I don’t know where to go from here...

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by Johns80, Jan 19, 2018.

  1. Johns80

    Johns80 Fapstronaut

    Last night was ground zero...biggest fight we’ve ever had. I sobbed so hard it triggered a panic attack. I cried so long and for so many hours now I just feel numb and empty.

    My SO has done everything he could since Day (September 2017). He sees a therapist, goes to couples therapy, has blockers on everything. He’s been clean five months and yet....I can’t forgive him.

    We had a therapy session about making atonements for wrong doing and during the session some new facts came out such as, he was hiding how bad his PIED was by acting like he wasn’t interested in sex with me (excuses that he was tired etc.), he was using it way more than he originally told me, he had started getting into fetish P (although he wouldn’t tell me what). During the session he said he respected me too much to do those things with me or even think about me while MOing. He said he’d rather watch strangers that meant nothing to him. This actually hurts the most.

    I’m so hurt it’s the worst pain I’ve ever felt. I have no idea how to get over it. I can’t stop seeing him MO to these other things. I feel truly disgusted by it. I’m so angry he’s destroyed my self esteem and our trust and intimacy.

    Last night we were fighting and he just said he no longer knows what to do. He doesn’t know how to help me. He just keeps saying he won’t do it again, but I’ve heard that before so I need to hear something different. But I don’t know what.

    Now we’re not speaking to each other. I tried to give him a hug this morning and he turned away. He said he was paralyzed and how no idea where to go from here.

    I have no idea what to do either. I wish I knew what would make my feelings go away.
  2. TryingToHeal

    TryingToHeal Fapstronaut

    I don't have any great advice for you but I just wanted to respond and let you know that you aren't alone and I've been in that exact same spot. Still am, to some extent. It is rough and I'm sorry you are going through this. P does so much damage it is unbelievable.
    Hopefulgirl and anewhope like this.
  3. Loveless

    Loveless Fapstronaut

    I am really sad to hear the pain in your post. I'm in the exact same place, except my husband is the one who tries to hug or kiss me and I just turn away. He is heavily into fetish P and like your SO, said that he kept a strong line between fantasy and real life. His fantasy fetish P is "just pixels on a screen," "means nothing." Yet he can't throw out the immense stash he built up while addicted. I still haven't forgiven, although he has been off P for about 2 months. After a really big argument this week, I have given up. I can't offer anymore support and I don't care. I don't know what he can say or do at this point to get me back.
  4. Johns80

    Johns80 Fapstronaut

    Same....part of the argument was that I had sent him nude photographs and he chose P over those. His reason was that he respected me too much and could never imagine doing those disgusting things to me or MOing to my pictures. ....BUT YOU'LL WATCH IT IT GET OFF!?!?! I just DO NOT even begin to understand. He says it’s because those people are fake, actors, and it’s impersonal. I can’t wrap my mind around it. I do not understand.

    He’s trying to do the right things but I’m so hurt and so angry. I don’t know how to let it go.
    Hopefulgirl likes this.
  5. Johns80

    Johns80 Fapstronaut

    But yet society would have us believe its normal, it’s no big deal. Most men act like you are asking to take away their water and air. Makes my blood boil.
  6. Loveless

    Loveless Fapstronaut

    I am going through exactly what you are. My SO sounds just like yours. I am having a bit of a breakthrough this morning. I am reading a book about narcissism, and I am having a profound insight on my husband's behavior. All along he has written separate "plots" for the people and things in his life. These plots are rigid, and people play the "roles" he has written for them. "Wife" is one plot (she makes dinner and keeps the house clean, she is socially acceptable and pretty and makes him accepted among colleagues). Porn is the fantasy life he gets to switch on at will when he wants to, and the pixelated images "serve" him. its like everything and everyone in his life is a piece on a game board and he moves them around how he wants to. He controls the game. Now that "wife" has intruded on the porn fantasy world, his controlled separate narratives about "porn" and "wife" are messed up. This is why I think my SO is so angry. But I'm angry too. He never thought to ask whether I wanted any part in his fantasy life. It was his little world to control for himself. And I was part of another little world he controlled where I had my "wife" role to play for him. Part of my anger is feeling shut out of his fantasy life without even being asked if this was an option. There was just an expectation that he could have his porn and was to be the "wife." Part of my anger is feeling manipulated. I was a little piece on his game board to move at will. He is resentful that I have autonomy and have moved away from the "script." Now I see how his frustration with other people in his life comes about. It is when they break away of the "script" he has written for them and they decided to do something else with their their lives that is outside of the plot he has written for them. He gets extremely critical of these people, and I never understood why he took other peoples' decisions so personally. Now I understand. Porn and wife are separate parts in this grandiose image he has of himself as a master of a world in which everything and everyone is an object to be manipulated. My SO has said since I discovered his addiction, "the ground has fallen out from under me." Now I get it. He is not the master controlling his little plots anymore.
    Jennica and Hopefulgirl like this.
  7. Hopefulgirl

    Hopefulgirl Fapstronaut

    Hey @Johns80 I am really sorry that you are going through this but please know that many of us can relate. You are not alone. The thing with addiction is that it will never make sense. No matter how much we try to understand it will never make sense how a husband could harm his marriage just so he could play with his penis. The thing with addiction is that it keeps men immature. Incapable of intimacy and maturity. All at our expense. My husband refused sex with me fir 2 years because he was so enamoured with PMO and he lied to me constantly. Now we wives have to pick up the pieces of a marriage shattered by their selfish choices. Right now focus on you as best you can. Eat well. Exercise. Do what you love. Nurture you through this pain. I am 7 months post d day and msybe 2 months since the last lie. As much as it doesn't get easier, it gets different. Not as acute and more chronic. It is so hard to let go of the anger. In my case I think the anger serves to protect me so I don't get hurt again. Could it be the same for you?
  8. Numb

    Numb Fapstronaut

    I know how you feel too. I don't forgive him, and I don't know if I ever can. But I have little anger left in me right now, it's mostly hurt and sadness. Even though I don't forgive we are working through this, for real this time(I hope). It's been a bit over a month since this last DDay (this has been going on for years). And because he is working hard I am trying too. I still have my breakdowns, still have questions. I'm working on myself. Trying not to let the pain and betrayal drag me down all the time. Sometimes I have to fight my way past it, but it is getting easier to do. Though the pain hurts just as much, that hasn't changed. Just the way I am dealing with it is.
    Hopefulgirl and Loveless like this.
  9. Loveless

    Loveless Fapstronaut

    So much pain in the posts here. We're not only dealing with the strange logic of addiction, but the lying, the selfishness. The feeling of having been manipulated. We were shut out, and a whole narrative was written about us without our input (wife should be this, not that; wife can do this for me, not that...). Now that the door is wide open, our SOs are upset that the separate parts of their lives have collided. I can't really sympathize with that self-created problem. That would mean I need to sympathize that a liar and narcissist got caught at his game and his separate worlds aren't separate anymore. I don't use people that way. I don't compartmentalize people into separate roles that they play for me. "Wife serves me in this way, porn serves me in this way, X person at work plays this role in my life," etc... To sympathize with my SO would be to accept his way of thinking. He's sad that parts of his world that used to be separate are now smashed together. He's upset because the wife who used to be blind to the manipulation and the lies doesn't accept them anymore. I just can't be sympathetic to that!
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2018
  10. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    This reminds me of our DDay #1. After his phyical infidelity and going through the affair recovery the Bull in me (I’m a Taurus) came out full force. I began to call him out and I became sometimes very angrily demanding about it, understandably so. He had even stated to me at one point that he preferred me being emotionally passive about his behaviors. I remember telling him that’s never going to happen again, I won’t be doormat and allow him to treat me that way anymore.
    He did have quite an increase with Narcissistic behaviors during the escalation of his PA that way as very emotionally and verbally abusing.
    Thankfully after DDay #2 and his reboot that’s all done away with from the narcissistic tendencies he was exhibiting.
    He knows I won’t be manipulated, gaslight and dismissive towards me anymore. Thankfully I have found a better balance in dealing with it for myself too.
  11. Loveless

    Loveless Fapstronaut

    That is great to hear. He learned something! I have been afraid that my SO and I will have a serious conversation about how things need to change, and he will agree and apologize just to placate me and then go right back to his bad behavior.

    It is interesting that you observed your SO's narcissistic tendencies escalate with PA. I think my SO's obsessiveness (he is a collector of multiple types of objects) reveals a general need to control. Objects are easy to acquire, organize and control, and they don't judge. I think he put his porn files in this category, until the porn got out of hand and it controlled him. Then he was actually willing to acknowledge that he needed help. I am beginning to think that he has been thinking of me as an object. Good object when it knows its place in his system and can be controlled. Bad object when it violates his organizational system.

    This is also great to know. First and foremost, that you know how to deal with it better. But also that you have set guidelines for how you are going to respond to his emotional manipulation and belittling. I am writing up some thoughts on this today. Your example is inspiring me to go forward with this.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2018
    Hopefulgirl and Jennica like this.
  12. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    I should state he has worked really hard at breaking those tendencies and becoming way more mindful of it, especially towards me as I was the one who received the brunt of it.
    He will recognize and apologize for it, so it’s easy to forgive and move past the little slip ups
    Hopefulgirl and Loveless like this.
  13. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    He had done this too until everything came out and quit porn completely. It’s when he truly started to take me seriously and saw everything truly could come to an end with us the decision and desire to change happened.
    Hopefulgirl and Loveless like this.
  14. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    This what meant to quote, I need more coffee this morning!
    Loveless likes this.
  15. Johns80

    Johns80 Fapstronaut

    We’re currently in a pain/question cycle. I don’t understand why or how you could hurt me so I ask questions and then he says he’s sorry but he doesn’t have answers. Then my pain and anxiety flair up...leading to more questions. It’s exhausting.
  16. Johns80

    Johns80 Fapstronaut

    How long has your SO been clean?
  17. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    Going on 4 months 100% clean from PM, but we also had 4 years of affair recovery before this.
  18. TryingHard2Change

    TryingHard2Change Distinguished Fapstronaut

    @Johns80: will your PA login to NoFap / engage with the forums here?
  19. A new day

    A new day Fapstronaut

    Addictions suck. I am seeing so much devastation around me and in my own life. There’s no making any sense of it. On the one hand if you understand the working of addiction on a person you can have some compassion. On the other hand, the personal devastation of being deeply connected with an addict and the surrounding chaos send one into volcanic emotional states. It’s so hard to understand why they just can’t get clean and stay sober. Why do the do all this destructive stuff? I hate to even think about it. It makes me want to get into my self destructive nonsense.