Is my problem even curable? (Foot fetish related)

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by takingcontrol88, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. -eve-

    -eve- Fapstronaut

    I believe the mind is a place of innumerable possibilities; I am certain we all have the potential to engineer a sexuality that doesn't involve porn and fetishes. Our brains are shapable; neurons that fire together wire together, ergo, many of us have associated great heights of pleasure with accessing porn and/or fetish materials. But it is equally important to know that neurons which fire apart wire apart. That seems to be the basis of this website; to sever that strong association of pleasure with our porn and fetish materials. To assure that our neurons for pleasure are not made to fire when our neurons for porn/fetish are firing. This concept has been helpful and comforting to me before. I'm new to this, however, so maybe I'm mistaken here!

    Zenman, you bring up an interesting point: that we must mourn the loss of our fetishes. I imagine the best way to mitigate fetish-related behaviours is indeed to abstain completely. Therein lies the loss. But when our fetishes become so poetic, so relatable, so intwined in our conceptions of gender and sexuality, we face a huge undertaking.
    HappyInTheRain likes this.
  2. Buddhabro

    Buddhabro Fapstronaut

    I think biological changes that happen when we stop PMO are profound enough to be regarded as magical.
    I wouldn't be surprised to learn that you are free of your addictions and fetishes. I think if you give it enough time and truly abstain then you can answer that question for yourself. For me, the answer is yes
    zenman likes this.