It's perfectly fine to degrade women because we live in capatalist society?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by onceaking, Dec 29, 2019.

  1. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    The idea came to me after listening to an episode about porn on The Liturgists podcast. Hillary McBride was arguing that one reason why porn is bad because it objectifies women, but Michael Gungor countered that argument by saying in a capitalist society we view most people in most industries as objects. He used the example of someone working in McDonald's; when we order from McDonald's we don't view the person serving us as a human being but as a thing getting us what we want. This can be applied to any restaurant we order food from or any store we buy products. To us, people working in those industries are nothing but things that are there to serve us.

    So if we do that how can it be wrong to degrade women if we live in a society that degrades workers? Ideally, we would recognise the person working is a human being with feelings but I don't think we do. I've worked in customer services so I try to be patient and polite with people who have such jobs even I can get annoyed if I have to wait so long. The fact I get annoyed shows I actually view the person serving me as a thing not a human being. So why can't we do that to women in regards to sex?

    'The nature of industry is to reduce human beings to work units... The problem with capitalism it is objectifying and putting a quantifiable value to a persons worth... To say a persons sexuality can't be part of that equation I just don't think it's realistic. Take away the entire entertainment industry, take the entire fashion industry, take away most of the marketing industry, you don't have much left in our society if you take that completely away'. - Michael Gungor
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2019
  2. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    Well, I'm a socialist so I guess this doesn't apply to me.

    Although it doesn't matter if you live in a capitalist or socialist society, people will always have difficulty with not objectifying other people at all. However I think objectifying someone isn't just a simple on-off switch, but rather a scale. When I go to cashier, I don't have time or interest to stop to contemplate his or her humanity, nor do I try to get to know him/her. The cashier is an object for me to buy the shit I came to buy. Still I try to be polite and kind towards them thus silently aknowledging that they are in fact a person with thoughts and feelings and a right to be treated as such.

    Wether it's okay to objectify someone (including women) depends on the situation. Sure, you wouldn't go to any lengths to get to know a cashier, but if you're for instance pursuing a relationship with someone, it's kinda necessary that you get to know them and appreciate them as a person.
  3. How about just don't degrade anybody? Who cares if we "live in a society that degrades workers"? That doesn't mean YOU have to degrade them. You can't use society being crap as an excuse to join them in being crap. You're not responsible for society, but you ARE responsible for yourself.
    MLMVSS likes this.
  4. Communism and socialism also treat people as objects, and much more brutally.

    and armies and anyone seeking power... - democracy objectivies people as 'votes'.

    As you might imagine, I disagree with the nature of the question - blaming one system and making that assumption that system is 'wrong'.

    Have you ever read about how communists destroyed the connection between sex and intimacy and personal meaning, and destroyed sexual morality? It's horrifying to read about their deliberate attempts - often involving forced sex - which still go on with radicals (Which is why the sixties revolution was so tied to sexual 'liberation' ) to destroy families and sexual restraint.

    Sexual liberation, so called is what objectivies women (and men)
    brilliantidiot likes this.

  5. This is along the lines of what I was thinking. We as individuals can make the choice not to succumb to the system.

    We can try and get to know the cashier, the food server, the customer service agent at the airport, etc. It may be be a very brief exchange but we can do things to let the person know that we don't think of them as just a robot that's doing a service for us.

    And same goes with women. We don't have to live with the mentality that they are just objects for us men to use sexually.

    Women have their struggles too when it comes to their interactions with men and they also can make the choice to view things and do things that are constructive.

    Unfortunately this coldness of heart that people have for each other is increasing steadily. It's a big part of the world's system. I don't think we have to go with the flow. We can make the choice to be different than the rest.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2019
    CodeTalker and Deleted Account like this.
  6. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    I don't know about this but it doesn't really matter if it's true. My point isn't whether capitalism or communism is the answer, my point is we objectify people outside of sex so it should be a big deal if we view someone as a sex object. Viewing women as sex objects shouldn't be why we're quitting porn.

    I don't see how that can be the case. Have you read or watched A Christmas Carol?
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2019
  7. It made self gratification the only thing that mattered.
  8. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    That might be all well and good if you haven't been waiting in line for a long time. But if you've had to wait in line for 30 mins would you really want to get know them? I think 99% would be mad at them for making them for making them wait so long. Subconsciously we view them as machines.
  9. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    Not really. Self gratification was around way long before that.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. but you didn't have 'experts' publicly declaring it was all that mattered when it came to sex.

    You didn't have it as a moral standard. The only societies that had this standard were ones that were in decline.
  11. it can be a reason, but there are plenty (and we need plenty) to quit and internalize them.
  12. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    You did. Within the Roman empire a man could take a woman if he was powerful enough to do so. The only thing that could stop him was if the woman belonged to an even more powerful man. It was considered a man's right to take whatever he wanted. I think it's wrong to think this is all new, history tells us it's not. In fact, it was worse back then because raping and paedophilia wasn't illegal, in fact it was considered normal.
  13. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    Oops I meant shouldn't. I've corrected that now.
  14. not in the republic :)
    not with a patricians wife. late roman empire was decadent and in decline. but again, can you show me where a roman (cicero, seneca, etc) said this was ok?

    Our public morality on sex until the 1960s said it was bad - the ONLY people advocating for sexual liberation were radicals who were INTENTIONALLY trying to break up society and the family because it blocked their means to power. Same goes for many authoritarian empire.
  15. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    All large-scale political ideologies treat people as objects, or at the very least, as statistical numbers, because it’s impossible to view a population larger than a mid-sized town as anything more. It’s not unique to capitalism or socialism, so anyone claiming that it is speaks utter BS.

    But on a personal level? Of course people shouldn’t be abused.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. We are at least FREE to treat each other as we wish within the law. I am thankful for that.
    brilliantidiot likes this.
  17. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    This is why I preffer regular restaurants and not food chains. The waiter stays and talks with you until your order is up.