PMO almost killed me

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by zenny, Jun 1, 2018.

  1. zenny

    zenny Fapstronaut

    Hello there, my name is Mike.
    I’ve been doing PMO since i was about 14 years old. Im 20 now, and as the title says, it started slowly killing me, im going to explain how.
    I was always a healthy teenager as i was growing up, i tried different sports : swimming, judo, running, etc.
    About year ago I broke up with my gf which hit me hard, but i made through it. We were having sex everyday back in the days and everything felt fine, even though i was fapping all the time.
    As we broke up, i thought that it is better to be alone for some time, take a rest. So i was working out in the gym a lot, studying and fapping every evening. Porn started to fill my life and i became so addicted to it I couldn’t miss a single day without it.
    It all started in the gym, after an every excercise I simply couldnt catch my breath, It felt like the oxygen wasnt enough for me to restore.
    It all came to the point where I couldnt do any sports at all.
    About 3 weeks ago I had a walk with my new gf, after that I felt so bad I couldnt breath. I came home and I was feeling horrible : I had pains in the chest, I was scared cuz I thought im dying or something so I called the ambulance. The doctor checked me, everything was fine, so he said that im having some psychosomatic disorder and told me to go to neurologist the next day - so I did. I checked everything : heart, lungs, my back - everything was pretty much fine.
    These 3 weeks were the worst in my life. Today I felt so weak that I almost fall off as i was coming home.
    But ive noticed an interesting thing - i didnt fap for 4 days and i Felt like 30-35% better than I used to. So guys, I guess im on the roll now. By the way, what do you think? Could the pmo be the problem? I think my neural system got damaged by constant pmo, also i used to drink a lot of coffeine( black tea) and smoke weed(im not doing it now). Im going to notice changes and I will tell you.
    Sorry for my bad english. Im from Russia and its not my mother lang. thank you for your attention.
    Deleted Account and Soberhopeful like this.
  2. drac16

    drac16 Fapstronaut

    I haven't seen any evidence that indicates that masturbation causes breathing problems. Working out can help you stop masturbating, though. It gives you a sort of euphoria feeling, which is comparable to an orgasm. If you want to stop masturbating, keep on working out.
  3. Soberhopeful

    Soberhopeful Fapstronaut

    Welcome! From my own experience (I had PMO for thirty years) the longer you PMO, the harder it is to stop, so you are giving yourself a chance to recover. Brain doesn't fully develop until mid-20s, at this point, you haven't caused a lot of brain damage to your dopamine receptors...yet. Keep doing what you're doing and don't give up. Best wishes to you.
    zenny, Nadamotain and Full ahead like this.
  4. Bake2345

    Bake2345 Fapstronaut

    If its messing with your adrenals that can cause “air hunger” breathing problems like you feel like you can really get enough air in with your breathe I used to have this when my adrenal fatigue was at its worse I’m on day 23 NoFap having horrible irritable and urges today since I found a women attractive at work it’s been killing me not to do anything about it . My energy is starting to change for the better , your “air hunger” will I prove with rest don’t push yourself practice mediation - look up 432hz mediation YouTube videos and search ASMR on YouTube for relaxation - Google adrenal fatigue air hunger .

    Hope this helps
    Nadamotain likes this.
  5. Hi. Welcome to forum!

    Excessive sexual indulgence drains nerve energy. So it is possible that some of the damage is due to PMO. Also combined with other unhealthy habits. Maybe also too much eating or too much heavy food. Too much exercise as well. All things that put stress on body causes loss of nerve energy. So we should make sure we get enough nutrition, do not ate too much (bodybuilding types of diets - heavy in meat and more than 3 times a day - are the worst), do not overtrain, get plenty of sleep and menage out stress.

    Anyhow, make sure you crate a personal journal thread in Reboot Logs section and blog there on a regular basis. As well as just generally be active participant in various forum discussions. I recommend this to everybody new here because it's the major thing that helped me when I was first starting. Just lurking on forums, reading and learning is great. But it usually is so much more powerful to engage. It helps to keep us motivated and accountable when we are active part of community. And keeps this in front of our minds so we don't forget about importance of it and slip away in our old habits. Sharing is also therapeutic. This is a major reason why AA meetings work so good. But that was developed before internet era. These days we can get most of the same benefits online through communities like this. So don't underestimate the power of active participation.

    I would also like to suggest you to look into mindfulness meditation. It has helped me personally tremendously to learn how to deal with urges. It takes a while to get good at it and notice results, so you need to be consistent with it, but once you do it's very powerful. It has been used by sages for thousands of years to deal with various issues of the mind. And in recent decades the science is also catching up to what ancient sages have know for centuries. Meditation these days are widely used as very effective tool by psychologists for treating addiction and by neurologists for supporting recovery of the brain. It is a great exercise for the brain the same way as jogging is great exercise for the body. Check out this Ted talk, it gives a good idea of what's it about when it comes to philosophy. As far as practical side of it there is this awesome smartphone app called Headspace for guided meditations to get you started.

    Wish you lot's of strength and success in your reboot journey!
    zenny likes this.