Pornography, Human Trafficking, and Sex Slavery

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Weiland, Sep 14, 2014.

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  1. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    vlaw there are two sorts of prostitution:

    forced prostitution and willingly prostitution. in germany it is so.

    and i guess there are some girls with traumatic backgrounds (violence and rape in their families).

    there is a slave market with girls - you cant deny this. all the big brothels in germany are controlled by gangs. drugs and prostitution is a very profitable business.

    but i think many of the girls in pornbusiness are doing this job willingly - sorry to say that. like i said before - they are doing it for money and fame.
  2. Weiland

    Weiland Fapstronaut

    I don't think that makes it any better, though. I mean, the farther you get away from what healthy sexuality is - a developed intimacy based on the relationship between a committed couple - the worse it gets. I think we can all agree that while pornography is a pretty bad deviance, prostitution and especially sex slavery is even worse.

    Really, I feel like the biggest thing we can do right now is simply spread awareness. Somehow.
  3. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    i totally agree with this statement.

    prostitution basic: demand and offer.

    there will always be demand. from every social class.
  4. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    In the end, porn fuels prostitution; and porn and prostitution are the products the sex trade exists to deliver.

    I'm happy you created this thread Weiland, I think this is something your average porn user is not aware of.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2014
  5. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    here you can find insight into porn business.

    this statement i found on that website - very suitable to this thread:

    "I find myself not that much unlike the slaves and slave traders of some 400 years ago. I participate in the most heinous of ALL trades- THE BUYING AND SELLING OF HUMAN FLESH. I trade my own flesh for monetary compensation and I sell the flesh of others for the same." (Lexington Steele, porn producer)
  6. jmark

    jmark Banned


    I agree with you that most western women emasculate their men, but not all. I married a western woman, and she's not emasculated me. On the contrary, she supports my manhood and helps me be a stronger man. I sit in my throne, and she sits at my feet. (Though I always pull her up to sit in my lap!)
  7. Misfit

    Misfit Fapstronaut

    This, more than anything.

    It's hardly ever addressed as a health issue, and even personally, when I view anti-porn sites I look carefully to make sure there's no religious affiliation - I'm not saying their hearts aren't in the right place, but (in my opinion) religion and feminism aren't "one-size fits all" answers to everything.

    We really are missing a secular, unbiased, non-dogmatic approach to this... or maybe our leaders are too busy fapping to porn to care :eek:

    In fairness, I think this when I see people working in supermarkets or answering phones in call centres. :D
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2014
  8. hopepeacelove

    hopepeacelove Fapstronaut

    apparently most women in the porn industry are victims of other crimes/circumstances, even though they may seem "happy".
  9. hopepeacelove

    hopepeacelove Fapstronaut

    the severity is much different though. those who work in supermarkets and call centres do not have to expose themselves in a lewd and degrading fashion for the world to see. no one wants to do that. very few at least.
  10. e5s

    e5s Fapstronaut

    For those of you who note, correctly, that some girls are in the sex trades by free choice, consider that many of them were trained up to it from a very early age, starting long before the age of majority anyway. And once a girl is in (her pictures are out there, she has a past), she'll find the outside world, with its stricter moral values regarding sex, to be dangerous and unwelcoming.

    Religious folk, how many former sex workers have been welcomed into your church with open arms? Without cruel whispers? Compare to the treatment of members who used to visit prostitutes. Somehow that's easier to recover from, reputation-wise.

    What I'm saying is that choices made very early in life can severely limit the choices these women have later. They might start of free will and continue on because they're literally in a trap. What's a lady going to do after sex work? Become your kids' Kindergarten teacher? Head of the local Rotary club? With such limitations in mind, I imagine it must be difficult for a veteran "willing" sex worker to even get into the headspace where she'd consider making the effort to build a different life.
  11. jmark

    jmark Banned

    I've known kindergarten teachers who were part-time whores. But maybe that's just Japan. They're filthy here.
  12. e5s

    e5s Fapstronaut

    Funnily enough, this is why I detest certain chain resaurants. The waitstaff are Always-Extra-Super-Bubbly-Happy, but in their eyes you can see how much they miss their dignity. It puts me off my feed to be served with such slavish flair.
  13. Dad

    Dad Fapstronaut

    No one's childhood ambition is to be a sex worker. Yeah, most who go that way make that choice. But it's usually a choice based on money, which means someone else is making money off of their prostitution (porn work). A down side of capitalism and our patriarchy. It's sleazy and I want no part in it anymore.
  14. vlaw

    vlaw Banned

    I'm talking about willingly prostitution. That white knight wants prostitution to be illegal...which is what pissed me off in the first place.

    I used their service ( prostitutes) and I will continue to do so.

    Can't imagine being trapped( aka marriage ) with some nagging feminized western women!
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2014
  15. jmark

    jmark Banned

    Damn, dude, you hate white women! Lol
  16. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    i think it is difficult to distinguish forced prostitution and willingly prostitution. i am sure i visited many forced hookers without knowing it. so i supported this slavery unknowingly.

    the state could control this better to prevent sexslavery. in germany for example there are provisions to prevent sexslavery.

    but i think the pimps are doing their business without any interference.

    in my opinion you cant do anything when a punter and a willingly prostitute are making a deal - money for flesh or flesh for money.

    to prohibit prostitution will not work i guess - surely not in germany. i have no experiences with prostitution in other countries.

    nonetheless no matter how you look at it - porn and prostitution is evil. in my case the lust was always stronger as the moral scruples.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2014
  17. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut


    this is another form of prostitution. manpower-prostitution within the sytem/regime.
  18. Dad

    Dad Fapstronaut

    We can't abolish prostitution (porn). But we can choose to not participate. One less event is a step in the right direction. Isn't that what we are all doing. We can't make the internet go away, drugs, abuse, violence, war, etc., etc.. We can only not participate as individuals.
  19. Misfit

    Misfit Fapstronaut

    I was being flippant when I posted that - but when we're kids, we're often asked "what do you want to be when you grow up?", and I bet that nobody ever says "Oh, I want to make iPhones in a sweatshop" or "I'd love to work on the checkout in a large supermarket".

    The thing is our attitude (in the west) to sex is still pretty repressed, and while we think of pornography as degrading (I don't dispute this) we often turn a blind eye to the other economic injustices in the world... human beings are treated appallingly, (and animals are treated appallingly). A huge number of people on this planet would not have the opportunity to even discuss this subject as they're too busy slaving away for our western privilege. Sex trafficking is largely a result of global capitalism and it won't change until the whole economic structure of the world changes.
  20. Weiland

    Weiland Fapstronaut

    I think you firmly get the problem here; you just don't care. I suppose this proves that apathy is truly worse than ignorance. You are a detestable little man for intentionally using and abusing women. In some form or fashion, I sincerely hope something takes you off of the streets and eliminates your contribution to the epidemic.

    You actually do make me quite sick. There are men who fight for purity, and then there are monsters like you that not only willfully engage in practices that destroy other peoples' lives, but openly and arrogantly promotes it. What a pathetic little child. You don't give a shit about anyone but yourself, do you? Even if you hadn't convinced yourself that your actions are harmless, you wouldn't care.

    I suppose the saving grace here is that your ilk is likely to die off instead of breed.
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