Who here has poor impulse control?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by UnholyConfessor, Jun 22, 2023.

  1. I don't just mean with regards to PMO, but in general. I'd consider my self-control to be generally pretty good apart from my addiction to PMO but I often find myself craving junk food, wanting to spend money on frivolous purchases, things like that. Most of the time I don't give in but it's hard to deal with sometimes. Seems to get worse when I don't PMO for a few days.

    On the flipside, I sometimes wonder if I'm too hard on myself. I'm thin and relatively fit so it's not like I'm addicted to food. I'm positively miserly and have money so it's not like I'm bankrupting myself if I treat myself every now and then. I'd like to find a compromise between being disciplined and not living every day like a monk who isn't allowed to have fun. It's a struggle.
    Brain-Police, Leanmaxxing and Meshuga like this.
  2. Leanmaxxing

    Leanmaxxing Fapstronaut

    I do and I agree with struggling with the balance thing. It’s either I’m bored af from abstaining or I’m hopelessly addicted to my vices.
  3. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    HAHAHAHAHA you have ADD.

    Seriously. You described me to a t, and every single one of those characteristics have been attributed to my ADD. Consider yourself fairly well controlled despite evidence to the contrary, citing all the times you don’t give in? Yeah, your impulse control is excellent thanks to a lifetime of coping, but normal people don’t have as much impulse to even deal with in the first place.
    Gets worse after a few days of no PMO? That’s because ADD is a dopamine deficiency, PMO is a dopamine overdose. When you abstain a few days, your brain starts freakin’ out, knows it needs the dope, begs for it in any form possible. It’s not its fault either, dopamine is not evil and most people get plenty of it from normal interactions and activities throughout the day. A person with ADD has fewer receptors, and those get occupied by cortisol and other neuro-chemicals that fit those receptors better. That means you spend more time feeling stressed and less feeling satisfied than your average human being. If they were somehow transplanted into your body, they couldn’t handle it, they’d be a wreck, they’d be astonished you have the personal discipline and mental fortitude to live the way you do.
    I don’t know about you, I don’t know if ADD has a link with metabolism, but I also straight up forget to eat. Odds are you are hard on yourself because you have to be, in order to function in some semblance of normalcy, especially in this modern environment where televisions, social media, advertisements, algorithms, everything is designed to exacerbate your symptoms and make even people who don’t have ADD behave as if they do, with ultra-short attention spans, and easy distractibility. And finally, I also have a thing about never spending money, because I know otherwise I’d always spend the money and then I wouldn’t have any for things that are worthwhile, and by the way, I developed all of these idiosyncrasies long before I was diagnosed with ADD. People with it are prone to addiction, roughly 30% of addicts, from drugs to gambling to sex (porn being considered a variation of sex addiction) have ADD. You probably also struggle with time management.

    It’s okay, you don’t have to do anything about it. I don’t, for reasons I won’t bore you with. Just in answer to your actual question, yes, I deal with all of that and I have that unifying yet powerfully unsatisfactory answer as to why.
    luxtorpeda and Brain-Police like this.
  4. What do you do to deal with it?
  5. This is something I've considered before but it's hard for me to tell if it's actually that, or just the symptoms of PMO addiction aping ADHD symptoms.

    That may be true but to be fair to myself I genuinely do think I have good self control. Whether it's due to years of building mental discipline or what I can't say but I very rarely give in to negative impulses. Even when I PMO I very rarely binge. When I don't PMO for a long time the impulses weaken.

    I don't. My appetite fluctuates but I don't ever forget to eat.

    Alright, I'll admit this describes me very well. My behind the scenes reason for this thread was I'm getting tempted to spend a fair bit of money on some videogames I want to buy on sale. Just to be clear, I absolutely can afford to do so and I'm not in a position where there is any real downside to doing so beside the possibility the games may end up being not worth it (which really is the case for literally anything) and the general anxiety I get when spending money on anything for any reason beyond a certain threshold.

    Depends on what you mean by time management. I'd actually consider my time overly regimented but I don't do that for vague reasons, I actually need to (I won't go into why but believe me it's not a stupid reason). I suppose I sometimes get so invested in the things I'm doing that I lose track of time, but not to the extent anything bad comes of it. I'm talking working past a self-imposed deadline on something because I'm enjoying it.
    Brain-Police likes this.
  6. Leanmaxxing

    Leanmaxxing Fapstronaut

    Well, I’ve been addicted to porn and weed for the past decade and it’s been unfulfilling. It’s the reason I joined the forum.
    I’m gonna be sober and try to accept the boredom of life without these vices and seek doing productive things to be fulfilled. I think vices are short term distractions from an unfulfilling lifestyle. So I’m gonna make a change.
    Brain-Police likes this.
  7. Yeah that does seem like the best bet. I'm like that with PMO, I don't think the sexual aspect is even the appeal anymore, it's the fact my brain finds it exciting.
    Brain-Police and Leanmaxxing like this.
  8. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    I supposedly have ADHD-PI, once called ADD, and I struggle with impulse control. I remember being taken to a counselor when I was 12 or so and he said "you're impulsive and that's dangerous." They ended up sending me to a shrink who diagnosed me with ADD and prescribed me Adderall. What did I do with it? Abuse it, of course, because that's what impulsive people do. I've mellowed out with age and I don't abuse drugs anymore.
    Brain-Police likes this.
  9. How do you abuse Adderall if you actually have ADHD? I thought it only worked like that if a non-ADHD haver takes it?
    Meshuga likes this.
  10. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    You’ve hit on the problems with the diagnosis. There isn’t a blood draw, spinal tap, CT, or MRI that can show ADD. It’s just a cluster of symptoms, and it’s even normal behavior. Everyone loses focus, everyone procrastinates, everyone gets caught up in what they are doing and loses track of time. It’s just, supposedly, people with ADD do it more. However, if you have it you’ve always had it and you’ve learned to compensate, so you can generally do a lot of things really well and the things you don’t do well, you have justifications for. They get you either way, it’s like a witch hunt. If they decide you have ADD, you have ADD and there’s nothing you can do to prove otherwise.

    I don’t care if you or I or anyone has it, or if it’s even a real thing. I’d always thought I had personality quirks, but nobody’s perfect and that included me, and there were some things I needed to work on. Turns out a lot of people have to work on the same things, so instead of patting us on the head and saying “Well bless your heart, I’ll pray for you,” they say “Unacceptable” and shove amphetamines down your craw. The only reason I mentioned it at all was to say, you’re not alone and it seems like you match this, so if you do have it it might explain a lot and you can take comfort in the fact that your flaws aren’t just because you’re a terrible human being, some could be attributed to the fact that you’re fighting up a steeper grade than normal. It’s why you got addicted to porn while your friend just uses it once or twice a week.

    And because I have poor impulse control. Not about certain things. I have a rule about never buying stuff at the checkout aisle, for instance, or not starting a new book until I finish the first one. I never thought I had poor impulse control, I actually think of impulsivity as a vice and have a lot of contempt for it. But I have blind spots, like responding to message boards, and I do hate that about myself.
    Brain-Police likes this.
  11. I'd probably never go down the route of trying to be diagnosed for anything like this because I don't want to take pills unless I absolutely have to. The poor impulse control I describe (or really I should say urges or cravings, considering I rarely give in to them) is hardly debilitating and it's more annoying than anything else. Overthinking is a bigger issue for me and this is tied into it.
    Brain-Police and Meshuga like this.
  12. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    By taking too much...
  13. That's not what I meant, but nevermind.
  14. Onceagain2.0

    Onceagain2.0 Fapstronaut

    I have terrible impulse control so much so that i have been diagnosed with adhd. adhd cause poor impulse control .

    i also have very high testosterone it was something like 1100 ng dl when i was 30 so it must have been wtf knows what when i was a teenager probably 1400 1500 . which has been shown to cause impulsive behaviour as well. very hyper restless teenager

    so yes being impulsive is a life long struggle for me.
    Brain-Police likes this.
  15. Brain-Police

    Brain-Police Fapstronaut

    I have terrible impulse control with junk food, and especially pmo.
    Luckily my spending habits have been knocked to the curb, but as I get older, it gets harder to control myself.
    I go to therapy and meditate and work out to help keep my urges under control
  16. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    The key is motivation. But sometimes it is present and strong but it can evaporate in any second. It's hard to build it. Some people say you need "big why" but it's easier said than done. When the mood is "wrong" (it's hard to explain), the frontal part of the brain stops thinking and urges rule.
    Brain-Police likes this.
  17. I didn't know high testosterone could cause poor impulse control. Interesting.
    Brain-Police likes this.
  18. Other than PMO, for me the big one is spending money. Or I should say the URGE to spend money. I get tempted to eat junk food too and do eat a lot but I try to make sure if I do overeat it's at least healthier options.
    Brain-Police likes this.
  19. Brain-Police

    Brain-Police Fapstronaut

    Ain't that the truth.
    Lately, my reward center and my decision making center of my brain have been at odds and my constant urge for addiction has been winning.
    My moods definitely are an indicator of the likelihood that im gunna relapse.

    I spend most of my money on junk food.
    That's what fucks me up.
    I don't open the app for Amazon if i can help it, stay away from my favorite websites where i buy media like movies or CDs, and that for me makes it easy
  20. I have that problem too, checking sites over and over and over. I find if I don't do it the impulse fades quite quickly.
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