
Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, May 9, 2017.

  1. A quick question about Fetishes.

    Are there many of you out there on a reboot who actually have a really powerful fetish which actually replacing more regular porn?

    For me, I have a fetish about certain articles of women's clothing.

    It's so powerful that I used to get off on that and therefore a really tame catologue or magazine was as powerful as anything on the net, provided it had said article of clothing on it.

    The fetish blurred the lines a bit for me. But I had to keep 'acting out' over it so I decided it's like P and this decided to forgo it during a reboot.

    Interested to hear similar stories.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. I was into erotic art of men being dominated by women. Most of the time the guys are drawn in tighty-whities (perhaps because they're easier to draw, but I also think it makes them look more vulnerable/submissive). I've worn tighty-whities for years simply because putting them on is a turn on. I'm starting to make a list of things I need to get done to keep this reboot going strong... buying different underwear is one of my main priorities.
    Springjim2000 likes this.
  3. balkanic_falcon

    balkanic_falcon Fapstronaut

    anti femdom and Springjim2000 like this.
  4. I'm almost the exact same as you in this regard. Specific articles of clothing are more highly sexualized to me than almost any other genre of porn. It's the point where it's really stressful when I see women in the real world wearing stuff that is highly triggering to me...it's almost like the same reaction as if I'm confronted with porn out of the blue sometimes.
    Springjim2000 likes this.