P Wet dream

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by EnterTheMatrix, Oct 6, 2019.

  1. EnterTheMatrix

    EnterTheMatrix Fapstronaut

    Today I had a strange wet dream in which I was looking at my phone then on my phone a porn site opened. Then even in the dream I thought that I am not allowed to see porn. And the porn video started in which the starting scene started where two girls were there but it was just the start and no nudity in the dream , still I ejaculated. How?? And what was it?
    Wannabesaint2 and learning like this.
  2. learning

    learning Fapstronaut

    My non-expert analysis:

    Wet dreams are normal for people when they are abstaining from sex, so that part of your experience is easy to understand.

    Why dream about the intro to a porn scene appearing on your phone? In addiction there are rituals that precede the addictive activity. For example a person might sit in a certain chair and make a certain herbal tea and put on fuzzy house slippers before fapping away. In time simply seeing those fuzzy house slippers might be arousing for the person. ... So probably your PMO in the past has used your phone, and opening the intro to the porn scene was probably a thrill - possibly the moment when your porn brain knew that it was going to get what it wanted.

    Anyway, it's all normal I imagine.
    EnterTheMatrix likes this.
  3. EnterTheMatrix

    EnterTheMatrix Fapstronaut

    Another thing to ask is that , I want to lucid dream and If I do sex in lucid dream then will I be able to have sex in the dream or I will just get a nightfall before anything happens and I may wake up?
    learning likes this.
  4. learning

    learning Fapstronaut

    I don't know how to lucid dream. Sometimes I am aware that I am dreaming and can recall the dream after I wake, but I have never tried to learn to lucid dream. So take this advice for what it is worth - about nothing LOL.

    It seems to me that having sex in a lucid dream is probably not wise if you are trying to abstain from PMO. When people dream their brains are responding almost as if the experiences are real. If you are running from a monster many of the nerves in your brain involved in running will be firing. Firing-up the nerves associated with sex in a lucid dream is probably not too different from actually have real-life sex. Some people allow themselves sex with their wife or girlfriend during nofap, but other people do not. If you don't allow yourself real-life sex then you probably shouldn't allow yourself lucid sex.
    EnterTheMatrix likes this.
  5. EnterTheMatrix

    EnterTheMatrix Fapstronaut

    But i am allowing to have sex. Just my question is that If i lucid sex then will be able to have sex in the dream fully or would I get a nightfall before doing anything without enjoying anything,?
    learning likes this.
  6. learning

    learning Fapstronaut

    I would answer your question, but I know a lot less about lucid dreaming that you do, and I am not familiar with the slang "nightfall". LOL

    My advice would be to experiment if you are allowed to have sex, but I am not any kind of expert on PMO addiction or lucid dreaming. I am not doing too great on my own addiction, so my advice may not be good.
  7. Wet dreams are actually just ejaculations, that happen when you are dreaming. Because you are dreaming, the dream changes to reflect what you feel.

    When you enter REM sleep you get an erection and that by itself can lead you to ejaculation, especially if you are not very sexually active at the time, once you get very aroused as in your sleep, your dreams begin to reflect what you feel.

    We all had that dream when we want to pee, we can say that I had a dream about wanting to pee and therefor I had to pee. But that is silly, you actually wanted to pee and then your brain integrated that with the dream.
    So the dream just shows you how you feel already and the additional stimulation you get from that may kick you over the edge, but you first get aroused and then dream reflects that.

    Dreams are thoughts, same way you think during the day. When you are sad you think sad thoughts, when happy you think happy thoughts, and when you are aroused you think arousing thoughts. Nothing about that changes when you sleep.
    learning likes this.
  8. Wannabesaint2

    Wannabesaint2 Fapstronaut

    Same thing happened to me on Monday
  9. Quoowahb

    Quoowahb Fapstronaut

    After some time your wet dreams will become less porn-like. In my last wet dream a few days ago, I had sex in the dark, under the covers with my fiance. Real sex has a very different feeling for me than porn. I woke up feeling as if I had real sex.
    EnterTheMatrix likes this.