A dedication of heart

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Aug 5, 2023.

    • So, keeping tracks of my goals is important. That's why I should write them down. Not just here on NoFap. I want them to be visible every day.
    • Not too many goals at once. Continuity is key. Change takes willpower if discipline is weak. Especially when I don't feel well it's even harder.
    • I can break the big goal into smaller goals. So progress because visible. This is something I really didn't do in the past and I believe I would profit from it a lot.
    • I can check if it's possibe to do somethings after each other or at the same time. Timewise It would be great. But I am not sure how effective that would be.
    • To achieve my study goals I work a lot better in the library.
    • Be realistic when it comes to my time schedule. The point is improvment not killing my time schedule and ending up tired all the time.
    • The first 3 weeks are the ones that need the most willpower
    add eddie and Talz like this.
  1. First step was to get an app for some of my habit tracking.
    This way I can focus on other things and have less work to do, which means more time, energy and focus
    for the actual habits than managing them.
    add eddie and Talz like this.