***The Gratitude Attitude Challenge***

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by BushidoWarrior, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. LoyalKnight

    LoyalKnight Fapstronaut

    I am finally back from my 2-week vacation. I had many setbacks, but after all, Finland was a great lesson for me. It improved me a lot as a person, and I glad to be back here. Every one of you is awesome, and we all need each other. United, we are strong! Try to break 10 sticks separated, and you'll manage. Bind them together and try to break them, no one can!

    1. I am grateful for conquering another day!
    2. I am grateful that school is starting on the morrow! My 6 break summer vacation is over.
    3. I am grateful for this forum!
    4. I am grateful for everyone here. United, we are strong!
    5. I am grateful for continuing my habits with great joy.
    6. I am grateful for killing envy and jealously and hatred for ever!
    7. I am grateful for my gym visit today. It was hard to lift because of my diet, but I did it!
    8. I am grateful that I got 3 soccer referee games for after 2 weeks!
    9. I am grateful for the social interactions and conversations I had in Finland!
    10. I am grateful for my holiday trip. It was awesome. Despite the many relapses, I can say safely that I enjoyed every second of it! (except the ones were I looked to P and relapsed, lol)
    11. I am grateful for being alive and active.
    12. I am grateful that my brain fog is over.
    13. I am grateful for the country I live in, Germany! Everything is so affordable and cheap here!
    14. I am grateful that I'll go to bed quite soon. Once more, it is great to be back. See you all on the morrow, good night to everyone. Stay safe and sound!
  2. redcoat7

    redcoat7 Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful for my amazing wife

    2. I'm grateful for music

    3. I'm grateful for friends that care about me
  3. mhanson1984

    mhanson1984 Fapstronaut

    Today I'm grateful for:

    1. The wonderful life I have.

    2. For my awesome little girl.

    3. My coworkers.
  4. max9292

    max9292 Fapstronaut

    I am grateful because even if on Monday I relapsed, I didn't depress and decide to carry on reboot process.
    I am grateful for the beautiful present my brother sent me from Spain.
    I am grateful to my friend always ready to listen to me.
    I am grateful my parents had a fine holiday.
    I am grateful to all people believe in me.
  5. Anonymous101_

    Anonymous101_ Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful for starting my 2nd streak of no PMO.
    2. I'm grateful for going to Gym daily.
    3. I'm grateful for learning the value of nofap.
  6. Ran-man

    Ran-man Fapstronaut

    Grateful for God
    Grateful to have 14 days as of noon today
    Grateful for the patience of my wife
    Grateful for all of you
    Grateful for NoFAP and for my sponsor who introduced me to this online fellowship
  7. Ran-man

    Ran-man Fapstronaut

    Keep going @101
  8. vikingwarrior

    vikingwarrior Fapstronaut

    Today I am thankful for:
    Being alive.
    Having a family.
    Able to use my legs and take a walk.
  9. microsmurfen

    microsmurfen Fapstronaut

    I am grateful to finishing the graveyard book. I give it a 3 of 5.
    I am grateful for becoming better at my work. It more effortless and the time pass so fast.
    I am grateful to bring more balance in my life. More Zen. Big mind Big heart. The spirital part and the human part together. The Apex.
    I am also grateful for Holosync. Guys check this out :)
  10. Mavricko

    Mavricko Fapstronaut

    1. To have been born
    2. For what I have achieved
    3. To have lasted as long as I have so far.
  11. SaapKaBaap

    SaapKaBaap Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful that I didn't gave up today.
    2. I am grateful for gaining weight, without doing any exercise. May be my metabolism rate has slowed or may be I am not doing anything productive. [I feel the latter is responsible]
    3. I am grateful for helping my best friend & having lunch together.
    4. I am grateful for being positive.
    5. I am grateful for being in abundance and prosperity.
    6. I am grateful for all the glares I got today.
    7. I am grateful for the feeling of being wanted. [Having a proper posture helps one's case immensely - Slowly started to realized that]
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2017
  12. I am also back to nofap, everyone who doesn't believe in nofap is just an idiot, cause nofap feels awesome. :D

    So and i also have to say that i LOVE this tread, how often do we forget to be thankful? We just think that everything is normal, but i don't like to live like this, because it is not (everything normal). I want to be/am thankful for every single thing in our world.

    I am thankful for every single day on this beautiful planet. :)
    I am thankful for Justin Bieber. He inspired me a lot and i love his music. <3
    And i am thankful for challenges and uncomfortable situations, because they help me to grow and become more confident.

    And i am looking forward to the next days. I'm still at the start of nofap. And I hope to keep living like this and never fall back to PMO again.

    There is soooo much, for that you can be thankful for. It's not even a challenge. But i will still be doing this, cause it supports you to be positive. ;)
  13. axc18

    axc18 Fapstronaut

    1) I'm grateful that hurricane Harvey didn't do very much damage to my house. I have friends whose houses got tons of water in them, and I'm glad that didn't happen to mine.
    2) I'm grateful to be part of a community that helps each other when bad things happen
    3) I'm grateful for smartphones and how they so easily connect us to other people around the entire world
  14. Anonymous101_

    Anonymous101_ Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful for completing another day without PMO.
    2. I'm grateful for my healthy diet.
    3. I'm grateful for my family.
    1. I'm grateful for hitting 21,000 subscribers on YouTube today.
    2. I'm grateful for winning $20 in a giveaway today, my second ever time winning something (my first ever time was $120 like a few weeks ago in another giveaway) and the continued abundance I've been experiencing lately in all areas of my life.
    3. I'm grateful that a friend also sent me $30 today.
    4. I'm grateful for Bitcoin's continued rise in price. $4,684 per BTC currently at the time of me typing this.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 31, 2017
    LoyalKnight and SaapKaBaap like this.
  15. vikingwarrior

    vikingwarrior Fapstronaut

    I'm thankful for:
    Having food in my stomach.
    Done a awesome shoulder workout.
    Enjoying some swedish snus ;).
  16. SaapKaBaap

    SaapKaBaap Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful that I didn't gave up.
    2. I am grateful for being in abundance and prosperity.
    3. I am grateful for the month of August, though my progress have some what been slumped. Not so happy, but do feel little joy in regards to not 'M' this month.
    4. I am grateful for being alive and well.
    5. I am grateful for my mom & dad.
    LoyalKnight likes this.
  17. LoyalKnight

    LoyalKnight Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for conquering another day!
    2. I am grateful for finishing my habits - feels great!
    3. I am grateful for my routine.
    4. I am grateful for helping people, even to earn money. I get nothing in return - but feeling other people simply feels GREAT!
    5. I am grateful for Spotify.
    6. I am grateful that I realized that I should have visited the gym today, despite the fact that I am cutting. It became a part of me - visiting the gym regularly !
    7. I am grateful for my plans!
    8. I am grateful for reading books. 30mins per day AT LEAST!
    9. I am grateful for my cutting diet. Under 1800kcal today, that's great!
    10. I am grateful for consuming 175g of protein with just under 1800kcal!
    11. I am grateful for all of the new people here. It motivates me to see that there are so many new people, that NoFap is growing throughout the world. You all shall now: Never give up. I am going NoFap for one year now, and I can say that it completely re-shaped my life. I had many ups, and many downs. Believe in yourself, victory shall be yours! I am confident that you will suceed.
    12. I am grateful that I am going to sleep quite soon. So, good night everyone, stay safe and sound!
    SaapKaBaap likes this.
  18. axc18

    axc18 Fapstronaut

    1) grateful for air conditioning on hot days
    2) grateful for music as a means of emotional expression
    3) grateful for media forms that get you to think deeply about things
    LoyalKnight, SaapKaBaap and Ran-man like this.
  19. Ran-man

    Ran-man Fapstronaut

    Grateful for no PMO for 16 days as of 12 Noon ..
    Grateful to God
    Grateful that we are going camping this weekend
    Grateful to be of service !
    Grateful for you all
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2017