specifically ? mine is extreme ones you really don't need the details but it is growing so much in the internet now even me myself I am still trying to understand the root of my fetish and still didn't get the clear picture because it's all about the memory, I must remember events long time ago from my childhood and change them, this is not easy specially when you are alone if you ask any psychologist he will tell you about playing inside the subconscious mind by hypnotizing is one of the most powerful tool so I am trying with that now I hope I can be succeed soon
  15. I have an Asian fetish. It's not because of porn. It's a bit complicated.
  16. anewversion

    anewversion Fapstronaut

    I actually exist (or have done) in the Fetish community in my town. They believe they are a happy bunch exercising their natural sexuality.

    Again I think we are not seeing the wood from the trees.

    Depending on the individual the fetish isn't the issue. It's what impact it has on their lives. If it leads to addiction and excessive PMO then that's a problem.

    But some people are happily married have kids etc but still active participants in their Fetish communities.
  17. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    It's called a commodity fetish.
  18. Kind of. I have a thing for intelligent women. I come from a very strict household. My father compared me a lot to people my age who were leagues ahead of me in achievements and intelligence. As you can guess, most if not all of this people were Asian. So I developed a thing for Asian women.
  19. Liking or developing a "thing" for Asian women is not a fetish, surely. That is just your preference is it not? Don't sweat it.
  20. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    I am hay and I have a fetish for gay men in suits or formal wear. Is that ‘normal’?