I want to get better

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Jon.B, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. Jon.B

    Jon.B Fapstronaut

    Hi, I'm a 27 yo male. I'm from a Spanish speaking country so I apologize in advance for any "bad grammar". Since last year I've been experiencing frequent cases of ED, that's what got me to read online about masturbation, which for sometime I believed I had been abusing. First time I had sex I was 16, with my gf, I was worried about PE but it was actually the opposite, I couldn't reach orgasm. During my 4 year relationship with my gf, there was only one time I could orgasm. I lied to her about it and she appreciated my endurance, so I though it wasn't a big deal, I could reach it through masturbation so it was fine for me. After the relationship ended it was the same story with other girls. I can only remember 4 or 5 times from 16 to 26 when I could orgasm during sex. Last year I met a new girl we started dating and when we began having sex it was amazing, I could reach orgasm with her no problem, I though I was cured. But then I started reaching it too fast, and now I suffer from weak erections and can never last very long with her.

    Additional to my sex life, I feel like my mood is down most of the time, and I'm performing badly at my job and in my other relationships, with friends and family. Somedays when Im not working all I do is jump from porn sites, to video games, to youtube, netflix, and then to the begining to start all over.

    I'll keep browsing the site to see where should I begin. Las time I fapped was 3 days ago, but I edged a couple hours ago (during a time I should've been working). If there is anyone available I would love to have an Accountability partner and become someone else's AP too, I think it would help me to share my strugle.

    Thank you and good luck to everyone!!
  2. Unas

    Unas Fapstronaut

    Bienvenido al foro,

    gracias por compartir tu historia, nos alegramos que estés aquí y te aseguro que ya estás en la posición del ganador.

    Just be careful with the edging, it's a trap. If you abstain, then try to abstain either completely (no masturbation, no porn, hard mode or even complete abstention without any kind of arousal) or only masturbate without porn, although I think it might be beneficial to abstain completely for a certain amount of time. Maybe you'd like to try the 30 day challenge, begin with small milestones and try to be beat your alter ego. 3 days, 5 days, 7 days... and so on. It's worth it!

    Don't be discouraged if you can't make it in one go, letting go happens to all of us and failure is part of the success. The ultimate success is to get up every time you fell. You will experience significant changes in your life - greater self confidence, a better understanding of your own, better time management... but only if you truly commit.

    Mucha suerte, amigo, que te vaya todo bien y que pronto nos cuentes de tus éxitos!

    P.D.: Aquí hay un thread dedicado a hablantes españoles, puedes echarle un vistazo si quieres, es buena gente: