The 14 Step Program for Nofap!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by WonderingKid21, Aug 9, 2019.

  1. WonderingKid21

    WonderingKid21 Fapstronaut

    I stumbled upon this

    The 14 Step Program for Nofap.
    The 2014-step program from NoFap.

    1. There will come a time where you will want to edge. Don’t.

    2. If you think it’s easy, you’re either doing it wrong, or you’re in the wrong neighbourhood. Don’t let anyone fool you – this shit is hard.

    3. Don’t listen to yourself when you rationalize things. If there’s one thing I’ve learnt, it’s that your brain is a two-timing bastard, and it will do anything to get its fix.

    4. The long nights and early mornings will be hard. Drill that into your head. But if you can get through one minute, you can get through the next. Look. You’re doing it right now!

    5. Gum. I don’t know why, but it helps. Overload your senses with other things – smells, sights, sounds – anything that isn’t erotic. Drown out your subconscious. Put that little voice out. Squish it with your willpower.

    6. Your experience will be so different. You’ve probably heard it so many times from so many people, but it’s true. It’s not cliché. You are so unique, so you, that there are millions of variables out there to make your time trying Nofap completely dissimilar to anyone else. Take advantage of that; embrace it. Share your stories with others.

    7. Pick something that makes you happy, and immerse yourself in it. Drawing, sports, kicking over rubbish bins at the mall; whatever, man. I’m not judging. Some other people might be, but I – and the whole of the NoFap community – are here to help. I promise.

    8. “But what if—” No. ‘What if’ is your enemy here, and you should hate it with a passion. What if I just edge? What if I just look at porn? What if? What if? Repeat the syllables in your head and listen to the ugly sound it makes. Do it. Seriously.

    9. There will be bad days. There will be relapses. There will be times when you want to punch a hole through a wall. Don’t. Use that vehemence to do one-hundred push-ups. Go for more, if you can. Just don’t hurt the wall. It’ll be expensive to get fixed.

    10. Carry around a pen and notebook wherever you go. Whenever you feel an urge, crank up your music so loud that your feelings pool at the tips of your fingers and draw what’s making your heart clench. Do that for hours on end. Don’t stop until you’re exhausted.

    11. When you feel like you’ve accomplished all you’ve come for, step back for a moment. How do you feel? If you’re truly content, there is absolutely nothing and nobody stopping you from walking away from the community. Remember that, and feel special for being able to cross the Nofap Challenge off of your bucket list. If you’ve beaten your addiction, cross that off too. You’ve a lot to brag about.

    12. A relapse does not wipe all of your progress. Do not confuse yourself with the complexities of what constitutes for a reset and what doesn’t. Try your hardest, and don’t lie to yourself. It’s as simple as that.

    13. Days will come when you are hurting. Accept it graciously. A little pain lets you know you’re alive, after all.

    14. Don’t distract yourself from your lustful thoughts. That shoves them deeper, into the nooks and crannies of your subconscious dedicated to those tantalizing taboo thoughts. Porn is not taboo nowadays. Neither is fapping. They’re just holding you back from your potential. Realize this, and let the temptations become diluted with reality. Just don’t push the thoughts away. Acknowledge them, first.

    And then hit them out of the ballpark with a stainless-steel bat
  2. WonderingKid21

    WonderingKid21 Fapstronaut

    1 year nofap recovery program -- based on The 5 Stages of Meth Recovery
    Hi, I was researching on addiction and came upon the following website:

    The 5 stages of Recovery seems applicable to nofap too! Just to share it here:

    Stage 1: Withdrawal (Days 0 – 15)

    Withdrawal usually lasts from 1 to 2 weeks, but it can last upwards of 4 weeks—and, in some extreme cases, longer. Also known as the “sleep, eat, and drink” stage, your body and brain are in healing overdrive. There’s a lot of damage meth caused that needs to be repaired before you can move forward.

    Stage 2: The Honeymoon (Days 16 – 45)

    The crash has lifted, your body has made those immediately needed repairs, and you are feeling physically and emotionally much stronger. You might even feel great, better than you’ve felt in years. And it’s only the beginning of the third week! Unfortunately, this upswing can lead to overconfidence and you might find yourself minimizing your past meth problem.

    A lot of people will relapse here because of this overconfidence. But not you. You are prepared. You understand this Honeymoon won’t last. Still, there’s much to enjoy while it does.

    And much to do in the meantime, while you’re feeling stronger.

    Stage 3: The Wall (6 Weeks – 4 Months)

    You hit it hard. All the positive, forward momentum from the Honeymoon crashes around you.

    A seemingly insurmountable Wall of depression, boredom, and despair—it begins about 45 days into sobriety and it continues through month 4 or thereabouts. Rarely, however, does the Wall last longer than 3 months. So, keep in mind, it’s going to get better.

    The Wall is often where people will relapse. You so want the feelings of boredom and loneliness to pass, crystal meth seems like the solution again. Though the danger of picking up is highest here, you can get past it.

    Let’s look at what to expect and what you can do to get through this stage of your recovery. The Wall is not impossible to overcome, just tricky.

    Stage 4: Adjustment (Months 4 – 6)

    You’ve gotten over the Wall safely and it is now mostly behind you. The next stage is called “Adjustment” because that’s what characterizes this time period—adjusting, physically, socially, and emotionally, to life without crystal. You get relief from the overwhelming cravings and begin to find life interesting again.

    Stage 5: Ongoing Recovery (Months 6 – 12)

    Toward the end of the first year clean, crystal meth addiction can seem distant and almost tangential to your life. Or, it can be something you continue to think about, fleetingly, almost every day. Like all things on this timeline, it depends.

    I like to call this part of the quitting journey “Ongoing Recovery” (also known as the “Resolution” stage) because, despite how foreign your crystal dependence may seem, it’s important to remember that meth addiction is a “chronic disease” and you are never cured.

    Recovery is always ongoing.
  3. WonderingKid21

    WonderingKid21 Fapstronaut

    How to succeed in NoFap [Recovery plan]
    So, firstly let me just clear this up, this is an post with useful information that you'll probably need and have used and known before clumped together, so you don't have to spend too much time in the net with the placebo effect of "Well i'm being productive by repeatedly watching NoFap instead of pmo, AKA EDGING" First thing you need to know: Know your why: You've failed? Read this and you'll become Alpha in notime! But you need to know how to stay 100% Commited: Also, ever wondered how you'll cope with stress when working? That another major factor that will make your NoFap journey very difficult, so here: But don't forget about your work to your goal:

    Remember: Consistency comes first, improvement comes later, adapt to it. I had in plan to say more, but it's late and i have to fix my sleep routine, and my brain is shutting down now. That's all i can post for today, hope i helped you!
    clapas likes this.
  4. forumcenter

    forumcenter Fapstronaut

    these are wonderful facts bro. thank so much,
    WonderingKid21 likes this.
  5. WonderingKid21

    WonderingKid21 Fapstronaut

    I liked that they are so descriptive .. even the Meth recovery plan .. we can relate to it somehow :)
  6. clapas

    clapas Fapstronaut

    Great contribution. Thanks
  7. llortaton

    llortaton Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Hey, you said "shit" you told me that a true Muslim never curses, big bro.
  8. forumcenter

    forumcenter Fapstronaut
