Is this a success story?

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Don Gately, Jun 2, 2016.

  1. Don Gately

    Don Gately Fapstronaut

    I got fired from my job today! I feel that this is a gift of freedom, opening possibilities for the future. At 67 days PMO free, this is not what I thought was going to happen! I thought I would have more energy and enthusiasm to dedicate to the job I was doing. Instead, giving up PMO showed me that I was in the wrong position! This isn't the type of progress that I sought or expected, but I am already happier. I saved up a lot of money over the last 2.5 years, so I'm not in any immediate financial danger.

    I'm in worse shape physically than I think I've ever been in my life. I sprained my shoulder while snowboarding earlier this year, and haven't been consistent in the exercise I can do. I'm single and living with my parents at age 31. I'm confused about girls and how to feel about them, look at them, or treat them. I still feel a lack of motivation for a lot of the things I want to accomplish.

    Even with all those issues, giving up PMO has made me feel so much better. I have a clear conscience. I have more hope for the future. I'm still a natural pessimist, but I'm better than I was! I would encourage anyone who is trying to give up PMO to keep trying. It may not have the exact results you think you want, but you will become a better person, and that is invaluable. It will do good for your family, friends, and everyone you meet, and you will feel better over time. It will seem like forever before you see any results. The first few days are killer, and sometimes later on you'll probably want to give in, too, but you can develop new habits. We can. Thanks so much for all your help! It's never over, but at least I've begun.
  2. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    Great additude and changes!
    strongman and Bodyreality like this.
  3. Its been said that anytime we try to really change give up alcohol, porn, cigarettes, some crisis comes that provides an 'excuse' to say 'see your efforts amount to nothing'

    May sound corny but I was fired six years ago and the first year was a little scary, but I eventually got rehired (via taking a contract job way below my experience ) and now literally (I sound like an infomercial!) doubled my income and got a much more rewarding job. I know look back and laugh that i was afraid to leave that job and thought nothing better would emerge.
  4. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    To answer your question, yes you are a success story. Most change is good and if you keep a positive attitude the change will be for the best. Keep working on the issues that you want to fix and each time you make an improvement you will feel more power and be closer to having everything that you desire.
    strongman and Don Gately like this.
  5. grffn

    grffn Fapstronaut

    Hey Don Gately (I'm currently reading Infinite Jest),

    Congrats on over two months clean. That's a huge accomplishment. Here's to two more!

    Now that you're not working anymore what are you going to do with all your free time? I know that for me personally, when I'm not keeping a busy schedule I'm more likely to relapse. Hopefully you don't have that problem! Maybe you can use all your free time to rehab your shoulder injury and get back in the gym regularly. Sounds like there's a lot of things that you want to accomplish that seem so far out of reach at age 31. I'd say start small. Big accomplishments don't come out of nowhere. Set small daily/weekly goals. The gym is actually a really great place to start. Maybe you can start with a goal of going to the gym 3 days a week and build from there. Healthy body = healthy mind, right?

    Good luck!
    strongman and Don Gately like this.
  6. chaoyiyun

    chaoyiyun Fapstronaut

    I agree with you ! Good idea !
    strongman likes this.
  7. oversexedsami

    oversexedsami Fapstronaut

    Sounds like a success! You're making strides in finding out who you really are and what you should be doing, both career and life-wise. It's amazing how life will reveal to you things that you never expected. Good thing in the past you saved up some funds too yeah? You seem to have a healthy outlook on the future for someone who is generally pessimistic so congrats on that as well.

    The journey is still young but damn you're doing well it seems. No PMO 68 days and running has already, and will continue to, make healthy impacts on your life. Best of luck to you :)
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2016
    strongman and Don Gately like this.
  8. @Don Gately

    Hello Mate,

    During my first reboot, I got emotional around day 40 and my Boss tried to fire me.

    We have reached agreement eventually with solid financial compensation
    (according to law, I did not ask anything extra).

    I was stucked in that job for 3 years without promotion working like a dog. Toxic job. Politics, Intrigues. Helping colleagues who got promoted because they were bosses pets.

    Working hard on myself even after work...

    Later, around 40% (my friends) left because they just could not work in such conditions.

    To be honest, it was the best thing which happened to me.

    I am much happier person now.

    Even if I struggle less, sometimes it can get tough.

    Especially with NoFap.

    On day 80 you have a perspective. (Imagine the same thing would happen if you would PMOed yesterday...)

    I would say, take this opportunity by the horns and do the best of it.

    Take the time and consider what you want to do in the future. Where you want to be and how you get there.

    Take the time...

    Get to your best shape ever.

    Maybe slowly start to prepare CV (No Pressure)

    I am not sure where you are but we are about to get a summer over here. So Enjoy.

    Good Luck and God Bless!
    strongman and Don Gately like this.
  9. Don Gately

    Don Gately Fapstronaut

  10. listen to this guy, he has hours and hours of talk on you tube. I listen to him all the youtube video is titled, the day that turns your life around.

    strongman likes this.
  11. Don Gately

    Don Gately Fapstronaut

    I took the opportunity to take a big trip! I've been traveling for almost two weeks and have another week ahead of me. I'm going to spend the next month or so planning, and then I'll start working on grad school applications and finding a new job.
  12. Don Gately

    Don Gately Fapstronaut

    How's Infinite Jest going? I've gotten so much insight from that book and DFW in general.
  13. Hakan1

    Hakan1 Fapstronaut

    This is what we call success story bro! Happy for you. Hope to feel like you...
    strongman likes this.
  14. larrylarrylarry

    larrylarrylarry Fapstronaut

    Success is a process, not a destination.

    So, with that in mind, to answer your question YES, that's success. Look at how far you've come.

    Continue your course. Improve. Keep on going.
    Get a new job, maybe it's going to be an awesome job, maybe it's going to be a stepping stone into an awesome job. Keep improving, that is the true success.
  15. TheDancingPotato

    TheDancingPotato Fapstronaut

    Your positivity its overwhelming, you are one of the main reasons I joined this community. You make me feel even more proud of my choice to give up on M and F. I hope you will keep us updated! Keep inspiring people!
  16. Don Gately

    Don Gately Fapstronaut

    MAN! That's really encouraging to hear. I'm a flippin' mess right now because my heart is broken and I'm unemployed, but PMO brings me down in a whole different way, so I'm determined to leave it alone. Do your best! All progress counts!

    I've gotten a lot of encouragement at my Latter-day Saint 12 Step group, too, if you're looking for more help. They have call-in meetings, if you're not into showing up. I also started a Step 4 inventory recently on paper, too, which has been helpful. Anyway I don't know if you came looking for tips, but those have been helpful to me.
    TheDancingPotato likes this.
  17. Ajar

    Ajar Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Is it me, or does he sound like the type of people that just quit their job. Start their own business, and just fucking rake in millions just by blinking ?
  18. Don Gately

    Don Gately Fapstronaut

    Sounds like my jam!
  19. Well that doesn't happen by sitting home fapping so he's on the right track!
    Ajar and larrylarrylarry like this.