Non addicts

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Ryan_047, Feb 12, 2017.

  1. Ryan_047

    Ryan_047 Fapstronaut

    I don't really consider myself an addict to masturbation or porn.I do it when I'm either bored or feel stressed..once in 3 days.
    So the question is simple..Will NoFap help me if I'm not really addicted?Are there any non addicts out there that have tried NoFap?
  2. PostiveChange1974

    PostiveChange1974 Fapstronaut

    So the simple answer, yes.

    (After I wrote this, I kind of feel like it reads like a sales pitch. That was unintentional. I don't think porn is good or bad. (many here very strongly disagree with that). The choice of course is all yours if you want to pursue it, and I don't profess to know if there is any benefit in your life.)

    Something you mentioned about viewing porn when 'Stressed' caught my eye. This can be where things begin for many. Some of us didn't form strong coping mechanisms, so we turned to the pleasure giving activities of PMO to initially relax from stress, but later for avoidance. This is when we stop using Porn simply for pleasure in momentary gratification, and then turn to using it to pursue sexual exhaustion.

    The next sign to look for is how you feel about sex with a partner and relationships. Do you feel that real sex feels less exciting? Do you feel you have to hide your porn consumption, not because it's private, but instead you feel guilt and shame for it? Do you know if your partner would feel threatened by Porn?

    In short, even if you are curious, then a NoFap reboot can be a good way to test where you might be, and determine if Porn truly isn't an issue for you. If you aren't hooked as a consumer, then even a 30 day reboot shouldn't really be an issue. If you find that you have difficulty refraining from porn use, then unfortunately you may have an issue and you might want to take further steps to work on it. Even if you don't have issues refraining from use, you may want to see if you find that your perception of people around you changes. (Perhaps your GF/wife seems more attractive, or over time, all things visually sexual seem to lose their sizzle and you feel like you see people instead of clothes, breast, and butts. Perhaps, if you think you are getting more attention from people in general.) Or you may want to see if it changes the way you feel with sex with a partner (perhaps better or more fulfilling).

    If none of those things happen when you do a reboot, you didn't have an issue. Congrats!

    Unfortunately, the nature of Porn use is that it can give rise to unhealthy lifestyles, and often you don't realize that you've adopted that lifestyle, until you've started hitting difficulties in maintaining it.
    Sapeca and HopefulChristian like this.
  3. Renascer

    Renascer Fapstronaut

    Sir what is the reason for consuming porn, there is scientific evidence (please see articles on that porn and particularly cybersexo work in the brain as Crack. We begin by consuming this drug once a week, but like all drugs it creates addiction and if we are not alert the pathology can evolve to dementia (scientifically proven) and even death in the most serious cases. Porno sucks. Destroy us. I had atrophy of the prefrontal brain because of this drug. Think about it.
  4. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    You cant reboot or change yourself unless you realize you have a problem and your addicted.
    JustinX likes this.
  5. Demetri

    Demetri Fapstronaut

    Possibly denial, I used to do the same, actually didn't use porn that much. I fantasized during sex with my partner...
  6. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    Yes. I started our doing nofap to support my husband. He's a PMO addict, I'm not. I've continued to abstain from MO because I realized I was relying on it for stress and sleep more than I realized, for one thing, and I've now found healthier coping mechanisms. But the main reason I continued is because I found it was stealing from the sexual energy that belonged in my marriage. I'm much, much happier to save it for sex with my husband now.
  7. Hi, I think the focus at NoFap is M w/porn and if P isn't something you are addicted to, it might make you question why you should be here. Basically you belong here because you had a reason to log on, to make this thread, to seek answers. I don't have a porn addiction but I have a lusting addiction. This manifests itself in M with the very occasional look at porn. Porn infiltrates our thoughts. If you've looked at porn once you're already on a slippery slope. I know I don't want to slip any further. I find value in being here even if I don't qualify as an addict. I hope you will too!
  8. Dr. Jekyll

    Dr. Jekyll Fapstronaut

    Easy way to see what part of you is in control - commit to no P, M, or O for, say, the next three months. Who's really in the driver's seat? Does the boredom intensify until you cave in?
  9. Mateo89

    Mateo89 Fapstronaut

  10. Once in three days? You may not consider yourself an addict but if you do it that often you've certainly conditioned your reward circuitry.