New here. We got this!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Deleted Account, May 19, 2018.

  1. Hi, everyone! I am an 18 year old boy and a new member on this site, who henceforth vows to quit porn and stop masturbation. I have already been on a NoFap streak in November 2017, which lasted for around 50 days, but since then I have turned back to old, destructive habits. The main reason is that I constantly feel low on energy, and that I feel a lack of motivation in the participation of meaningful activities. Therefore, I am on NoFap to raise my energy levels, and consequently end up having more free time and willpower. I also believe my motivation will skyrocket over time, which will give me the opportunity to finally develop habits and hobbies which I have delayed due to low motivation for quite some time. These hobbies include music making, picking up old sports that I used to play (basketball, tennis, football). Furthermore, I am finishing high school in one month, and will take a year off after this. This year will be vital in the development of my independence and bringing structure into my life. I am often a lazy person with no routines: dirty room, irregular bed time and wake-up time, restricted skill set (can’t cook, can’t iron shirts, can’t drive, can’t wash clothes). NoFap will not help me acquire a skill set automatically, and help me clean my room, but it will function as a catalyst and as a domino effect. Breaking one bad habit, will help me break other bad habits, such as drinking, smoking, doing drugs, sleep deprivation, internet addiction etc. This gives me room to introduce “good habits”, such as reading, exercising, meditating and involvement in the hobbies mentioned above.

    The second reason I want to introduce NoFap in my life, besides the structural incentive, is that it will help me mentally. After learning a lot about the neuropsychological effects of porn and masturbation on the NoFap-forums, it is clear that this dopamine overload, is not good for anyone. The desensitization of the brain, makes people more and more dependent of quick dopamine fixes. Dependency is rarely good, and is one of the main causes for porn addiction being linked to mental disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Although I never have suffered from porn addiction, I have had periods in my teen where I watched a lot of porn daily, and these periods always caused me problems in other parts of my life. (i.e. low academic performance, social awkwardness, loneliness and feeling down). Quitting porn and masturbation, will help me clear my mind. I believe strongly that I will be able to tackle this obstacle, and that it will make me mentally stronger than before.

    I wish you guys who are on this same journey the best of luck, and I believe that all of you, as well as myself, will reach our personal NoFap goals. Also, a reminder that we are all in the same boat. If some of you slip, fellow members will encourage you to move on. Together we are unstoppable.

    Have a great day, and remember: everyone started at day 0!
  2. Hi. Welcome to forum! Make sure you crate a journal in Reboot Logs section and blog there on a regular basis as well as generally be active part of forum discussions. It usually helps to keep us motivated and accountable when we are active part of community. And keeps this in front of our minds so we don't forget it's importance and slip away. Good luck with your reboot!