Let's Talk About Rape

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Jul 25, 2016.

  1. If shame and self-loathing were enough incentive to stop my addictive behavior, I would have kicked it decades ago. Unfortunately, there's no bottom to how much self-loathing one can have unless it leads to suicide. For me, suicide has never been an option for multiple reasons, so I am left with the self-loathing. Anyone caught in the addiction cycle will experience the guilt and shame of failing, only to find themselves relapsing again.

    Anger can be a productive emotion, but it has also been a powerful trigger. I've been angry at my weakness and lack of self-control, and I then turn to the "1 thing" that I know will give me pleasure - feeding my lust through porn. If anger works for you, then by all means use it, but if you ever find it holding you back and even pushing you towards your addiction rather than away from it, it's time to abandon it for something else. The important thing is to continue doing what you are doing: identifying those things that will fuel the change within. Be open to the fact that those things could change the more you learn about your weaknesses.

    I like what you said at the end, that you can't extract a bad habit without replacing it with good ones. Yes, absolutely. I struggle with this the most because of the the 2nd requirement: work. I have all the knowledge I need to kick this addiction. What I haven't kicked is my laziness. Without the work, I will get nowhere. Right now I'm working on this forum, and I hope it lasts. It's gotten me through 2 weeks, but I know eventually I will either grow bored or lazy again, and that's when my addiction will smile and beckon me unless I focus my attention elsewhere.
    MsPants likes this.
  2. Dendrite

    Dendrite Fapstronaut

    I want to apologise for the extremity of the "skewers" thing ... it was not my finest moment. But we must accept what we have done to move past it, I believe, so...

    Anyhow, if I may, I would like to add one more thing that may help to fuel change within. It is the future. Over the years, I have been very ashamed of my pornography addiction, and I have spent countless hours in a lust-filled haze, letting all other priorities in life slide. But this has not been enough to stop me. What is helping me more now, I find, is a vision of a compulsion-free future. I am no longer running from the addiction. I am running to a better, more wholesome, more fulfilling life.

    I wonder whether this incentive is an age-related thing. I probably have less life to live than a younger person, and I have failed to control myself over a period of more than two decades. There is no more "Well, I will do it next month" or "If I fail, there is always another day" ... the days don't go on forever. I should try to make the days that remain into good ones, should I not?
  3. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    Proved a point. Vanilla porn is no better than extreme porn, at least for an addict. If an addict had self control, he or she would not be addicted. Porn use esculates.
  4. Jodo Kus

    Jodo Kus Fapstronaut

    @zathura I liked your answer to my last post and I accept your point of view. Congratulations on 20 days clean btw, go on!

    In my history of porn use there are two players. One is me or my brain and the other are the porn sites and the production behind. My decisions and what I like are manipulated by the industry, but they never forced me to do something. I make decisions on my own account. For example I go back to certain sites and to certain videos.
    But today I'm addicted. As I see it, both "players" are partially responsible for that.

    Do I watch rape porn? I don't think so. But I think what I watch sometimes is really on the edge to it. The key words are novelty and objectification.
    Novelty: I want to see new things. I think the credo is "more of it!" or "better ones!" and the implications are different for every one of us.
    Objectification starts in the porn studio and ends in my head. Objectification might be a "normal" treat of society. But for me personally it's just wrong what's going on in my head sometimes.

    For example, I'll watch a bondage video not because of the bondage but because I like how the woman looks like in that position and how sex looks like in that position. I just don't care about bondage.
    I think the scandal is the condoning. I use it, I get used to it, I don't care. Fetishists that do real bondage are probably more caring people than porn addicts (I guess).
    Vanilla porn or "fucked up porn"? I watch both, bc I'm an addict. I need to see certain features, certain faces, certain combinations. I need to click on things. But I'm still responsible for not caring.

    Long time I asked myself "what will my sex life and my fantasy be like when I've quit porn?" and I wondered how to recover without becoming nearly asexual. Today I say: it's about my brain and my imagination. It's crucial to avoid porn and subs but it's also necessary to change thinking. The truth is I don't need porn to PMO anymore. My worst form of PMO is which my brain likes most, I need unblocked highspeed internet for it. But I can also use a fashion magazine or just my imagination to PMO. My fantasy is infected by porn. Without I would be no saint either, no doubt. But the objectification goes too far. We're desensitized, so part of recovery is to re-sensitize.

    There's a TED-talk with some guy who says he's quit porn but also advocates a more responsible consumption of porn. That's probably a good thing to do, but for me just no option. I have to quit it. At the same time I can change my fantasy, my way of thinking, voluntarily. Neuroplasticity! We should use it.

    But the shame and self-loathing is an effect of the addiction. Good incentives are things like "be a better version of yourself" or "you'll have more energy" or "you'll be more attractive".
    A negative self-image just holds you back. It's part of the problem.
    And all the strong emotion aren't really part of the solution, I believe. But that doesn't mean you can't have them.

    Part of the discussion is also (re)taking responsibility. I welcome that. I've been very egoistic. I sat in my room, I didn't care for the world anymore and PMO'd. I'm still egoistically, because I fight my addiction for my own sake. So make me responsible again! I welcome it.
  5. I'm glad you respond to your question of watching rape porn with I don't think so. It's related to the question another sex addict asked me if I've ever watched child porn. I had to go from an adamant HELL NO to I just don't know. How can we know for sure? How can we know if a woman we're watching is being coerced, abused, or experiencing something they didn't sign up for but are forced to do it because they need the paycheck? Would all of those things classify as being raped? Is it really a gray area? Pardon my language, but how fucked up an industry this is that there is even a question or gray area like that? I'm not on a high horse, because I actively support it by viewing it. Hell, I've even paid for it at one point. You are correct in that novelty is a part of it - it's what drives the eventual need for newer and greater things to receive the same dopamine rush. Objectification is a huge part of the incredible lack of emotion we can generate in order to consume what the porn studios feed us. It's what allows us to ignore what is depicted and simply enjoy what we are seeing regardless of how it's affecting the women and men who are "performing".

    I recall a specific scene where a woman was giving oral, and she was using her teeth quite dramatically. It's not something I would ever want in real life - quite the opposite. Who the hell would! That's a stupid question I know, nothing surprises me anymore.
    I wish I could be perplexed as to why something I would hate in real life I enjoy getting turned on by it in the browser, but the truth is because I'm an addict. It doesn't make sense unless you can see the destructive power of watching porn and how it changes our brains and even tricks us into getting turned on by things that are the exact opposite of what we would want in real life.

    This above all else - yes. I just wrote about this in my Day 22 journal entry. My fantasy, my imagination, my objectification of women in public, all of it is damaged and, as you said, infected by porn. It has infected my sex life most of all - I can't seem to finish without fantasizing. I can't even enjoy just a moment of intimacy without my mind wandering to what truly gets me off. The answer to this is where rebooting comes in - rewiring our brains. I have to believe it can happen, but it hasn't happened to me yet.
    MsPants and Jodo Kus like this.
  6. CanadianBlue

    CanadianBlue Fapstronaut

    I'm glad to see a woman saying it plainly. Little girls are sexualized objects from the moment they're born. Look at Donald Trump's comments about his infant daughter's vagina and his comments about wanting to screw and date his own daughter. In fact, he's being taken to court over raping a child, a FEMALE child.

    Most girls are sexually preyed upon by the time they're 12 years old by grown men. We are not seen as human but sexual toys that have no emotion, that can be abused and tortured for some dude's pleasure.

    I'm about to get graphic b/c I feel it's the only way:

    The end result is women never ever realizing their potential as human beings who are just as capable as any man and can contribute. Our female humanity is tossed right in the trash because of some guy's erection. Grown men will spend thousands of dollars to travel to the poorest nations in the world to pay to rape females, from 5 yrs old to grown women. These grown men from Western countries know of the poverty and exploit it. They go online in Western countries looking for teenage girls to rape. Look at all the Youtube videos of 'pedophile hunters' and watch them shoot fish in a barrel. Society is misogynist, there's no doubt, but this requires a man to ACT to take place. It requires him to not give a flying fig about destroying other people's lives because in his mind, his boner is the only thing in the world that matters.

    This is what pornography and prostitution are all about. Impoverished women needing to feed/clothe/house themselves and their children at the expense of some guy's erection that he bought from a high priced doctor a la boner medicine. His idea of a good time is destroying a female human being's vagina and anus, destroying her psychologically because HIS MIGHTY ERECTION must be satisfied. So what if she cries in pain and bleeds? HIS ERECTION is the only damn thing that matters on planet earth.

    We have a generation of young girls, starting when they're 5 years old being taken into the boy's bathrooms and urinated on and violated. The boys either found the porn themselves or some lovely father was watching it and the boy found it or was even showed it by dear old dad.

    I'm sick of watching girls lives get destroyed, while all females live like automatons, terrified of men. The culture may have several diff types of food but I don't have to eat every single type of food put in front of me. Everyone has a choice.
    MsPants and Dendrite like this.
  7. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    I hope your trolling, Canadian Blue? Most guys are not what you describe and they are not doing what you describe! Women molest children too it just doesn't get reported as much, that being said it's not the norm for men or women and it's an extreme sickness and a very serious crime.

    Society is sick and in a way both men and women are under attack. That being said I don't think you should undervalue men. Looking at statistics families raised by a father are less likely to have children who are criminals, rapists, to catch STDS, etc. There are some bad parent's out there for sure, and bad people as well. That being said I don't think you should hate an entire gender. You will find your own gender will let you down as well, and that they are full of awful people as well.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2016
  8. CanadianBlue

    CanadianBlue Fapstronaut

    Females are the primary sex under attack. If you can't admit that then I don't even know why men even want to quit watching male sexual violence against females in the first place. That's why men doing sexually violent things to females is the theme of the entire pornography industry. It's about male dominance and female submission. That's a fact. Statistics bear this out. Also, women's and girls lives and their experiences bear this out. Ask a room full of females the first time they were sexually violated. Most will say in their youth by grown men.

    I will not apologize for stating the reality of women's and girls lives, especially on a post about RAPE of women, which happens much too often and destroys women's and girls lives.

    I'm blunt because I'm a wake up call. Apparently you missed the part about little boys urinating on little girls in public school bathrooms? Shall I start linking the violence done to females all over the world? Do I have to become Captain Obvious?
  9. larrylarrylarry

    larrylarrylarry Fapstronaut

    PSA: How to use this Forum
    1. Recognize the trolls
    2. Don't feed the trolls
    3. Use the Ignore button to ignore the trolls
  10. Dendrite

    Dendrite Fapstronaut

    I don't think that she's trolling, and I largely agree with her as well. What she is attacking is not a gender, nor is it individual people. It is the structure and the system that enables these things to go on, with a nod-and-a-wink, while pretending to give a damn about women.

    Let us review some instructive cases.

    Just this year, there was an American college student who raped a passed-out-drunk woman in an alley and only got brought up to court because two Swedish cyclists happened to be passing by and stopped him. This college student still sees absolutely nothing wrong with what he did, and there are enormous numbers of "mens rights" assholes on the internet and in real life who will tell you that the rape was "just a little fun" or something that is "normal" about college. It is socially fine to "get some" at certain parties, and who gives a damn about the woman?

    A year or two ago, a high-school cheerleader was censured for failing to cheer on her rapist, who was some kind of local-star athlete. People were very distressed at this because how could she try and make a spectacle by not cheering when that is her "job"? I would say, how the fuck did we as a society decide that a woman's human dignity must be trampled on by forcing her to do these things at such a terrible cost to her self?

    There is a program on television called "Honey Boo Boo" and it is popular. There are other similar programs as well. If you are going to tell me that it does not have the aim of sexualising prepubescent girls, then you can blow it out your ear. You would have better luck trying to convince me that "beauty pageants" are all about "inner talent" rather than how fuckable a woman appears to be!

    These are not "exceptional" cases. Do your homework and you will find many many more. Or just speak to a lawyer or social worker to hear about the horrors that society turns a blind eye to.

    As I have grown older, I have witnessed the world becoming more and more sexualised. Did this stuff happen in the past? Certainly. Sex "tourism" (which @CanadianBlue describes well!) has been around for ages. But the brazen way in which it is actually ENCOURAGED these days is insane to me. In my time, if you got caught doing such a thing or even asking about such a thing, you would be immediately ostracized. Now you can go online and find a dozen places easily where people will swap "advice" on these things. It is disgusting, and @CanadianBlue is absolutely correct, little children are picking up on it and doing these things nowadays.

    I think that, in the interest of civil discourse, you don't have to agree with @CanadianBlue. But it is a few steps too far to claim that these things don't happen, or that they're not being supported by systems of inequity and prejudice, or that they're not becoming more "socially acceptable", or that @CanadianBlue must somehow "hate" all men. Not every post must be responded to if you do not agree with it. And if you must post, and you do not agree with her, please disagree respectfully.
    MsPants and CanadianBlue like this.
  11. IGY

    IGY Guest

    @CanadianBlue IS attacking gender. Read all her posts so far @Dendrite, and then try and tell me she is not a misandrist.
    marcpro likes this.
  12. Dendrite

    Dendrite Fapstronaut

    @IGY, to which I would say that even a stopped clock is right twice a day. These two posts seem fine to me. I have not looked at all of her posts.

    If we will judge peoples posts before even reading them because of our preconceptions of the person, then we might as well just put the person on "ignore" and go on with our day - there is no need to read or reply.

    Edit: in the interest of doing my homework, I have looked at some more of her posts. Her viewpoint is slightly more extreme than mine ... perhaps with age, I have mellowed? However, for comparison, @IGY's views for example (which I also saw on a thread) are MUCH more extreme than mine and I am of the opinion that they venture into misogyny and "mansplaining". So there is that!
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2016
    MsPants likes this.
  13. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    Your talking about anecdotal incidents like it is meaningful, Dendrite. How about women who cut off penises and nothing gets done about it or all these female teachers having sex with and molesting their students and getting far less punishment than a man would? People do get away with sex crimes, but it seems the courts are much more lenient with women when it comes to sex crimes. South Park did a whole episode based on women getting away with sex with minors and that episode spewed some popular memes which you have probably seen. They usually have the word "nice" in them.

    I've never watched "honey boo boo" but isn't it about some fat family?

    Obviously, the world is becoming more sexualized. This has been going on since at least the sixties. Remember the bra burning, the sexual revolution, when women were being oppressed by suffocating sexist Christian morals..

    As far as sex tourism goes the stuff I've heard about recently is women going to Africa and Jamaica to hook up with guys. I think they call it renting a dread in Jamaica.

    Canadianblue is talking crazy hatred and making ridiculous claims about the group she is hating, and you should not be encouraging her. I understand people get hurt and people like to blame a particular group for all their problems. It's much easier when so and so is responsible for all the evil in the world and the world would be so much better without " insert hated group here". I don't want to condemn her I understand how people can get so full of hate, but rather encourage her and help her to get over this hatred and awful blindness.

    You know who is oppressed? Not you! Those people your nation bombs, who's children get killed, whose cities and nations get destroyed, who's land gets poisoned, those people you call terrorists. They are oppressed. You are not oppressed.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2016
  14. Son_of_Iroquois

    Son_of_Iroquois Fapstronaut

    Sex evolved from a very dark place. Read the book "Sex and War" sometime, it's a real eye opener.
    Feelings of aggression towards women are tied up with the sex drive. This comes from evolution. Many women are turned on by men who are sexually aggressive in some way. I have seen it in my own life: behave like a gentleman and get nowhere. Start being a dick and all of a sudden you get laid.

    Rape is a fantasy of many women, whether they will admit it publicly or not. Why do you think 50 Shades of Grey was so immensely popular? It tapped directly into women's sexual fantasies of being sexually dominated by a powerful man. Read the book "Women's Sexual Fantasies". Numerous letters from women describe fantasies of being raped.

    Personally, I knew a girl who was raped when she was 22. Want to know something? And this is 100% truth: she told me she liked it. She was raped by two men in Italy. The violence, she said she hated, but she said the sex really turned her on. She went to rape therapy where she sat in with other women in group counseling sessions. She said she struggled internally with her feelings for a long time.

    So my point is this: sex is messed up. Don't blame yourself for your choices like you're the worst person ever. As a human being you have inherited a dark history which you had no choice of inheriting. Your responsibility is to become aware of the instincts which you have inherited, and manage those instincts in a way that results in positive good for yourself and for your fellow human beings.
    larrylarrylarry likes this.
  15. marcpro

    marcpro Fapstronaut

    Damn how the shit escalates, I know nofap is for life because I just don't want to escalate.
    @IGY I agree with you, it smells like misandry.
    Gender hate was never the solution, mspants was empathic and understood how OP escalated to this.
    Everyone has to participate, patriarchy or matriarchy are no solutions.
    Sex wars will lead us to absolutely nothing.
    Jodo Kus likes this.
  16. larrylarrylarry

    larrylarrylarry Fapstronaut

    Well said.
    Trolls are trolls, they relentlessly push those buttons and escalation gives them attentions.

    Don't feed the trolls, use the ignore function.
  17. IGY

    IGY Guest

    What are you accusing me of @Dendrite? What is "mansplaining"? :confused:
  18. larrylarrylarry

    larrylarrylarry Fapstronaut

    "Mansplaining is a sexist term designed to silence men via gender shaming." - Markus Persson, creator of Minecraft
  19. marcpro

    marcpro Fapstronaut

    Mansplaining is a portmanteau of the words man and explaining,defined as "to explain something to someone, typically a man to woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing."[1][2] Lily Rothman of The Atlanticdefines it as "explaining without regard to the fact that the explainee knows more than the explainer, often done by a man to a woman,"[3]and feminist author and essayist Rebecca Solnit ascribes the phenomenon to a combination of "overconfidence and cluelessness."[4]

    Due to its gender-specific reference to "man", this term has been referred to by some critics as inherently sexist.[5][6][7][8]
    Some argument to destabilize you.
    Ultra-feminist argument?
  20. Wow - so much to respond to here, and not just your post @Son_of_Iroquois, but all of the others on this thread since I was last online before the weekend.

    You appear to be walking a very dangerous line here, and I fear the generalizations you are making are extreme. I used to firmly believe that nice guys are last - that the asshole gets the girl, but unfortunately that simplifies a very complicated subject of what women are attracted to. I wonder, if the generalization is accurate, how much of "dick" or an asshole is acceptable to women? Where does the line of cocky and douche begin and just enough asshole to pick up a woman end? I'm sure there are plenty of anecdotes we can relate to that would fit your generalization, but I submit that perhaps it isn't the dick or asshole that gets the woman but the man who's confident and sure of himself vs. one who's socially awkward or shy. The danger I referred to above is believing women as a whole desire sexual aggressiveness. More on that below.

    Fantasy and reality are two completely different things. This is the draw of porn and all the sick, twisted, and creepy (STC) categories we as men are drawn to. Can you deny that there are things you've watched which you were turned on by but would have no desire to participate in reality? What makes you think women are any different? Have I PMOd to rape porn - absolutely. Have I actively searched for it - yes. Did I get turned on by the violence and dehumanization of what I was watching - yes. Would I ever do that to a woman, that's a resounding no, nor was there even the slightest temptation for me. That doesn't excuse my support of rape porn, but it's a clear line that I would never cross. So how many women who fantasize about rape want to actually be raped? I would submit a shockingly low number. And let's not confuse sexual domination with rape. BDSM, although dangerous in many aspects, does not equate to rape. Those are 2 very different things.

    So based on this one anecdote, you will use this to bolster your argument. I don't know how well you know this girl, but did you consider that maybe she was saying this as a coping mechanism? That perhaps she was traumatized, but rather than deal with the trauma she convinced herself she enjoyed it and that, in a way, means she wasn't actually raped? I have read numerous articles by women who have described this very same coping mechanism. Just the fact that she struggled internally with her feelings tells me this isn't as clear cut as you describe it. Given the choice and a time machine, would she choose be raped again? I'm not victim blaming here, I'm simply stating if she went back in time and she knew if she went to that one place she would be raped by two men, would she choose to go there again? @Son_of_Iroquois - you stated yourself she went to rape therapy! Why would someone seek out therapy unless there was some form of trauma?

    Please understand, I'm not trying to be callous or insulting, but I do not accept your argument because it is an argument that condones and excuses rape. Even if half of all women - which is ridiculous - but for the sake of argument let's say half of all women fantasize about rape and want that fantasy acted out in real life, how would you know which woman is part of that 50%? It would be your responsibility to assume EVERY woman is part of the other 50%, and only if you were in a relationship where your girlfriend revealed to you her fantasy and desire, only then could you justify helping her out with what she wants. But then again - would that be considered rape?

    I'm not sure who you are addressing here, but I agree with some of it. However, I do not agree with the notion that sex is messed up. Sex can be a wonderful, beautiful thing that strengthens relationships and draws people closer together. I wouldn't classify myself as "sex positive", but if just looking at marriage, the importance of a healthy sexual relationship cannot be understated. Just like anything, sex can be abused and it is in many dark ways. Rape is at the top of the list. Whatever instincts we as men have inherited, we have a moral responsibility to control and manage those instincts as you correctly stated.
    MsPants, marcpro and Dendrite like this.