I keep failing

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by tonytony, Mar 9, 2015.

  1. tonytony

    tonytony Fapstronaut

    I keep failing. I have went about 20 days twice before relapsing. I feel terrible. Right now I'm binging on porn and i feel like shit. I hate pmo and how it's ruining my life. My mind is all clouded and it's hard to think. I feel as if my life is just wasting away.
  2. rex84

    rex84 Fapstronaut

    Do not give up brother, I believe in you!
  3. Soul Cage

    Soul Cage Fapstronaut

    Same happened to me mate, still sruggling i get to 20 or 22 days and i just cant get past it, i feel so proud of myself and then i just break, it only takes a little seed, some trigger and I binge, i start hating myself but can't stop doing it, like a drug.

    But listen there is hope, all it take is to keep getting back up, remember that's another twenty days in your life that you didnt indulge your habits, you followed to your head not your sex drive, and you should be proud of that.
  4. Guys don't beat yourselves up your doing better than me!! My record is only 7 days and at the moment I only get to three days before I relapse, you have to just forgive yourself and get back in the fight, shame and guilt only fuel the addiction so try and give your self a pat on the back 20 days is frickin awesome!!

    "Don't focus on fighting the old, focus on building the new"

  5. jayjayUK

    jayjayUK Fapstronaut

    I know how you feel. I changed my name on here because I was so fed up of failing. But I did learn much from relapsing and it made me stronger. I did notice that the more negative I became the more I relapsed. I have decided to use this opportunity to improve my life and hoping the new behaviours will replace the PMO.

    Wishing you all the best.
  6. Thanatos

    Thanatos Fapstronaut

    It might be selfish, but its comforting to hear that the 20 day mark is a difficult time for others as well.
    22 the most that I have done and it always seems to bring a relapse.
    You need to remember how good you felt reaching 20 days before you binge.
    You can get back there and once you are there remember how shitty you felt after you binged.
  7. painistemporary

    painistemporary Fapstronaut

    Rise your mind and your actions rise the same way. Raise your level of thinking about yourself. Dont think like you are the fall. You can rise! Constantly keep thinking like you are great and you will become great my friend. Just dont lie to yourself. You are great, you just gotta believe!
  8. Adam33

    Adam33 Fapstronaut

    Be firm in your decision but be patient with yourself.
    You did it twice in 40 days, it's already pretty good. you're doing good man.
    Now try to do better and don't relapse before 30 days. Then aim to 40 (and so on).
  9. Janus

    Janus Fapstronaut

    So far my personal record is 21 days. I haven't been able to crack that yet but I'm not giving up. I keep working at it. The problem is the longer you go, it seems the more potent the triggers become. Going one or two days now is pretty easy, even a week, after that, I start to get the "shakes" in a sense. Then I see a Victoria's Secret ad on a website and then I find myself back to surfing porn and doing what I did before.

    It's frustrating but I'm not going to stop trying. Hang in there everyone! Persistence will pay off!