Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by _most.high_, Feb 22, 2021.

  1. Lovelife247

    Lovelife247 Fapstronaut

    Dope story bro! Can’t wait to get to my 10 months!
  2. Newmanatee

    Newmanatee Fapstronaut

    Awesome story and just the motivation I needed today!
  3. Sean Scoops

    Sean Scoops Fapstronaut

    When did you realise that you got PIED? What were the signs?
    Did you notice semen qualities difference after a long period of abstinence?
  4. _most.high_

    _most.high_ Fapstronaut

    i probably had pied at age 14 but i noticed at age 15 when i tried to have sex with a stripper, it wasnt nerves, because i wasnt nervous, i just wasnt aroused, and couldnt get aroused by regular women, it was the most extreme porn that did it for me, the point to where i had to go to extremely shady websites to get it,and even then it wasnt enough, i still had mediocre erections and id have 60 tabs open at once and prolly jerked off 3 times a day every damn day, if i could come back from that, u can too man

    oh and yes i did notice semen quality differences
    at first because of excessive masturbation my semen was like diluted, like it never got to the quality to mature because i was always using it every day
    dont wanna be kinda gross but now its way thicker and has a yellow colour , thats how it is supposed to be

    sorry if this was too much detail lol
    Philippian4:13 likes this.
  5. Sean Scoops

    Sean Scoops Fapstronaut

    Thanks for answer.
    I noticed mine gets thicker and denser after abstainence, good to hear that's ok.
    As about pied... I'm 16, been jerking daily since around 12 and now I started noticing that I needed harder porn for the same, well, sensations... Rarely spot morning erections... I am worried about developing it...

    Did you push through first month(s) on pure willpower or were you just externally occupied or else?
  6. _most.high_

    _most.high_ Fapstronaut

    lol dude i guarantee you youve got it, but you wont know until you try to have sex with a chick, im 17 and i used to jerk off up to 3 times a day to the most extreme porn you can think of, so much so that it was illegal. normal women didnt do it for me and my morning erections went away completely. if you dont cut it off right now, there will come a moment when you finally get in bed with a girl and wont be able to have sex, and it will be your own fault because you knew about this. it took me 10 months to be cured from pied. i could always get mediocre erections from extreme porn but never to women. now i get hard easily to girls and always 100% still have some healing to do tho. i have no urges for porn and i dont get triggered anymore, even tho i always actively avoid pornographic material, if i see them on accident it does nothing to me. i also lost the urge to masturbate and i dont do it any more.

    trust me dude, sex changes everything, stop bussing all over your self and go find a pretty girl to sleep with , i went from a virgin to having like 6 or so girls chasing me at any time, and i intend to sleep with all of them lol, goodluck tho man
    M Eezy likes this.
  7. bro me same ur age but my problem is wet dreams i can’t have good deal with them my bo porn streak is +120 days i think
  8. cali4sto

    cali4sto Fapstronaut

    you are a freaking genious man!!

    so inspiring, great to see 17 yo killing it
  9. _most.high_

    _most.high_ Fapstronaut

    thanks mane, just tryyna give support , it was tough as hell for me , hope i could make it easier for someone
    cali4sto likes this.
  10. edEliminate

    edEliminate Fapstronaut

    congratulations. can you please share your physical symptoms when you had ed? i mean did u have dead dick. completely life less penis? and what tell me about Flatline symptoms. i m on day 213 i had first flatline at day 7 and i relapsed 10 days ago due to high sex drive and I'm in flatline again.. I'm scared that my dick is dead or is it flatline. but didn't watch porn at all in these 200 days. i kept fantasising, kept edging, and kept testing my dick. but im in very severe flatline now. can you just give me feed back on my journey?
  11. babyplatypus

    babyplatypus Fapstronaut

    Bro how long did u do hardmode for? I have a girlfriend and haven’t been able to do hardmode for that long so I’m still not cured and have been in a flatline. I’m almost at 2 years and still have pied, I’m depressed af man
  12. _most.high_

    _most.high_ Fapstronaut

    about 6 months, then reintroduced masturbation for a month but found it was not helping so basically done hardmode since, except sex, as i dont count orgasm through sex as relapse in hardmode
  13. _most.high_

    _most.high_ Fapstronaut

    thats a common problem ive faced, but real progress starts when you accept that this is happening and move on with your life, believe me , every single day of my life , that was the only thing i kept thinking about, i kept testing, i kept measuring progress etc. but this is not good for your reboot. yes i had many flatlines, i believed mine lasted for 6 months, absolutely lifeless penis, shrunken, etc. it really frustrated me but i never tested or watched porn, i lived my life as normal, after a while thats what u guys need to do, go about your day , stop giving the reboot all of that energy because it drains you. if you ignore it (keep doing it obviously) but just dont make it important, time will go by quicker. the flatline is a period you will have to deal with but just live your life man , it will end. and yes , relapse usually piuts you in a flatline, it may take long or it may not, however, if you relapsed, without porn, just masturbation, i found that it took like 3 weeks before i regained sex drive( remember i had done hardmode for 5 months before this so this may not apply to you)

    most important things id say are hardmode and sex, i do not think youll be healed if you keep touching your dick or fantisizing, nor without sex. after i had sex for the first time, never had a problem again.

    i do not masturbate now, although i have sex weekly and there are no problems, dont jerk off bro, youre better than that
    GratifiedSlave likes this.
  14. _most.high_

    _most.high_ Fapstronaut

    you need to quit masturbation for good until youre healed in my opinion, if youre still in a flatline after 2 years, and you need to rewire.
  15. _most.high_

    _most.high_ Fapstronaut

    also pretty cool dudes, i made it into the yourbrainonporn front page , thanks for da support bros :)
  16. edEliminate

    edEliminate Fapstronaut

    my symptoms are so strange. my dick is completely dead from last few days. i have zero blood flow towards my penis. i feel pain near kidneys due to poor blood circulation i don't know what happened. i am so upset. i feel like my dick never gonna work again. my hands are cold and legs are cold. penis tip is cold. i think i have severe physical problem. may be hard flacid.i don't know what to do.
  17. edEliminate

    edEliminate Fapstronaut

    can anybody guide me.i had dry orgasm one time and then after that one time i tried to get up but i could not. and then again after 6 months i have same symptoms. my pelvic muscle is too tight.blood is going towards lower body.i dont know what to do.
  18. DeaffGrip

    DeaffGrip Fapstronaut

    I am just starting this journey and I am at day two. When my girlfriend plays with me I can get hard, so do you think I should allow myself to have oral orgasm without fantasising about anything. Please help man I meet weekly with her and I dont want to hurt my reboot.

    Thank you.
    Washi likes this.
  19. Different Built

    Different Built Fapstronaut

    I agree. I am still going through it mentally on and off but sometimes these forums just make me so depressed. It helps to see stories like yours tho you’re an inspiration