Frustrated with husband

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by Blarghen, Sep 1, 2017.

  1. Blarghen

    Blarghen Fapstronaut

    Hello, I don't use this much so please forgive whatever newness and ignorance I have :)
    I'm getting really frustrated with my husband and his porn addiction. We have been married for 5 years and so all those 5 years plus a few months of our engagement, he's been trying, or at least saying he's trying to quit using it.
    We've tried him being accountable to me, being accountable to a friend, accountable2you on all our devices, snd he's been in weekly therapy for about 6 months. Therapy helped but it was very expensive for us and he said he didn't feel like it was going to be any more beneficial, so he stopped with my ok. I asked him if he would go to group therapy or try a new therapist and he said he didn't want to for now. Today I caught him looking at it again while he was working from home. His work laptop is the one place we can't put any software on, it's not the first time I've caught him using on it so it wasn't too surprising I caught him again. But I'm not sure what else to do really.
    I'm going to ask him to try group therapy, but is there any else he should be doing? Aside from that I feel like we've tried everything. I don't know what else to do besides leave him, which I don't want to do. Am I just supposed to live with the fact that he will probably look at porn on occasion? Which for him on current behavior is probably at least every few months or so.
  2. phuck-porn!

    phuck-porn! Fapstronaut

    hi @Blarghen - sorry for your frustration. I can imagine it must be pretty severe.

    a few thoughts and questions come to mind from your post.
    1. as you no doubt know, no addiction or habit or anything is changed until the person wants to. it sounds like your husband wants to at some level - based on 6 mos of counseling and participating in the various accountability schemes you've tried. or maybe he isn't really ready yet to give it up and is doing all this to help you... impossible to know from here.
    2. using porn every few months or so would be glorious abstinence for many guys on this board. is it really that infrequent? IMO that would be amazing if he only does it every few months, and not likely indicative of an addiction. which doesn't match all the counseling - so I'm a bit confused.
    3. is his porn use affecting your relationship? many significant others(SOs)/wives report their husband rejecting them for intimate times, or he becomes more demanding in the bedroom, or the guy develops ED, or becomes significantly less attentive. is he having any of these symptoms?
    4. not to be too prying - but have you gotten to the bottom of why his watching porn "every few months" affects you so strongly that leaving him is in the mix of options right now? I'm not trying to be rude, but getting to a base emotional understanding of yourself may help you to communicate that to him. I don't even slightly mean to imply that you should be OK with it (that is entirely up to you!) or that this isn't his problem, but only that maybe being able to describe it to him fully may help.

    try reading some of the SO journals here, and then some of the guys journals too. it will give you a clearer picture of what to look for.

    this can be hard to navigate. I'm glad you've found NoFap. I'm sure some of the SOs will chime in here and give you much better advice than I ever could.

  3. Blarghen

    Blarghen Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your reply! I will check out some of the journals here, sounds like a good idea.

    To answer your questions, yes my husband has admitted that there's a part of him still holding onto it, I'm not sure where he's at with that right now, but in the past that has come up as part of the problem. I know he hates it because he hates the problems it creates for us, so that's some ambition for him to stop.
    I guess it's not that infrequent, at least right now. We talked about it tonight and he admitted he's been using his work computer that way for "way too long" when he works from home. So I guess it's mostly just weekly these days. It seems to vary but it's hard to tell because he does lie about it to me, so it's hard to get a clear picture from him how things are actually going (outside of accountability software), and to know if I should believe it or not. But I know it has improved over the years, before marriage and probably lots of times during our marriage it's been a daily problem for him.
    The porn does affect our marriage, it hurts our sex life (he wants it less, rejects me) due to it. It hurts me personally. And it kind of ties into the last question you had...
    Which I don't mind you asking, don't mind sharing personal stuff :) We are Christians, so it's a sexual sin, it's adultery against me. And it creates all those other problems that spouses of porn addicts have too, makes me feel like a rejected turd, not attractive enough, not good enough, blah. I know rationally I shouldn't tie it to me personally, he had the problem before I ever came in the picture, but it just hurts. Leaving him doesn't really feel like an option because I don't want to, I love the guy...but it comes up because I don't want to live with this in our lives anymore. And unfortunately he's brought it up in heated conversations like "well you could leave me." Not what he wants either, it's just a reoccurring and big issue in our life!
    Dr_prof likes this.
  4. Dr_prof

    Dr_prof Fapstronaut

    @Blarghen . There are several thoughts that come to mind.

    1. if you husband doesnt use a vpn to connect to work you can block the router to the main search sites.
    2. See if your service provider can block adult content directly at their end. Thats what my wife has done with me. As a result short of using a vpn, I can't look at porn on any device.
    3. There are many fellowships available to him which would be of benefit. Search for Sexaholics Anonymous (SA), Sex addicts anonymous (SAA) and Sex and love addicts anonymous (SLAA). I have been to all three over the years but find SLAA the best. However, SA and SAA tend to just be men only whereas SLAA is a mixed bag of people. I think group work is very important for him to over come porn. I find it useful to off load my stress to other like minded people who are in a similar situation.
    4. Have a look at the SOS group for significant others. That might be helpful.
    Sam_ba likes this.
  5. TalkingScum

    TalkingScum Fapstronaut

    i think that him being still hanging on is the first issue with this situation. It took me my entire marriage (11yrs) to come to that understanding. So hopefully my opinion/advice can save you the time, but he will have to be the one that has to commit.

    my SO, after the 11+ times she's caught me, read me a technique/tip to preventing relapse. It was something like: 'A relapse doesn't just happen. it doesn't just appear out of no where and ambushes you. a relapse is a conscious choice of giving in to the anticipated pleasure. The relapse actually starts hours, days, or weeks before the actual occurrence. It starts with a small thought. The thought doesn't get appropriate addressed and is entertained. The next thought may actually be accompanied by a physical urge that is not appropriately addressed but is resisted. After 2 times, it can be repeated many times, but it builds up and the mind finally gives in. All the thoughts and urges that were not properly addressed finally becomes the dominate thought and then the final urge before the act strikes. The KEY is to address the first thought. The smallest thought has to be directly addressed so it doesn't lead to or empower other thoughts.'

    This was read to me from an alcoholic recovery group, but it resonated with me completely.

    In the past, I've wanted to stop, but held onto the notion that P was my right and M was completely normal, in any amount. This always led to a relapse.

    Then the subject of porn being addictive and I may be an addict was brought up. I wanted to stop but couldn't seem to leave P out. Even though I thought I might be an addict, I still thought P was a right and M was not an issue. This always led to a relapse.

    The last time, I was convinced I was an addict. Porn was an issue for me being an addict. M was an issue because I was an addict. I went to therapy but quickly stopped b/c of costs. I went to SAA but stopped because I felt I was above it and could quit it myself. Even thought I acknowledged I was an addict and I had a problem, I never conceived that I had to change my behavior and mind. Because I was never thought that maybe all of my entertainment interests and career choices may have been influenced with my desire to have access to porn and to hide my obsession, it always led to my relapses.

    Realizing that I was depressed and self-destructive made a huge difference in how I was coping with PA.

    What I feel has helped me with my current streak:
    • acknowledging that I need to change my mind. Not entertaining thought, ideas, or fantasies. Using mindfulness techniques to let the thoughts slide by or refocus/distract my thoughts.
    • Not ogling women. Many PAs use a 2-3 second rule to keep themselves in check, but really it takes just a micro-glance to take in a view. I am currently struggling keeping my eyes from wandering below the neck. I think this will be my greatest struggle since it is so instant and habitual.
    • Joining an SLAA or SAA group. Voicing out and talking about addiction with others helps immensely. There's something to the act of speaking about the acts that forces you to objectively view yourself.
    • Changing habits to a Do'er. If there is something that needs to be done, I immediately do it. Dishes, sweeping, laundry, tasks at work. Eliminating procrastination does wonders for my mood, confidence, and focus.
    • Removing & avoiding all P-Subs and content that may lead me to think of P & P-Subs. This for me means not reading any news (filthy ads). Also includes no Sci-Fi, Anime/manga, Fantasy(genre) in book, tv, or movies. I do plan on going back to Sci-Fi & Fantasy, but probably not for years. I do still enjoy anything I can watch/read with my SO but I do not initiate it b/c I should be doing self improvement or research on how to cope with PA.

    If he can really accept that P is not a right and that he also needs to change his brain, then he can truly evaluate himself. Find his triggers. For me, it's boredom or opportunity. Those lead to my relapses. Other visual stimulation may lead to mental flashes or invasive thoughts.

    He can take it a step further and use the Accountability Software or Content Blocking services. They are great, gives peace of mind for PA's & SO's but true recovery may not be fully achieved if they are used indefinitely (still great in the beginning until comfortable). True recovery will be facing the world and all it's triggering content.

    Hopefully this helps or inspires other ways to help.
  6. MarinoBigFan1984

    MarinoBigFan1984 Fapstronaut

    I would add self awareness
  7. Sorry to be so brief and to the point (I'm having my own BAD day today), but you sound like you are experiencing betrayal trauma, and he sounds like a typical PA. You both need therapy for your issues. No two ways about it. If he is in denial, he needs intervention. You need to take care of yourself A LOT!
    phuck-porn! and anewhope like this.
  8. TalkingScum

    TalkingScum Fapstronaut

    I think ALL SO's experience betrayal trauma AND its not their fault. THEY ARE A VICTIM and what's worse is that they love, care for, and wish to support the same person that has and often continue to assault them.

    SO's need to give them selves much more slack for the way they feel BECAUSE they have every right to. Everyone else needs to acknowledge the SOs often have it much harder that the PA during recovery.
  9. Queen_Of_Hearts_13

    Queen_Of_Hearts_13 Fapstronaut

    This!^^^ Amazing!
    anewhope and Deleted Account like this.
  10. Blarghen

    Blarghen Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much!
  11. Blarghen

    Blarghen Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the ideas! I'll find out if he uses a vpn for work, I think he likely does. Only thing is I wouldn't know what to block, every time I've ever seen the websites he uses it's ALWAYS something different. And do you know if comcast can block content? They're such a massive pain the in the butt they don't seem helpful.
    He says he's going to try a SAA group, my only concern is just that he's really only doing it for me. I think he's pretty much always done it mostly for me. Then he'll probably hate it and drop out.
    KevinesKay likes this.
  12. Blarghen

    Blarghen Fapstronaut

    I wish we could afford therapy! We tried to but it pretty much depleted our savings.
  13. Dr_prof

    Dr_prof Fapstronaut

    @Blarghen See if your service provider can block at their end. then you won't have to worry about individual sites. Much easier. SAA is great. if he goes more than once he's doing it for himself.
  14. Blarghen

    Blarghen Fapstronaut

    I spent a little bit of time reading some of the spouses journals on here and it was kind of disheartening, maybe this should have it's own thread, but are there success stories out there? Are there addicts that have spent a year or more away from porn of any kind, that are able to just not entertain those thoughts anymore? I'm sure I could look around this forum to find out.
    I used to think my husband was going to overcome this problem within the first year of our marriage, then I thought we just needed a few other things to help and it'd be over soon enough..and I just don't have much hope anymore. Porn is so very readily available and at everyone's fingertips.
    He has told me before that if I took away all his technology he'd probably find a way to start getting cash and buy a cheap tablet that he would hide, and/or spend time at strip clubs. And from there I'm sure it's a slippery slope into other scary relationship wrecking things. I don't know how much I have left in me to keep this up unfortunately. I'm so tired of feeling betrayed. Beyond that he's such a good man.
  15. anewhope

    anewhope Fapstronaut

    I'm very sorry you are suffering this pain. There is a lot of useful information on this site so I do recommend you look through the forums, particularly the partner support. Three observations I would make:

    1. There are no quick fixes - for his addiction, for your hurt or for the damage inflicted on the relationship. It will take time and be a rocky road.
    2. For him to succeed he must be truly committed to giving up porn forever. This, for most addicts, is the most difficult mental step and I don't think he has taken it yet. Stupid though it sounds, quitting porn can feel like a bereavement to a long term user. A part of them just doesn't want to let go.
    3. Open communication is a must to rebuilding the trust. You must both be able to talk regularly about your feelings in a blame-free way. Others here have recommended FANOS as a good basis for this.
    I wish you the best of luck. I hope your faith provides you with strength and comfort along the way.

  16. Oh, sorry to hear that. Thankfully, there is a lot of free resources online nowadays. There are numerous websites and books you can read and get great benefit from them. Some online help costs, but very little.
    - I use a lot for my betrayal trauma (costs $10 a month to become a member). They have a huge video blog library on their forum and many useful courses for partners of SA/PAs.
    - They also have a program for PAs on, but I'm not part of it.
    - This site has excellent blog too
    - This YT playlist has good info too
    - Another site with some good info and free resources
    - The "classic"
    - A great site FOR YOU to feel better right away :) I love this woman!!!
    - My goodreads list (not complete and not only on PA/SA stuff, but some good books on the topic)
    - My post with two videos your husband should watch:
    And there are hundreds, if not thousands more. Some SOs have lists of resources in their journals too. I just gave a sample here.
  17. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut
    My SO is a year plus PM free.
    So is @AnonymousAnnaXOXO

    These are his Lists for getting better.
    His tools he created.
    Anna, I'm sure can link her resources too for faster access... Tho they are also on the thread.
    I can link you to the success stories forum also.
    Blarghen and anewhope like this.
  18. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

  19. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    This is Awesome!
    Thank you for the links!
    I love when we all share stuff :)
  20. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Blarghen and anewhope like this.