This is the way... walk in it

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Deleted Account, Dec 6, 2020.

  1. Today marks 35 full days without porn, masturbation or orgasm. Without a doubt I’ve noticed significant change in just this short time. No nut November was the greatest motivator I could have experienced to get back on track again.

    What I’ve noticed is that I’m calmer and a good bit more accepting of my current singleness status to the point that.... I really don’t care for the first time in years. Which is so freeing!!!

    I definitely “feel” more my emotions. Both good and bad feel more real. I still get overwhelmed at times (ADHD overwhelm is not going to go away just by quitting porn) but I find my self so excited just to be alive. Simple walks with my new puppy are fun. Watching other people laugh and carry on and be happy makes me happy. Constant existential dread is gone. I’m not depressed at where my life is going!

    For the first time in years I can see other couples together and not feel disgusted by them, and disgusted with myself for being an addict.

    I feel more masculine. Grew out my facial hair. I roll my shoulders back and walk tall and confident when I’m walking around.

    overall I feel more masculine and more in control of my emotions. No girls aren’t magically attracted to me, but I’m learning to make friends with girls without having that thought of dating then just because the are a woman.

    My relationship with Christ has grown as well. I draw closer to his perfection so I can make up for my own brokenness.

    I still get tempted but I fully intend to knock out 55 more days!
    And then beyond that who knows !!
  2. Rock on, buddy! I'm happy for your success!
  3. Phil 3:12-16

    Phil 3:12-16 Fapstronaut

    Hi there!

    Yes, being able to be happy for other couples despite being single myself is a change I noticed too on my journey :)

    Thanks for sharing. And thanks be to God, eh.

    Btw, I feel like I should say... on previous streaks of mine, when I've been making great strides with the help of God and others, it's precisely at those 'high' moments that my own weakness would suddenly come back really strong, and also the devil would want to try and mess up all the good progress. So keep vigilant. It's not that we have to fear, because truly God is love and mercy, and He is far more powerful than our own weakness and the devil. But just to stay aware.

    I find it helpful to try to focus on positive things, on things I am grateful for, and also on ways to be friendly. That's instead of overthinking whatever problems I have. I admit I don't always do those well, but when I do, I have a better sense of reality, and it makes me better able to manage urges. Going by your post, it seems like you are also getting a better sense of reality and friendship. Inspires me to keep going!

    maoskiii and Weldin like this.
  4. Yeah man feels good! Gonna keep it up and fight those urges man. They come and go but change is permanent !
  5. Man that advice is sound. The times of greatest weakness is often set in our pride! It’s true man the urges haven’t gone away and are easier to deal with but they pop up in different ways. “Just peak it’s no biggie” “one time won’t kill you” these are lies from the enemy!
    Yeah man friendships are better and communication is getting easier. Talking to girls as people and not objects is probably the slowest change but I’m working on it.
    Keep up the fight man I’ll do the same
    Phil 3:12-16 likes this.
  6. It’s been nearly 6 months since I posted in my journal so I feel like it’s time to post again. I’m back on covenant eyes, it’s day 5 and I’m currently doing weighted chinups. Feels so good post workout. Working hard trying to focus on Christ. Hopping off Instagram and Facebook for a bit to see what happens. Lifting 3x a week with StrongLifts. Excited to see I’m getting stronger every workout. Gonna have my first cookout at my house sometime soon.
    Big changes.
    Ramski89 likes this.
  7. Ramski89

    Ramski89 Fapstronaut

    Reading this kind of story is so inspiring. To see someone succeeding and making progess with their nofap journey is highly reassuring. That if others can do it. There is no reason that I can't do it. Keep it up, brother. :) I'm 32 years old, living in Canada EST.
    Si bolang, Keli and Phil 3:12-16 like this.
  8. Right on man. I’m shooting for 90 this time I’ve it 40 and 60, it’s time to go all the way. Gonna lift my way to freedom.
  9. You can do it bro. I’ve made it far before this time we’re gonna go to the freaking moon.
  10. greatvortex

    greatvortex Fapstronaut

    Cherish your happiness. Don't break the streak you've started.
  11. Double digits today fellas. It’s day 10 and I’m horny as hell. Would be easy to fail if i didn’t wanna succeed. Gonna keep my dog close by. Be hard to screw up with him in bed with me