The Batman Challenge - Can You Get Rid of a Bomb?

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Batty Belfry, Jul 13, 2020.

Will you become the Batman?

  1. Become? I am the Batman!

    96 vote(s)
  2. No, I don't mind being an orphan.

    1 vote(s)
  3. Maybe. I will keep training as Robin.

    21 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. AestheticAstronaut

    AestheticAstronaut New Fapstronaut

    I have reached day 15 of my NoFap journey. It was not easy by any means. I felt a brain fog on most days, I had to use major discipline and self-control. But I had my personal reasons why I couldn't quit and they helped me persevere. I now feel like I am healing from porn slightly.

    The Batman Challenge Rank: Alfred Pennyworth. @Batty Belfry

    I am not alone. I will become Batman.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2022
    Person_Need_To_Change likes this.
  2. Person_Need_To_Change

    Person_Need_To_Change Fapstronaut

    You've got it king
    AestheticAstronaut likes this.
  3. Person_Need_To_Change

    Person_Need_To_Change Fapstronaut

    Day 7,8,9 Completed, I feel like shit not because of NoFap but because of the urges. but I don't and won't let myself to my dick to control me
  4. Person_Need_To_Change

    Person_Need_To_Change Fapstronaut

    Day 15+ Completed, specifically 17 days. I should admit it, it wasn't easy.
    I'm now Alfred Pennyworth. My importance in Batman World is increasing.
    @Batty Belfry

    Sure there was some frustration. sometimes urges made me watch some teasing videos(Not proud of it at all).but I didn't fapped and as I sat my goal to No PMO I consider this a setback , I'm not resetting my day counter but I put this as reminder for myself that I decided to quit Porn,Masturbation and Orgasm. I need to get focused
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2022
    afterdark likes this.
  5. Person_Need_To_Change

    Person_Need_To_Change Fapstronaut

    @Batty Belfry . I've put too much effort in this challenge. I want to see my name in the Alfred Pennyworth title please
  6. Person_Need_To_Change

    Person_Need_To_Change Fapstronaut

    After a long ass painful journey, After a 30 days of hell. Finally I can say I succeeded

    '' Bruce Wayne ''

    @Batty Belfry
  7. day 0 robin
    Person_Need_To_Change likes this.
  8. Person_Need_To_Change

    Person_Need_To_Change Fapstronaut


    I'm happy you took the decision, I'm sure you got this

    here's some advices that LITERALLY CHANGED MY NOFAP ATTEMPTS :

    1- You Won't Succeed In NoFAP Until You Don't Consider Fapping As An Option
    (I was saying to myself "hey, sleep early cuz we all know what happens after 12:00AM.If You Didn't Sleep You Will Fap"... I was considering fapping as an option can cause loss.) I made fapping to my mind as killing someone or torturing kids .. like nobody has the urges to do such things cuz people simply don't consider those crimes as an option .

    2- Be active on this website a lot , use the panic button A LOT .

    3-know that you're on the right way

    4- Remember that these killing urges and fucking painful feelings ends after day 20 I think ... *these days are painful as hell because they are the receiving mental and physical retreatment , and taking back control over your body and your dick


    Finally, I can't say how I feel after those painful 20 days , everybody knows me can say . I become the man I always dreamt to be ,I'm not kidding or overacting . everything improved (social skills - discipline - love - relationships)

    would you prefer being like 99% of men (losers) that hairy stomach fat ass donating to female streamers and sex webcams kinda men , or join self improvement community

    I know your answer , welcome here king
    Percy_Jackson+ likes this.
  9. thanks man for all the kind words and advice your right on the fact is going to be hard that's why I joined this forum so guys like you help me and as well I like to help others.
    Recently its been good since I just organized my goals(which I would love to keep it private)
    I also cleaned my room which feels much better considering it doesn't smell bad anymore

    Put anyway man thanks for putting your writing this to help me.
    Person_Need_To_Change likes this.
  10. Person_Need_To_Change

    Person_Need_To_Change Fapstronaut

    After a solid 42 days of noFap.

    Sadly, I have to say I failed but there's good news . I'm alive

    I'm getting back to the right way , and I made my decision
    again and proudly


    robin again
    a new journey begins...
    Percy_Jackson+ likes this.
  11. the good thing of each try it gets longer put regardless 42 days is long
    Person_Need_To_Change likes this.
  12. Person_Need_To_Change

    Person_Need_To_Change Fapstronaut

    thanks man for the motivation . I hope we all achieve our goals
  13. LLOYYD

    LLOYYD Fapstronaut

    I have been deciding and I guess I will start today.

    I'm in.

    Day 0 - Robin
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2022
    Percy_Jackson+ likes this.
  14. LLOYYD

    LLOYYD Fapstronaut

  15. LLOYYD

    LLOYYD Fapstronaut

  16. LLOYYD

    LLOYYD Fapstronaut

  17. LLOYYD

    LLOYYD Fapstronaut

  18. Batty Belfry

    Batty Belfry Fapstronaut

    I want to address a mindset and plan I've adopted and realized during my hiatus.

    There's a string of moments when after you stop pursuing PMO, you stop pursuing women. It's a catch-22 also: you are both attracted and indifferent towards women. Your blinders are off and your discernment is on, vetting for the right people in your life. It would be unfortunate to choose a women that isn't attracted or interested in you as much as you are. That person isn't for you and it could be for any reason you have or they have. First impressions matter, but so do the other impressions; sometimes it takes a short or long time to see who is right for you.

    It's best not to overthink this as you prioritize what matters to you and move in the direction of what matters.

    I had to remember:
    • Doing things for me is a love you cannot find anywhere else except from you.
    • Doing things for me ensures that I love who I am and who I become.
    • Doing things for me respects myself even when no one else does.
    • Doing things for me is not selfish, it is self-sufficient.
    We are all on this path to be free from our burdens, our unnecessary sufferings.
    Let us stop the self-flagellation and welcome our own individuality and skills to support ourselves and each other.

    I am with you.
  19. afterdark

    afterdark Fapstronaut

    Hi @Batty Belfry I would like to join this challenge. Starting today.
    Batty Belfry likes this.