Has anyone else had problems with gay chat rooms and cam to cam?

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Lonelyhiggins, Feb 3, 2020.

  1. Lonelyhiggins

    Lonelyhiggins New Fapstronaut

    I am 23, straight, have a partner and I do fap, tho mostly its porn which I accept is reasonably normal.
    However, sometimes I have these strong urges to.. Um..show off on cam or gay chat rooms, and it disturbs me because I'm not attracted to men, I don't like seeing pics from them, but I still do it. My thinking is its for the attention, in that moment it must be a turn on for me to be complimented by a stranger, but once I'm out of those moments, like now, I feel absolutely disgusted with myself.
    Anyone else had a similar experience?
  2. Maybe your brain wants to see new things to get that dopamine kick?
    Smith Sharp likes this.
  3. Lonelyhiggins

    Lonelyhiggins New Fapstronaut

    That could be true, it does make sense, I just wish I knew how to resist the urges tbh
  4. mondhamray

    mondhamray Fapstronaut

    Ive done this before. I think it dangerous behavior. Yes, I think it’s for you to feel affirmed in your manhood. It feels good to be complimented and to feel like someone else thinks you’re sexy, and for other men to affirm your manliness/manhood. But it’s an unhealthy form to receiving that affirmation. I’m hear if you need to chat about it.
  5. Frank Bones

    Frank Bones Fapstronaut

    Yes this is the main issue I came on here for. I know this behavior is a misuse of my sexuality but the affirmation of turning someone on, anyone on, keeps me coming back. My rational brain always know it’s hurting so many aspects of my life but when that craving hits there is ALWAYS a good enough reason for this time to be my last one. Part of the shame was feeling like no one could ever understand why I did this. Truth is, I don’t even understand why. I am not someone with answers quite yet but I’m certainly someone who gets it.
  6. thelightfantastic

    thelightfantastic Fapstronaut

    this is surprisingly common and im glad i found this site because it finally vindicates me a bit, because i had this pretty bad and had no idea it was a symptom of porn misuse. Read my journal and you’ll find my experience on it.
    You’re not alone buddy
    TryingToQuit2022 and mindfulman like this.
  7. mindfulman

    mindfulman Fapstronaut

    Yes I have similar experience.
  8. Damnation

    Damnation Fapstronaut

    Find myself frequently on an anonymous gay hook up site talking with guys. Usually looking for other married men, never would act on it, but the rush involved is addicting......well, duh.
  9. mindfulman

    mindfulman Fapstronaut

    Yes. I have the same thing going on. Even though happily married. Even though sex is frequent.
    TryingToQuit2022 likes this.
  10. BigBob73

    BigBob73 Fapstronaut

    I went through that for a short time. I wanted to jerk off in front of girls. But....about 99% of people on those chat rooms are guys so you end up seeing nothing but cock. It seems the arousal of being watched is more important than if it is a girl
  11. fitbro09

    fitbro09 Fapstronaut

    You’re looking for affirmation. That’s not in and of itself a bad thing. Our culture has just lost the way for men to get that sort of affirmation in a healthy way so it’s all suppressed and distorted.
    Baowistop likes this.
  12. mindfulman

    mindfulman Fapstronaut

    This is genius thinking and analyzation.
    gingeralan likes this.
  13. Happy to find I am not the only one but sad that we do this , divorced man , father and really ashamed of this ! Why do Info it ? No answer yet but yeah it’s like to confirm my manhood through the eyes from other men. I feel disgusting and ashamed when I am done !!!! But than one week later I am back doing the same stupid thing.
    TryingToQuit2022 likes this.
  14. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    reminds me of myself at 21. i realized i was doing it for attention, validation n the gay thoughts were very frequent. eventually i started acting on them. it happened when a guy made a pass at me n from there i began indulging in frequent encounters, though i always felt regret after each encounter. but there was craving.

    i think it wont take time for your fantasies to turn to actions. now i can say i'm clean but i still wish hadnt begun.

    avoid pornography like the plague. watching st8 porn wont compensate for it. avoid the thoughts. no sex scenes on tv. no sex jokes among friends. avoid anything that remotely stimulates you in terms of sex. that has helped me get some clarity.

    i still have thoughts but the urges have reduced n porn doesnt interest me much.
    i avoid tv as well as i dont want drama in life. novels are better.

    if possible seek a therapist. that helped me. venting out helped.

    but take nopmo as seriously as one takes surgery.
    Jag45 and (deleted member) like this.
  15. Lonelyhiggins

    Lonelyhiggins New Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the replys, it does help knowing I'm not alone. I'm going through a good phase at the moment, but I do worry that I never quite know how long it'll last for and that is what annoys me the most. I'm coping fine now, why on earth would it start again? But it seems to start up again so im just concentrating on my family and career and hopefully given enough time it'll surpress to the point I can control it.
  16. gingeralan

    gingeralan Fapstronaut

    I started those after a lot of PMO, I (once) saw a female on there, it seemed more than a vid, chat seemed to align with unexpected, (got up to close door etc). I think that’s what got me started. But after that it was just guys, and I think the validation etc was what I was seeking.

    Really felt empty afterwards, during and before I had fantasies about gay sex, but after I didn’t, I just felt shame and then that led to more PMO, this then led to more shame. I think I just got hooked on the taboo of it, it felt exciting in the moment.

    I think the fantasies in my case, even though they were gay fantasies, it was more about the porn than an actual sexual encounter. I can’t imagine actual having sex with a man.
  17. Idontwanthat

    Idontwanthat Fapstronaut

    Yes, that's why I'm here. I'm comfortable being bisexual but really want to stop this, it's not healthy at all. I kinda get a rush from sending people dick pics tbh. I'm not entirely sure how to stop really
  18. gingeralan

    gingeralan Fapstronaut

    Stopping all porn! It just keeps escalating and you might start in something fairly vanilla and before long you’ll be back at the more extreme end.

    Im just over a month in, and I’ll be honest I do feel my mind is clearer, I have been seeing a counsellor during this period which is also very useful. If you have that as an option I would recommend it
    Idontwanthat likes this.
  19. Idontwanthat

    Idontwanthat Fapstronaut

    Thanks. I think I can see someone. I definitely want to stop all porn, it just seems really difficult at the moment. One day at a time I guess.