Discussion in 'Nutrition and Supplements' started by ZAk1, May 17, 2023.

  1. ZAk1

    ZAk1 Fapstronaut

    been taking NAC for a month now, I will say it has helped tremendously, i stopped taking it 3 days ago because I thought it made no difference and was a waste of my time, then came a flurry of bad urges yesterday and the day before where I thought i may relapse, so then I continued to take NAC again and they subsided.
    I can't believe noone talks about this supplement enough or even knows it exists, so please people, tell me your own experiences or why you haven't taken this supplement yet
    I don't know why it took my 7 years to find this supplement
  2. -Angel-

    -Angel- Fapstronaut

    A few of us have discussed its potential benefits before. I've started taking it, and adjusted my dose from 1200mg to 600mg, as it was giving me constipation. It's okay now.

    Big difference is the stabilisation in my mood. It sort of dampens down my emotions. My PMO sessions are usually a minimum of 12 hours at a time, so with all of that damage to sort out, I'm really impressed at the effect it's having already. I'm still trying to figure out whether daily use at 600mg is okay, or whether I should cycle off it on occasions.

    I'm hoping it'll accelerate the brain healing anyway, although there are a ton of other supposed benefits i.e. liver support, breathing, immune health, gut health.
  3. urgegone

    urgegone Fapstronaut

    I think Citicholine/Alpha GPC, L Thyrosine, Ashwaganda, Bacopa Monneri, L-theanine with caffeine, Zinc/Calcium/Magnesium Bitrates, Exercise, Math Problem solving, and other habits will help you rewire your brain and for nightfall I suggest Selenium works well along besides reducing usage of spices in food
  4. Linerider

    Linerider Fapstronaut

    For me it didn't help much in overcoming addictions.
    It did have benefits on my body though such as better skin and possibly better immune system.