Daily Journal

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by richardlessman, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. EverettSmith14

    EverettSmith14 Fapstronaut

  2. richardlessman

    richardlessman Fapstronaut

    Day 42: that's 6 weeks in! Life is better without PMO and I'll say it again Life is better without PMO.

    It's not easy everyday and I've felt some urges creeping in this week as I seem to have come out of flatline but the urges arn't as strong and I'm stronger than ever.

    Guys don't wait, don't put this off another day! Fight now, wake up, don't quit, there's so much at stake and your entire future is at stake. It's not going to get better so make a choice to commit to 90 days of discomfort for something that will drastically enhance the rest of your life.

    There's no going back now, it's not always going to be easy, there will be hard days but the worst day without PMO is better than your best day with it!

    Have a good weekend and I'll check in Monday morning at day 45! Halfway to 90!
  3. richardlessman

    richardlessman Fapstronaut

    Day 45:

    Feelin pretty good today. Had a fairly strong urge yesterday when I realized that somehow my K9 still wasn't fixed but spent an hour online and got my wife to reinstall it with me so everything is safe again.

    I'm lookin forward to the next 45 days! Guys stay strong because it's never ever worth it.
  4. EverettSmith14

    EverettSmith14 Fapstronaut

    Good man! Keep going. 45 days down, 45 to go. Your head should start clearing soon and urges will diminish. That's not to say there won't be bouts with really strong urges and surprise temptations...there will! Be ready! Embrace then as signs of your addition making a last strong charge at you. You can and will win.

    Keep going. Stay strong . Be prepared for the battle. At 45 days the odds have shifted to your favor.

    Keep going!

  5. perusan

    perusan Fapstronaut

    That's the truth! Well done!
  6. richardlessman

    richardlessman Fapstronaut

    Day 46:

    Hey guys Day 46 and going strong. Still facing some very strong urges but they're my own fault. I've noticed my self fantasizing some and looking too long at women from time to time and it just shows me that I still have a long way to go. I've come far but plenty of work is still to be done. I will not quit I will be more diligent and I will win this fight!

    Love you all keep going strong
  7. richardlessman

    richardlessman Fapstronaut

    Day 47: Still moving along. I'm beginning to see how many things I actually used PMO to numb myself against.

    - work stress
    - financial worry
    - Marriage tensions

    Honestly right now I'm really starting to doubt my marriage and I'm not sure if it's the brains craving for a dopamine hit and is up to something or if reality of not being numb is not what I thought it was.

    The biggest frustration for me right now is our sex life. We've always had a mediocre sex life and although there are flashes of brilliance I'm the one that initiates over 95% of the time. I understand they as a woman she had other emotional needs that are important and I feel like I do a fairly good job at that. I provide for her, I encourage her, I clean up around the house, I text her during the day, I write her love notes, bring her flowers etc. but she never seems to respond very much.

    When I flatlined I decided to try not approach her for sex at all and we went over 2 weeks with nothing and I ended up initiating after 2 weeks.

    I'm just very tired of being the one that puts in all the effort on a part of our marriage that I know is important. For instance last night I planned an incredible spontaneous date night. We went out to a romantic restaurant and when we came home I initiated sex and she said we don't have to have sex on date night. That wasn't the point of the date but I mean seriously?

    I've come to realize that with or without her this battle is mine and even if I was single I'm better off without PMO. I feel like being unnumb has awoken me to some things that improbably medicated with porn. Back in the day I would have just pmo'd and felt better now I need to deal with these things.

    Sorry to vomit everything on my journal here but I'm going to write more thoughts because I feel it helps.

    Stay strong!
  8. EverettSmith14

    EverettSmith14 Fapstronaut

    Hi Rman,

    I understand your situation. The only one who can make it better is you and your wife. No one here can help. Talk to her. For people like you and I that's the toughest thing. We are very closed when I t comes to our innermost thoughts. How do I know that ? Have you told your wife about your PMO issue? No. Because it's private. But she needs to become your true partner. You need to open up. Not all at once. It will overwhelm her. But you need to initiate it and keep it going. My wife and I went here and got the learning and tools we needed to connect on a whole new level....

    Expensive, but worth it. Make sure you go to one lead by Bob Paul. He is a great teacher and heart surgeon.

    It's good to vent like you did above but the solution is between you and your wife. My mentor gave me good advice...

    "Work harder on yourself than you do on your job." -Jim Rohn

    "Happiness is not something you pursue, it's something you attract by the person you become"

    Last edited: Aug 27, 2014
  9. perusan

    perusan Fapstronaut

    Sounds like you are going through a big wake up. And EverettSmith14's advice is good about getting counselling. It's not something I would do because I can never confess the level of deceit I have committed. But you do need to get to the bottom of her lack of response.

    One thing to remember though. You have been numb/asleep for....all of your marriage? How long has this phase been going? That will have had an affect on your wife. Is it possible that in your numb state you have made her numb to you? Or your expectations of her are warped by the affects of the P addiction?

    I know in my case that if you do not keep alive the flame of passion then that flame is hard to reignite. And expecting it to instantly reignite just because you have started being honest with yourself is not going to change the situation. It takes time to build these things up again - and being on your best behaviour is only part of it. It took some serious chats between us to get things going again.

    You are doing really well. Don't give up hope and don't give up on your wife.
  10. EverettSmith14

    EverettSmith14 Fapstronaut

    Hi Peruson, Rman, it's never too late to tell the truth. It amazes me how patient and resilient a woman can be when she loves you. My wife has had a million reasons to give up and leave... Yet she stays and helps me work through this. Not as a co addict or co dependent or any of that crap. As a women who truly loves me and can somehow understand that I am more than my addiction. That this terrible part of me is not all of me and can one day be completely expunged from my being. I have heard people say that a couple can come out of this closer than ever. I would never have believed that before, but I am seeing how it could happen now. I pray it happens for me! And you!

  11. richardlessman

    richardlessman Fapstronaut

    Day 48: guys I took another peek today. It was mere seconds and again I caught myself and literally ran but I know I got a dopamine rush from it. I don't know why this keeps happening and it's so frustrating. My brain said don't tell anyone I said f u brain I'm gonna go share the experience right now. I'm determined to beat this but these peaks that have happened about 5 times now are really annoying man. I need to be able to control this better or at some point I know it will end up being more than a peek. Any advice? I'm going away for the long weekend so hopefully some time away will help clear my head.

    Stay strong
  12. perusan

    perusan Fapstronaut

    Sounds like you are testing yourself. You are seeing how far you can go before you catch yourself. And you are testing to see what the consequences are.

    You don't have a counter so there are no consequences there. But instead I will give you a little insight into your future. If you keep peeking and testing yourself you will crack. Maybe not then, but at some unexpected point where a surprise opportunity arises. You will test yourself, but because it is different and new you will find yourself vulnerable and you will PMO.

    You will PMO if you continue to peek.

    Ask yourself this - What is the point of peeking? For someone who is quitting PMO there is no point.

    You have 48 days experience. You know what to do. Lock that shit down. :)
  13. richardlessman

    richardlessman Fapstronaut

    Hey Perusan good to hear from you man. Always so much wisdom bro. I do have a counter but it never shows when I post from my phone for some reason. Check my sig on my page. I've now added a 2nd one to keep me accountable from any peeking at all. I set it to 0 days today. I've made huge strides by not pmo ing but your right I will crack. Honestly most of the times I've peeked I intended to go all the way it was like my brain took over and the. I snapped out and was like what the hell are you doing, get a hold of yourself and quickly shut it down. I know it's such dangerous territory. Please help keep me accountable man. I will be a success story period!
  14. EverettSmith14

    EverettSmith14 Fapstronaut

    Hi Rman,

    Yes you will be a success story here. You must stop the peeking. The dopamine hit you get will only prolong your addiction and delay or destroy your progress. You know it, I know it. Tighten your computer usage. I.e. Face all computers out so there is no privacy if possible. Put some barriers back up that you may have felt could come down. This will get easier but I think the urge to "peek" will be part of this for a while.
  15. richardlessman

    richardlessman Fapstronaut

    Good morning everyone. Day 53: I'm back here after a weekend away. Looking forward to getting back on this thing with all my focus. I have been struggling immensely I haven't fallen back off but I feel close. I don't know why I ever peeked in the first place because that really messed me up. That one from Thursday lead to another this morning. It's crazy because it's so short and I'm always catching myself but it's like my brain goes onto autopilot. I feel like I'm back at square one (although I know I'm not) and am so frustrated with myself. Everything in me is now screaming PMO and it's my fault because I let my guard down. I feel like I've lost my motivation to do this but somehow haven't given in. I feel like I know in my head I need to keep fighting but my brain feels like it's won. I'm not going to give in I'm looking at this as day 1 for me.
  16. richardlessman

    richardlessman Fapstronaut

    So I made a list of reasons not to PMO this morning. Let me know your thoughts:

    1. I love Jesus and it pleases him when I stay pure
    2. Loyalty to my wife
    3. It gets easier
    4. All temptations pass
    5. It wastes time
    6. You feel horrible afterward
    7. Guilt
    8. Shame
    9. Loss of motivation
    10. Depression
    11. Lack of focus
    12. ADD
    13. Effects My relationship with my wife negatively
    14. My future kids
    15. All the people out there who I need to reach
    16. Be Authentic
    17. Self control
    18. Peace of mind
    19. Role model
    20. Leadership
    21. It gets worse
    22. It never satisfies
    23. It's sin and Christ had to die for it
    24. Already soo close
    25. Everyone who's been here before says life is so much better and it is! You've tasted it man. Don't back down.
    26. Connect on deeper levels in your relationships
    27. You've quit
    28. Don't be a Hypocrite
    29. You're not gonna go all the way anyway so you're just making things much harder for yourself.
    30. You'll be one day closer to a reset after today
    31. You've overcome other addiction before so why not this one.
    32. You spent 15 minutes making this list
    33. Your destiny depends on this
    34. You'll never get to what's next if you keep repeating the same mistake
    35. You always regret it but never regret not doing it.
    36. Man up
    36. Slavery
    37. By using you're perpetuating the same cycle. Don't add to the demand because supply dries up if demand is gone.
    38. Don't need to hide anymore
  17. richardlessman

    richardlessman Fapstronaut

    Day 1

    Yes you read it right. I PMO'd today, all I can say to everyone here is don't peek it's never worth it. I was warned and I knew myself what would happen but my brain won this one. I only have one choice get up and keep fighting. 53 days is no joke and I need to go hard. Did I take a step backwards? Definitely but I will keep fighting and move forward. Keep me in your prayers I'm expecting a chaser. You all deserve better. Here we go again day 1.
  18. richardlessman

    richardlessman Fapstronaut

    Day 2

    Feelin pretty good today. I know the urges are only gone because of yesterday and I'm going to have some tough times going forward. I've changed my counter now to just one counter that any P or edging resets it. I know that's what caused my relapse and I'm not going to make the same mistake this time around.

    Stay strong guys!
  19. scotey73

    scotey73 Guest

    Good on you for keeping on fighting. However, when you get the urge again, you must reference your own list that you made yesterday. They're all valid reasons not to PMO, or even sneak a peek. Put that list where you can access it easily. Turn to it in times of hardship.

    You can defeat this problem, my friend.
  20. richardlessman

    richardlessman Fapstronaut

    Day 3

    Holy crap it's been hard today. The chaser has basically messed me up bad but I've gotten through it. One time I searched for how to get around my phone blocker and the next time I almost went to a porn store down the street. Both times I got a hold of myself and turned back the right way. I will not give in, no peaking no bikini babes nothing. Even as I write this post I'm feeling a massive pull but take solace in the fact that it will pass. Fight hard guys, it's. Fight worth fighting