What the hell happened to the Heirs of the Sun group?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Apr 1, 2017.

  1. https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?groups/heirs-of-the-sun.2/

    I remember when I first joined they were the biggest group on this website. The most members, the most group views and the most activity. The group itself alone was three times more as active as the whole nofap.com forum! I joined it too and stayed there for a while. But then I left forum for few months and when I come back I joined again and it was half dead. Now I checked "Groups" tab again today and now it is completely dead now. I'm just curious what happened? Surely a thing does not flip the belly over like that for not reason. :emoji_confused:
    Whackless likes this.
  2. Apothecarist

    Apothecarist Fapstronaut

    they worshiped the sun , so it burned them . simple
  3. Whackless

    Whackless Fapstronaut

    What do you mean it's dead? There's still 20 souls bunkered up in their Barracks!! :emoji_sunrise: PRAISE THE SUN! :emoji_sunrise_over_mountains:
  4. Whackless

    Whackless Fapstronaut

    They mainly use Telegram. They are a very close knit group. That's all. (I once belonged on here and Telegram, even on Reddit but no more). People were excited over connecting more intimately in a group setting with users they viewed as being more 'serious' about recovery.

    Some of the antics on the forum from people less than committed to quitting PMO helped make burrowing down into a bunker barracks and becoming soldiers with a ranking system and group inspired by the Demon's Souls video game appealing I guess. Or is that from Dark Souls lol sorry not a gamer but here check this out this looks like their logo:

    Looks like Dark Souls oops!
    LegendaryToast likes this.
  5. Whackless

    Whackless Fapstronaut

    I mean not their own artwork logo someone in the group drew! Could have sworn I saw Dark Souls artwork attached to their group somewhere...
  6. I haven't see any of those members posting in forum for months, seems like dead accounts to me. But that doesn't even matter, what matters is that there is zero events and zero posts on group forum.
    So do you know about how many people are there now active? Around handful? What a drop! And I guess they all went somewhere else huh? So they are no more a nofap group are they? I remember there were like hundreds of members in a group. They had constant events and challenges to rise up the ranks. Battles with reddit users or some shit like that. Everybody who wanted to join was welcome to fight PMO in a fun role playing kind of way. Then some members left the site and some straight up deleted their nofap accounts.
  7. Whatever happened to that King Solatire guy lol
  8. Good riddance. Being spammed with invites, clogged forums regarding "welcome heir" to a new recruit every five minutes, and senior members with a superiority complex got old quick.
  9. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    The changes in the group format due to a website update (not being able to approve or add more members, old posts disappearing, ect.) made it difficult to use groups. I know because the same thing happened to a group I'm admin of and I've been in conversation with a Heirs admin. However, with the changes came the ability to start private forums in groups, with the same look as the main forums but only accessible by group members. That's solved almost all the issues for the significant others group. However the admin of the heirs group is having difficulties launching the forums in that group.