Accedental discovery

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Mjdfz, Jan 11, 2018.

  1. Mjdfz

    Mjdfz New Fapstronaut


    Ps: (Long post with a lot of personal weirdness and heart talk, feel free to read up or just skip through)

    As the tittle suggests I accidently stumbled upon this community/platform greatness.

    I really wish this works out!

    I tried a lot of things to stop, I erased my porn, I always end up downloading again. Then I tried deleting all my VPNs and proxies, but that can be installed again as well.

    The method that seems to work the most with me, is When I try really hard and I promise god to stop, ( in my heart I swear by god's name that I'll stop for a period of 3-5 days sometimes a week).

    I dare not go longer cause I know myself.

    that seems to work for the period but then I go back.

    [don't judge] In Ramadan (I'm Muslim) I manage to completely cut out watching porn/ masturbating during fasting hours (around 7-8 hours daytime) for the duration of Ramadan which is 30 days, because that breaks the fast. But that seems to work during fasting hours only and as soon as it's time to eat it happens again.

    I used to skate, I was a pretty good skater with lots of tricks and stamina.

    I had a healthy body, I ate good and worked out daily.

    Now I'm fater lazy and unmotivated, exactly how the "nofap" video on YouTube mentioned.

    I'm trying to get back to the good old days, I started skating again and I'm picking up on it pretty fast. Which is good.

    But I can't seem to get rid of that bad habit of watching porn / masturbating.

    I also have a lot of certifications that I need to complete to advance in my career, i want to build my online businesses I have a lot of ideas that I want to test but I get unmotivated, lazy and uninterested a lot.

    I blame that on the porn/ masturbation behavior.

    Sorry for the long post. Feel free to skip reading all that, or don't totally up to you

    Best wishes and good luck!
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2018
    t-jam likes this.
  2. t-jam

    t-jam Fapstronaut

    Best wishes!
    Mjdfz likes this.
  3. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    Welcome @Mjdfz, I'm glad you're here. I hope you keep coming back!
    Mjdfz likes this.