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How old and tall are you guys? And how long have you been addicted to pmo/pmo-free?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Bluffy, Sep 2, 2015.

  1. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Did you confess to them Harvey or did one of them catch you masturbating or saw your porn history or something? Looking back, do you think it was a good thing that they found out. Have you told them that you are masturbating a lot to porn again?
  2. IGY

    IGY Guest

    If Saudi Arabia and the gulf states are safe (and wealthy - it goes without saying), why are Muslims from Syria not seeking refuge in your country? Instead of that they are risking their lives (thousands dead already) trying to get to Europe. Can you explain why Saudi Arabia is not helping with this humanitarian, refugee crisis? I'm interested.
  3. Harvhe

    Harvhe Fapstronaut

    I did and do confess because im too sly to let any of my family catch me :p

    But really it was a massive trust void for a while and then things settled down, very recently especially made significantly easier but still uneasy to do i sat someone i trust in my family down and confessed to my recent porn resurgance and talked about it a little bit. It was helpful to get it off my chest.

    In my mind they would have probably found out anyway, and i would have been up a creek without a paddle (metaphorically) if i had really dug myself into a porn indulgent hole i can't get back out of at such a young age.
  4. theDoctorSmith

    theDoctorSmith Fapstronaut

    23 yrs old. 6'0 feet tall.

    Started watching porn when I was 14-15 yrs old but I've been masturbating since I was at least 10 yrs old. Come to think of it, it was weird cause I didn't really get an erection till much later. It just felt nice and a little later I would feel the urge to pee. The porn addiction began when I was 18 yrs old though I always enjoyed masturbating a lot (10-20 times a day).
  5. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Haha! Aren't you the sly one! ;)

    Seriously, it is great that you did that and have done it again recently. The best sort of accountability is face to face. Is there anyway they can help you in a pragmatic way? E.g. you might ask them to take your devices off you at night, if you have a history of lapsing into bad habits when you are in bed. :rolleyes: Anything that makes it more inconvenient.
  6. Anonymate

    Anonymate Fapstronaut

    My country already welcomed over 3-5 million refugees, and after seeing the news about the refugees refusing the help from some european countries saying that thry want a more rich country like Germany.

    Plus, Saudi Arabia has its own problems with ISIS (coming from the north) and the Houthis (coming from the south), they're fighting them off the borders and all that.

    But what I really don't get is why aren't our countries trying to end the civil war and give them back their home instead of giving them new homes? It would be better for both the refugees and the other countries.

    I'm not very informed about what's going on in the world (even if my dad has the news channel on 10 hours a day :p), So I'm sorry in advance if I gave out any false information.
  7. IGY

    IGY Guest

    That's interesting dude, thanks.
    Anonymate likes this.
  8. Anonymate

    Anonymate Fapstronaut

    No problem mate, anytime! :D
  9. yousuff

    yousuff Fapstronaut

    5.5 and addiction stars at when i was 12 and now i am 26, committed to say goodbye to PMO.
  10. SolidCroft

    SolidCroft Fapstronaut

    I'm about 5'9 i don't know when I started to got a libido and started to masturdate maybe 6 to 8 years old.
  11. 6'4 and 28 y/o. I think I was in 6th grade before I learned about PMO and I don't think I started watching till I was around 7th or 8th grade.
  12. Don Gately

    Don Gately Fapstronaut

    I'm 5'8" and 30 yrs. First ran into PMO about age 11, stopped and started from 14-17, was clean from 18-23. Had multiple clean streaks for over a year at a time, but relapsed big time at 29, now clean for 5 months!
    Bluffy likes this.

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