Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by _most.high_, Feb 22, 2021.

  1. _most.high_

    _most.high_ Fapstronaut

    any rewiring is good at any point in the reboot, so if you want maybe you can get head from her and orgasm that way, or even have sex, note, orgasm may send you into a flatline, which is no sexdrive or erections for a period, but if you notice the orgasms have no bad effects keep doing what you want with her, just no pmo, if you do enter a flatline, maybe take two months without orgasm before trying again
  2. _most.high_

    _most.high_ Fapstronaut

    truth is some of the guys dont have the willpower to continue thats why they arent cured, others may have a medical condition, all this really kills your hope, but dont worry dude, stick to the basics long enough and rewire and youll be all good
    Different Built likes this.
  3. GratifiedSlave

    GratifiedSlave Fapstronaut

    These are heart-touching lines, in fact, this thread is a very inspirational thread I have read in a long time on this forum.
    I am really happy for you and consider you really lucky that at the age of 17 a 30yo is riding you and you're going 3-4 times in a row. Woah man that's crazy, just like a dream for any guy.

    Bro, have you ever had PE issues? If so, how you recovered it? It seems amazing that you stay hard after orgasm and can go 3-4 times in a row whereas I gets soft instantly after one discharge when I masturbate and then getting it hard is not easy and it takes time like 20-30 mins to get hard again, are you familiar of this issue?

    I would request you to give your input on my journal at , I have explained my issues in more detail there, would love your inspirational insights on my thread. Thanks :)
  4. _most.high_

    _most.high_ Fapstronaut

    3 to 4 times in a row wiith about a 15 minute break between, thats about my refractory period, the time in which it takes for your brain to feel ready to be aroused again.

    as for it taking you that long to get an erection, its becaused youre desensitized, because youve masterbated to super high levels of stimulation for so long, youve got to givee your dick and your brain a break, id say atleast 5 to 8 months, of no sexual stimulation, however after that period of celibacy, where your body is doing better, go rewire, have sex, and make your brain learn how to get aroused naturally.

    as for premature ejaculation, it should all go away with time, as you go through the period of no pmo, and rewiring, as your body learns what normal, itll do that instead.

    you really need to give up porn forever tho, and give up masturbation for a period of time if you want real progress. masturbation slows a reboot severely. i went six months without it, reintroduced it for a bit then just quit completely after i realized it lowered my sex drive
  5. Philippian4:13

    Philippian4:13 Fapstronaut

    Great points man. Thank you for the post!
  6. _most.high_

    _most.high_ Fapstronaut

    for sure brahs, btw noah church made a video about my success story check it out here
    Peter Castilognie likes this.
  7. GratifiedSlave

    GratifiedSlave Fapstronaut

    Ok so you mean that my refractory period will come down when I will be having normal sex? Actually what I understood from your post is that you can go 3-4 times in a row without break, but as you mentioned there are breaks of 15 mins so that's fine now.

    Actually just last week I have relapsed on a streak of 6 months so quite recently I have done a 6 months streak but when I masturbated it just shown a little improvement in premature ejaculation, just a minor one whereas refractory period has not improved. Do I need more time to recover?

    Also, during the 6 months streak, I often fantasized sex and had sexting with my gf often, does it effect the reboot process? If yes then please explain it as well. My hand also unconsciously goes to penis quite often.
  8. Red Moon

    Red Moon Fapstronaut


    I´m in the " FLATLINE " for 20 months with no end in sight. Did you experience the " FLATLINE " ?