A porn women who doesnt like to be objectified

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by neverpolitcallycorrect, Aug 29, 2020.

  1. neverpolitcallycorrect

    neverpolitcallycorrect Fapstronaut

    A friend sent me a post about a women who works in porn i am keeping the name quiet because I dont want to trigger someone. It said that she doesnt like men cat calling her and obejectifing her when she is out in public or online , she calls these men losers , REALLY?
    Well here are the facts on this women
    1. Has worked in porn for nearly 18 years , yes thats right 18 years
    2. multple plastic surgerys to alter her looks
    3. nearly nude photos herself constantly on her instagram
    4. post her latest porno scenes on social media
    5. is always working strip clubs and cam shows

    Now who is the loser here?
    My advice to this porn women dont throw stones at people when your whole adult life is about selling your body and get mental help if weak people didnt objectify her and look at the sleeze she peddles she would have to GO GET A REAL JOB

  2. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    Interesting however choosing to work in the sex industry is just that—a choice. Being cat called by men on the other hand, is not.

    Just b/c a woman wears sexy clothing does not mean you should stare or touch her. Just b/c a woman works in porn does not mean she should not be respected as a woman.

    it’s about respecting someone’s choice even when you disagree with it.
  3. It's clear that she is mentally disturbed and damaged... One shouldn't take her serious, nor should one take the men making fun of her seriously. After all only a fool can derive self-worth and affirmation by bullying and degrading an already disturbed person.
  4. SeaChange

    SeaChange Fapstronaut

    I'm going to second NineInchMale here and say that you should be more focused on being upset with the men who catcall this woman. You're excusing their actions by focusing on and blaming this woman. We are men, not monsters who can't control ourselves if we see a woman merely existing in public, regardless of how they look.

    There's a lot of anger here at porn and those who work in the industry, this is not the way forward, brother. PMO is a choice we made and we're responsible for. This can seem scary and unfair but it is ultimately empowering - nobody else can decide if we recover, just us!
  5. neverpolitcallycorrect

    neverpolitcallycorrect Fapstronaut

    Catcalling its self is childish and lame , but this porn women she works in the sex trade for nearly 18 years and is upset with men saying stuff even though its HER POSTING THE PHOTOS AND VIDEOS ? Even though she posts pics of herself nude or nearly nude daily give me a break she can get of her high horse because she doesnt have leg to stand on doing what she does , also to the men that catcall here probly are not the smartest people in the world and are lame .The point i was making is she is a huge hypocrite and has a strange double standard who needs mental health . and by the way i have seen women cat calling men it happens you cannot control people just inform them. Also no one needs to be cat called weather you work in the sex industry or not man or women its also a lame way to meet people
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2020
    SoaringEagle and Axesteel like this.
  6. There is a difference between personal life and business. If I was a doctor by trade, I would have every reason to be upset if people constantly asked me to give them exams or medical advice when I'm not working. I need you to understand this. Just because you are a sex worker doesn't mean that you forfeit your ability to be treated respectfully.
    The Passenger and SeaChange like this.
  7. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    If she is a loser, what does that make the guys who fawn over her?
  8. neverpolitcallycorrect

    neverpolitcallycorrect Fapstronaut

    hahah so true well put
  9. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    "A s**t-maker"
    -Jesse Lee Peterson

    Jokes aside, you have a very good point.
    fredisthebes likes this.
  10. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    Well here's the thing that I can't figure out. These women go through a TON of trouble to be more appealing to men (because its either their pleasure or their livelihood), wear extremely racy clothing even in public, etc. What do they think is gonna happen? If a women is intentionally all but nude, and wearing clothes that highlight certain areas, the chances are way higher that she's gonna be catcalled. Its basically like they are asking to be ogled. So it seems like its either a "reap what you so" scenario or they are doing it on purpose to play the victim or something similar. I can't figure out what their goals are.
  11. Lool, JLP is an 80 IQ token black conservative.
  12. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    He's a hilarious troll.
  13. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    Yes it can be confusing, even for women. But at the end of the day respecting a woman no matter her profession or clothing choice is the thing that we men have a say over.

    women are complicated bro. They want you to love them for their minds and hearts but they want you to like their ass too.
    intso and brilliantidiot like this.
  14. red gyarados

    red gyarados Fapstronaut

    I’ve never even heard anyone get catcalled but somehow everyone has a catcalling story.

    scratch that, a woman catcalled me once but if she got out of the damn car so I could get her number everything would have been fine.
    brilliantidiot likes this.
  15. Kramum

    Kramum Fapstronaut

    Catcalling =/= a nice compliment.
    Catcalling is annoying af.
    It basically is... Nothing of value you know?
    It comes off as dumb because the comments are not nice.
    I imagine the comments she gets is not something like: "Hey I know you! I watch your videos/insta/some other stuff, I think you are really sexy", or "Hey I am your fan, like what you do, can I have a picture with you?"
    It is more likely to be something like: "Dayum girl, that booty is ssssso thick", "nice tits darling, I wouldn't mind them on my face", "hey wanna hang out in my place? I have a promotion running there, -100% on all clothes, if you know what I mean" etc.

    While the former are kind of appropriate, considering what she does, the latter are just... meh.