Hi I'm James

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Jameson29, Oct 24, 2017.

  1. Jameson29

    Jameson29 Fapstronaut

    Hey Everyone,

    I'm new to this NoFap site...but I have struggled with porn addiction for years, so I have found myself here. I want to quit, and have tried countless times, but something always happens to where I fall back into it. I am 31 years old and have been looking at porn since I was around 12. I have dealt with various substance abuse issues throughout my life, you name it I've done it. I was addicted to heroin as a teenager, but haven't touched it in 14 years. Porn however, is just something that I cannot kick, which is why I felt the need to reach out to others who are in the same boat. I feel like maybe having a community of other like-minded people may help keep me on track. I know it's my own weakness which keeps causing me to relapse, and the amount of times I have tried to quit and failed make me feel like I can't. I have reached a point in my life though where I really need to quit, for good. Lately I have even started using a live web-cam site, and it is 10x worse than regular porn. Anyhow, that's my short intro. for now. Any advice or whatever is much appreciated, or just some people who want to talk about this addiction together. Thanks in advance.
    hej då likes this.
  2. A/V

    A/V Fapstronaut

    Hi James,
    I'm James. I am new to this too. I am 49 and started about the same age you did. Married 22 years with two boys, so my wife and I had sex. We now have sex about once a year, whether we want to or not. I blamed it on her, but it was both our fault. Now we are trying to rebuild our intimate relationship.
    I finally came clean about my PMO and am trying to kick this habit. It is extremely difficult, but with help, I believe it is achievable.
    You kicked drugs. You can kick this too.
    Jameson29 likes this.
  3. hej då

    hej då Fapstronaut

    Hej Man, welcome to nofap. Wish you a good luck. I'm strugling myself so I find myself giving you an advice on nofap rather hypocritical but it's good to talk about the problem with the rest of the community anyway.
    Jameson29 likes this.
  4. Jameson29

    Jameson29 Fapstronaut

    Thanks James! I appreciate your encouragement...and I wish you luck as well. At least we're not alone. And it's never too late to make a change.