PMO addiction is the worst addiction you can have.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Clumsy, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Hi my friends,

    There's no doubt for me that, PMO addiction is the worst form of an addiction you can have. You can have alcohol addiction, gambling addiction, drug addiction and many people will well, not tolerate but give you maybe some brief understanding, maybe not look down on you too much.

    But what about pornography addiction? Everyone looks at you like you're a freak, like you're some pervert in the woods. The shame you feel for your addiction can't be compared with any other addiction, I really mean it.

    Doctors, psychologists should be educated on this issue. And there's probably no other addiction that makes you so emotionally sensitive as PMO addiction does, life is just so hard in every aspect when you're addicted to PMO. Someone in your social community doesn't like you? your world crash. You fail on your work? You lay in your room crying while PMO'ing. Your girlfriend leaves you, you consider suicide.

    All PMO addicts become a little whiny, nothing bad meant. Like if they have to wait for something, they are so restless that 15 minutes of waiting in a shopping centre or whatever is like pure torture. Simply because they have no resistance to uncomfortable situations. I have realized this into my reboot, that I'm much more patient and if somebody is upset with me or mad at me for some reason, I simply don't give a shit anymore. It's like I follow my own path and life is much less painful.

    but the shame? always there, maybe forever.

    BismaBRJ likes this.
  2. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    clumsy i am sure addiction to heroin or to crack is much worse. there you go also physical wasted.

    i think once you cured from pornaddiction the shame will slowly vanish.

    here are lots of perverts (or better fapmasters) in the nofapwood - so dont worry.
    BismaBRJ likes this.
  3. coolmike87

    coolmike87 Fapstronaut

    It is a very hard addiction. All you need is yourself. It doesn't cost any money. It is very embarrassing and hard for some people to talk about. And it is not seen as a real problem by so many people... It is also evident here on this site. I have not ever seen a counter on this site that goes more than a year. Some just about to get to 6 months. Some addicts and alcoholics around 12 step meetings have well over 25. Most have at least one year. We have to stay with this site. Develop some real time so we can really help those suffering like us with very little time. Addiction is a lifelong battle. Even after a "reboot" the tempation will always always be there. It could take one really bad day and a sexy pic of a girl on the internet to totally reset you... This is no joke. Wish i never started.
    BismaBRJ likes this.
  4. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Yeah I think crack and heroin addiction is harder to quit yes. But what would you rather tell your friends? That you got addicted to heroin or that you are a porn addict whacking off 24/7? Lol. The shame is doubled of the PMO addiction.

    And I don't know what to say, fact is that PMO addiction depletes the body, you dont have to believe it but for example, I have seen so many healthy young men, not fat or overweight at all, they go to gym, still they have so weakened thighs and lower backs that they have cellulites like obese women 40+.

    It's very clear to me on this forum since every man here only has the motivation to be able to have real sex again whilst it should be live a normal healthy life. Today youngsters are too focused on sex, fact is, among animals sex is a very small aspect of their life. Humans are the only race that has sex for fun. ONLY. Don't think about sex, sex is for reproduction, nothing else.
    Mr.Tony and BismaBRJ like this.
  5. Ciceas

    Ciceas Fapstronaut

    How can you be so sure the psychological effects of other addictions (crack, alcohol etc.) are so much different? If you are an alcoholic and you cannot get out of the house without wetting yourself, I'm pretty sure that you will feel a lot of shame as well.

    In my opinion, whether you feel shame and regret also depends at least a little on yourself. Come on man, being addicted to PMO is still on a whole different level from being a bank robber or child molester. You fell victim to an addiction that you didn't even know the existence of, and you did not have the resources/information to cope with it at that moment. That's not a reason to be very ashamed of yourself, in my opinion.
    Mr.Tony and BismaBRJ like this.
  6. NotAfraid

    NotAfraid Fapstronaut

    PMO addiction is not the worst, but what is the point in comparing addictions? We all have our battles. I don't even want to know how hard is a heroine addiction, I have enough difficulties with this shit right here.

    I think the problem is, that people don't look at us like perverts in the woods. It would help. Porn addicts don't have much of a social stigma, because porn is so normal today. If it was seen as something so unacceptable as being a meth-head, then it would probably be easier to stop(for me at least) and there would be less of us, porn addicts. Probably the relapse is at its easiest, when you know that what you're doing is only "normal" and every one is doing it.

    I disagree with CoolMike. I do believe, that the temptation will go away, when enough time has passed. No emotion can last forever and brain is a changing organ. As some of you might know, my idol Eminem had a REALLY bad drug addiction. He survived it and now he says, that he doesn't feel any temptation anymore, because that's not a part of him anymore. And his addiction was fucking bad; he had to learn motor skills like walking all over again and talking after his recovery. He was really fucked up and now he is back on track and never looking back. Or he is dead and his spot was taken by an androgyne-clone.

    I agree with Ciceas. Everyone knows, that you're going to get hooked on heroine or cocaine and if you still start using it, then you're a fucking moron and should feel ashamed. I had no clue, that porn can be addicting, when I started. If I had known what it led me to, then I wouldn't have started using it in the first place.

    I hope that educational systems start talking more about this problem, but why would they? The agenda of this society seems to be sex everywhere, so they don't want to talk people out of it.
    Mr.Tony and BismaBRJ like this.
  7. coolmike87

    coolmike87 Fapstronaut

    Ive snorted heroine. And done mountains of cocaine... and you know what drug i obsess most over... alcohol :) and you know what I think about more than alcohol. Porn...
    Yes heroine addictions suck, but if your lucky you'll die within a few years if your truely "addicted".
    porn sucks because many people don't think that its hurting anyone. it is so easy to justify. and it is all over the media.
    yes everyone has there battles,but wanting to vent about how much it sucks to have a PMO addiction seems like nofap is the right place for that...
  8. hellfire2

    hellfire2 Fapstronaut

    Hi Clumsy.
    I can already see why you are struggling with this addiction by your post.
    All addiction feed off shame, guilt and self loathing. Fix this and your addiction will be more of just a bad habit to fix.
    Guilt- you should not feel any guilt you did not know it was addictive, when your young it's natural seek out intimacy. . Unfortunately porn is fake.
    Shame- so you slipped to porn. Majority of society see it as normal to watch porn. We know it's harmful effects. So take shame out of it and think of it as unhealthy drug.
    Self loathing- this is your real problem. Because of the 2 above. You need to learn to love yourself again. Read love yourself like your life depends on it. Practice for a month. You will notice your urges dramatically decrease after 2-3 weeks. Addiction is escapism.

    Finally I disagree that porn is the worst addiction. Everyone is different. Some can kill you, gambling can leave you with a life of debt.
    This addiction is bad but keep it in perspective.
    Mr.Tony and BismaBRJ like this.