The News Needs to Talk About Something Else Other Than Brett Kavanaugh.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by RobinCoenBrosFan, Sep 24, 2018.

  1. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Sure, but the United States doesn't have a Democracy, we don't have Mob rule. The founders were genius with this and we have a Constitutional Democratic Republic.
  2. Meditation Monk

    Meditation Monk Fapstronaut

  3. This is all going to backfire horribly on Democrats. So what's going on with the Kavanaugh thing is good! There's no evidence that Kavanaugh did anything, and how could there be after 35 years. Anything else that is brought up during the "trial" is irrelevant. The shit show that is going on is only serving to wake up all of the Trump supporters and independents who are sick of this bullshit. We've been hearing about how there's going to be a "blue wave" in November. That's not going to happen. The Republicans are going to keep the Senate and the House. All because the Democrats and liberals are overplaying their hand. They have made Kavanaugh in to a sympathetic character. Now Trump is going around to rallies talking about how "unfair" Democrats have been to Kavanaugh. It is the same strategy that helped him win the Presidency. Democrats are playing right in to his and Republicans' hands. People are going to say "Trump is bad, but the Democrats are worse". And that's what happened in 2016.
  4. Dafuq you on about? If you want to get a law passed all you need is majority in the House and the Senate and you're done. What else is there?

    So you don't really care what the truth is, you're just treating this as a political marketing issue? I thought only the parties would look at it that way and the populace would be interested in getting a good judge.

    Guess I was wrong. The virus of tribalism spreads quicker than dengue. This two party insanity will kill you yanks eventually unless you kill it first.
  5. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    USA Presidents arent elected on majority vote; we have the Electoral College. Otherwise Presidents would be bitch ass leftist pick all the time.
  6. Nigga you trippin'. We didn't talk about electing the President. You said there's resistance to Trump and I said that there's no resistance in Congress which is what counts.

    Also, Clinton isn't a leftist and the Democrats are not left-wing, they're centrists obsessed with identity politics. The only leftie you came close to electing is Sanders.
  7. I suppose you're right. The rules of the game have changed. You either play, or you die!
  8. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Nigga, you're the one tripping. Point is the USA is NOT a Democracy! We're a Republic. leftists would rather us do away with Capitalism all the way. Centrists? LOL, surely you're clueless. democrats are ruled by Super far leftwing in these modern times. If JFK were alive today, he'd be burned at the stake today by leftists and called a Racist and Bigot White Male.
    LEPAGE likes this.
  9. I see... you're insane. We did learn something today after all.
  10. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    You're a bit behind on the state of American politics, but you don't live here in the USA so maybe that's a factor.
  11. RobinCoenBrosFan

    RobinCoenBrosFan Fapstronaut

    For some reason, I didn’t expect my discussion thread (which was just me venting) to go this deep TBH. But I think this statement is spot-on, if anything (minus the n-word).