Can I really be free?

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Slimdub, May 20, 2020.

  1. Slimdub

    Slimdub Fapstronaut

    Hi ,I am 23 years old currently in med school(6th year).I started porn at 13 years of age. Ever since I have been walling down the drain. I can't seem to break out of it on my own accord. I am currently not dating but am open to.

    I have been having memory losses, of minute yet important things like birthdays ,names of people I have met and also I have lost touch with God.

    I started believing that its impossible to stay off porn...I have been successful for about 20days and relapsed ....until I came across this community on YouTube.

    I have not had sex before so I don't know if I have difficulties with erection and erection .
    I hope this is my freedom.
    So I am sincerely asking,CAN I REALLY BE FREE?
  2. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

    Please, start studying carefully what's happening in your mind >

    First time without porn will be stressful , but if you resist , in some months you will feel reborn.

    If the first times a person relapse easly, it's okay.
    The streaks becomes even longer , day by day.
    Don't porn anymore, it's better to struggle and at the last to relapse than to look at porn.
    No more instagram pictures of models. No more erotic imagines , erotic stories or erotic asmr.
    If you experience ''flatline'' and low libido , resist.

    An effective weapon to overcome urges and thoughts : mindfulness.
    The brain will try to win you and to get some triggers for the seek of dopamine. Resist

    Of course, but you have to persist no matter what.
    the mind in difficulty can give you doubts and betray you, you don't have to listen to yourself when you're addict.
    viking34 and | Nico | like this.
  3. DrabToLight

    DrabToLight Fapstronaut

    Hey @Slimdub ,

    Welcome to NoFap!

    You've already been welcomed by other members. So, this is just one more friendly hello.

    Oh, and also, take a look at your profile page. You can post quick 140 character updates on how you are doing. In many ways, the profile posts are equally important to the forum posts.

    NoFap isn't here because sex is a bad thing. NoFap is here because of the harm porn addiction causes.

    .-- . .-.. -.-. --- -- . / .- --. .- .. -.


    PS: Oh, yeah! Don't forget to download the free "Getting Started" guide. You can find it at
    | Nico | likes this.
  4. One Eyed Owl

    One Eyed Owl Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap!!!
    | Nico | likes this.
  5. Griitings

    Griitings Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the nofap community. I suggest you get some materials on how porn hijacks your brain and how your brian tricks you to watch porn. You can be free!
    | Nico | likes this.
  6. | Nico |

    | Nico | Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Welcome to the community mate :) glad you could join us, anything we can assist you with just let us know, hope you have a wonderful time here at nofap and all the best in achieving all your desired goals. Take care