My 90 days !!!!!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Chefb87, Jul 18, 2019.

  1. Chefb87

    Chefb87 Fapstronaut

    Today is 90 days !!!!! This is my third time trying to write this . I felt like I was making it too long before. So I'm gonna try bullet points.

    Literature , activities , apps , things I've learned , people that were pivitol to getting to 90 days ;

    • Books; sex addiction 101, out of the doghouse , adult children of alcoholics, SAA green book, a gentle path through the 12 steps.
    • Accountability2you application
    • Sex physcologist, acupuncture, SAA groups
    • Accountability partners ( tao Jones)
    • Making my " three circles " diagram ( this was HUGE
    • Telling my spouse literally ...... Everything ..... Every single little thing..... 2 escorts, three rub rugs , sex porn addiction , VR porn , MDMA, and numerous other lies. I told her everything a month in... And that is really when I was able to start my recovery . THIS IS ESSENTIAL.
    • Deleting anything that could be a trigger or high risk situation , snap chat , Facebook , instagram
    • Looking at my addiction as a pool of muck . You have to scoop all the muck out and get to a solid foundation . Then once you have it all out , you have to make sure muck doesn't start to build up again .. if you feel muck ( a little lie for example ) you need to scoop that out asap .
    • The addiction is like a cockroach .. it likes dark and secrecy ... You NEED to have that spotlight on you .. even though it's SO uncomfortable.
    • The addiction , even though it's a huge problem , is not the foundational thing. For me , I've realized that I feel a black hole feeling in me , I don't feel special , loved because of my childhood. I used porn escorts to externally make myself feel good because I didn't know how to do it internally. Right now , I'm working more on self soothing , and self positive talk. I need to learn to love myself.
    Positives I've noticed
    • I'm way, way way more present in my life. I have a whole new appreciation for the small things . But more importantly I have a new presentness with my fiance , and my 18 month son .
    • I'm more patient , and less selfish , and less self centered . I'm learning that I need to allow my fiance to feel what she is feeling for however long she needs to feel it.
    • I'm more emotional . Not going to lie, I've been crying alot ... This.. is a GOOD thing . I've spent 20 years numbing and surpressing my feelings . It is SO GOOD to start letting this out.
    • I'm starting to respect boundaries , and putting in my own boundaries .
    • I'm protecting my family from unhealthy people
    • I'm starting to feel more close and intimate with my fiance. And not in a sexual way at all. We haven't had sex yet , because A) she isn't ready, and B) I'm not ready ... I don't think I can differentiate my true motive for that yet. Do I want to feel intimate and close with the woman I love, or do I want a release in the form of acting out ? I don't know yet. And I want to make sure when we do that it's for the right reasons .

    Im sure there is so much I'm missing so much .
    If anyone is just starting their journey to fight their addiction. And they need an accountability partner , someone to talk to , tips and advice on getting a good grasp and a better understanding , especially with when it comes to being in a relationship . Please do not hesitate to PM me.

    If there is any questions at all, please don't hesitate!!!!

    90 days is just the beginning of the rest of my life .I am excited to keep going with this. I don't plan on ever watching porn again . And I know I must be very aware of P-SUBS, triggers , high risk situations and managing my addiction for the rest of my life . That's not a negative or impossible thing to do. I look at it the same way someone who finds out they have diabetes ... You have it the rest of your life, and you have to manage it the rest of your life ... But you can still have a life just as good if not better than someone who doesn't have diabetes !!

    Up up and away !!!
    ankith, mrtumnus, LavaMe and 10 others like this.
  2. Thanks for posting!
    Nice to see it's going well.
  3. kbmn78

    kbmn78 Fapstronaut

    Amazing! What is the 3 circles diagram?
  4. Chefb87

    Chefb87 Fapstronaut

    It's a diagram with three circles. One inside the other inside the other. The inner most circles you write down all the things you consider a full relapse , color it red, the middle one you write down all your triggers , high risk situations and anything that if partake in will lead you to the things in the red ( you will relapse ) in mine , this is where I put PSUBS, feeling sorry for myself , shame , videogames , drinking etc ( color this orange ) then the outer most is all the healthy things you want to plan on doing to replace your old unhealthy habits , and things you do already . For example meditation , pushups , talking to sponsor etc. Color is green. For me this helped so much especially with what I put into my orange. I found that it helped preveny my addiction push any boundaries towards relapse. I couldn't think " ohh well I can watch these sexual music videos because that's not porn ". Because I put " sexual music videos " in my middle orange circle.

    Google search. " Three circles addictions " for probably a better answer. Haha.

    For mine. I made it all nice andnprfession , colored it with markers, and even lamenated it and put it up on my wall. I found this helped me.
  5. Well done! Keep it up!! Chefb87, good explaination!!
  6. I love hearing these stories from people putting in all this work. well Done.
  7. Rebooter85

    Rebooter85 Fapstronaut

    Great to see how your are doing. We both have obviously a similar reason that led us to that addiction. For me it was the bad relationship to my father, which never gave me self-esteem.. Quite the opposite... Nofap finally gave me the opportunity to realize that
  8. lesgetit

    lesgetit New Fapstronaut

    Wow this is extremely motivating to me. I just joined this community and am excited to see the benefits of beating this addiction. Congrats man!
    Chefb87 and Africanman like this.
  9. Bonhart

    Bonhart Fapstronaut

    I'm porud of you man, keep improving! Thank you for sharing this post with us.
    Chefb87 likes this.
  10. Sir Minato

    Sir Minato Fapstronaut

    Congrats on the 90 days, as I was reading I was nodding and feeling that you really got it. You really understand the aspects of this addiction and what leads up to it, you are back to feeling your emotions and setting boundaries which is a huge success and I am really happy for you, I am working on the same for quite some time now and with Nofap it goes even better.
    I can imagine your fiances feelings and yours too. I don't think you want to act out. I think that is how intimacy works. It happens when both are ready.

    Suggestion from my heart would be that you two take a look at karezza if you haven't already. Order Cupid's Poisoned Arrow. It might be just the right kind of thing after you will have processed all that has happened. I'm amazed by your bravery to be open and for her great ability to love because she is still with you, even when you two feel moved in weird ways. Karezza starts out with nonsexual bonding techniques which involve alot of oxytocin and need no sexuality for it if you follow the practices of the book. I can imagine that even when you don't know what sexuality is like right now between the two of you, this could be something you could do on a daily basis and it would bring you closer together as well as help at healing the wounds caused by this painful addiction.
    I am so happy to see you made it. I am so happy to see you two together. Thank you so much for sharing this. I wish for you that this works out and that you can live the life you want to life from all of my heart. Thanks for letting me witness such a moving story. My chest is so warm right now. I feel so much love. Hahahaha. Peace
    ForeverChanges likes this.
  11. Chefb87

    Chefb87 Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much sir wankalot for your great comments. I am definitely going to go look at those right now. :)
    Sir Minato likes this.
  12. thefighter96

    thefighter96 Fapstronaut

    Great job dude you're a real inspiration.
    I once went on a 42 days streak but i relapsed and felt like a loser i started masturbating again, I'm trying so hard to stop it's killing me but reading your post made me feel good about myself and encouraged me to do the Nofap and hopefully I'll be just like you and start a better healthier life
  13. Powerous

    Powerous Fapstronaut

  14. Chefb87

    Chefb87 Fapstronaut

    The fighter96;

    I highly recommend the three circles diagram and putting effort into almost an arts and crafts object. I found that making mine really helped me to set up very clear definitions on what I thought a relapse was , very clear definitions on what things I have to stay away from or else they will lead to relapse, and having a list of things that I can do that's healthy if I find myself dabbling in those things that will lead me to relapse .
    I found ... By putting it on paper, and making them colorful and laminated, it didnt let my addictive thinking push the boundaries as much as they would in past times which would always lead to a relapse.
    For example; I consider watching porn a relapse . Watching overly sexual music videos , gym pictures with girls wearing yoga pants , etc are things I knew were triggers for me that would eventually lead me to relapse. So having those on my paper , didn't let my mind say it was ok to do those things. Because there they were. .... On paper saying they aren't ok.

    I highly recommend three circles diagram !
  15. testwarz

    testwarz Fapstronaut

    Congratz bro!!! Pls join us on the 180 day warrior and 365 day challenges
  16. thefighter96

    thefighter96 Fapstronaut

    Thanks dude I'll do my best
  17. Sir Minato

    Sir Minato Fapstronaut

    Tell me what you think about those when you had a look and if you two are interested and try it out.
  18. kbmn78

    kbmn78 Fapstronaut

    Thanks brother!