Hi all- Lets kick this habit!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Power_to_Change, Nov 20, 2017.

  1. Power_to_Change

    Power_to_Change Fapstronaut

    Just wanted to say hi to everyone here. A little about my self. I'm a 42 year old male, recently divorced after a 10 year marriage. I've been fapping for the past 30 years and came here to find support and try and end this destructive behaviour. I've been fapping behind my ex's back during our entire marriage. She knew I was doing it, and I would justify it by telling her that "its normal, all guys do it." Looking back, I can honestly say that it contributed to our marriage falling apart. The truly sad thing is that I only realize that now. The official reason why we separated was that "we grew apart." Now I realize that my PMO behaviour was a big part of why we grew apart.

    It was a bit of a godsend that I discovered nofap. I heard about it before, but I didn't know or think much about it. I just thought it was some social media catch word. Then yesterday I was googling hair loss and masturbation and came across all this information on nofap. After watching youtube videos and reading up on it on different sites, I had no idea how destructive PMO is. I also had no idea about all the benefits it can do for you by cutting it out of your life. I'm so pumped up about all the positive changes it can do for us!

    Anyways, I'm here looking for support and tips on how to kick this addiction. So far I've been 3 days FAP free! A few years ago I did try to not PMO. I think I lasted about a week before I gave in. At that time I had no knowledge of nofap, so I'm hoping with all these resources, I can quit it for good! My question for everyone is how do you quell the throbbing urge in your pecker and not release all that pent up sexual energy? For example, this morning when I woke up I thought my pecker was going to explode. It was throbbing and I didn't touch it and I had no thoughts of anything that would cause it to be aroused. I know this feeling will only get worse the longer I abstain from PMO. This is my biggest worry as I know I will experience this often and just want to relieve myself.

    Thanks for all your support and reading my intro!


    (I chose this name as I truly do believe I have the power to change this behaviour and change my life for the better! We all do!)
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2017
    J. Fylz and D . J . like this.
  2. bike-wrench

    bike-wrench Fapstronaut

    Welcome. As you can see from my counter, I'm not exactly a long-timer here myself.

    The first thing I suggest is to get as much information as you can. Look around this forum, the rest of this site, and the Your Brain on Porn site. Consider a reboot: I'm a few weeks into a hard mode reboot, and it's tough, but the guys around here seem to recommend it, and what do they have to gain by lying about that?

    I spend at least 15 minutes on this forum every day, sometimes more (sometimes a LOT more). Start making a plan.

    Hope to see you around.
    Power_to_Change likes this.
  3. Rr662244

    Rr662244 Fapstronaut

    Hi today is my first day on here I’m 33 and currently having problems in my realationship . I’m hoping to to lose her so I’m giving this a shot . Good luck on your journey!
    Power_to_Change likes this.
  4. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

    You acknowledge that it is throbbing then you go about the morning. It will stop. There is no need to address the issue to try to make it stop. Although it sounds too simple, it is that simple. Will urges get worse, yes, will blue balls occur, yes, but you have to remember that this will not be a comfortable or easy process.

    Eventually though, you will adjust and you will probably have moments where you have spontaneous ejaculations where you will expel semen without any urges or thoughts. It’s your body naturally expelling excess semen. If you are successful, you will see how the body is quite capable of taking care of itself without our interference but it is a process that takes time.

    The enemy is here to steal, kill and destroy. Check out In Case You Didn't Know for strategies and tips which may help you along your journey.
    Power_to_Change and anewme316 like this.
  5. Protagoras

    Protagoras Fapstronaut

    Welcome. You will find lots of good tips in the journals and from friends here. Take it vantage of all the resources on this website.
    Power_to_Change likes this.
  6. Crash95

    Crash95 Fapstronaut

    Welcome. I can recommend reading the free book offered on this site. It`s very helpfull for beginners around 40 sites with content
    Power_to_Change likes this.