1 year no pmo

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Deleted Account, Dec 30, 2017.

  1. Wow....i made it this far ...i still cant believe it ....its so good to achieve your dreams :)
    What seemed imposible ,now happend. Many may think its not a big deal ,but in my eyes is great ...becouse i know how hard it was to get it .Thank you everyone who was supporting me in my journey.
    So...this is my story...
    I was heavy porn user for 25 years.Masturbating almost every day ...often twice a day , up to 5 times a day.For 20 years my best streak was 20 days made once only under stressful circumstances....i mean everyone in my situation would have done it . I made 12 days handful of times in 20 years.Normaly i would do 2-3 days streak...rarely up to week.
    I used services of hookers sometimes but overall i didnt like it.My favourite activity was fapping for hours ,PMO -ing ,and this ruined all the friendships i had ,becouse i didnt have time for anybody ,and i wanted to fap in peace. It seemed imposible to go longer than a week no fapping and i didnt believe i can. 10 years ago i read in a magazine for some guy ,who did 1 year no pmo and i was truly impressed.I was sure by that time ,that he didnt have urges at all...or maybe very mild ones. Now i see that i was wrong.
    Many times i gave up fighting M ,but i was feeling dirty and unhappy , so i fight for another 2-3 days.I was so unconfident to stop that I promised to myself to fap right before my sleep.5 years ago i started slowly to increase my streaks and made it 68 days...i was so proud of myself....and last year i made it to 132 days. I was stronger mentally even than now...but i see now that its not important to be strong mentally,rather than diverting your thoughts in time . It was the hardest thing to relapse after 132 days , but it teached me to be more careful now and to avoid sexual thoughts on any cost and very fast .
    The main benefits i have ..is huge amount of energy..,lots and lots of free time ,i look younger than years ago and i live cleaner and happier,.I wish this streak happend years ago , becouse i know that even if i stupedly relapsed ,i would definetly want to go back here and be the best version of myself.
    I would recomend the movie '' Thanks for sharing'' with Mark Ruffalo and Tim Robbins .The best inspirational movie for me .It is right on the topic .Dont forget to close your eyes on the hot scenes.

    Best weapons for me is daily prayers and going to bed early.

    Good luck to everyone and have a remarkable year 2018.
    Feel free to ask me anything.. i will be glad to help if i can
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2018
  2. Dr. Jekyll

    Dr. Jekyll Fapstronaut

    You are amazing! Keep going strong!
  3. Uphillfighter22

    Uphillfighter22 Fapstronaut

    That's awesome, can't wait to reach a year! Am at 90 days atm!
  4. fapstraunaut90

    fapstraunaut90 Fapstronaut

    Inspiring...all the best man..you rock
    Flyhigh and Deleted Account like this.
  5. Robbiebob

    Robbiebob Fapstronaut

    And it's my prayers that you continue to do well and beyond... Great inspirational read, you achieved a great deal & more...
    Tyjordan, Flyhigh and Deleted Account like this.
  6. Former_CD

    Former_CD Fapstronaut

    Congratulations and good work! Keep it up.
  7. rishi123

    rishi123 Fapstronaut

    congrats bro....i will also make one year...2018......u r inspiration
    Flyhigh and Deleted Account like this.
  8. Just Rose

    Just Rose Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Congrats! :D very inspirational, keep going, all the best
    Flyhigh and Deleted Account like this.
  9. Thank you @Dr.Jekyll .Happy New Year to you... !! Iwish you success in every way!!

    You can do it @Uphillfighter22 believe in youself and take action.

    thank you @fapstraunaut90 ....happy new year....keep going man...you can do it!!

    Thank you @Robbiebob ..Happy new year 2018 to you ...wish you all the best and my prayers is with you too

    Thank you @Former_CD you also keep strong and achieve your goals if you havnt already :)

    Thank you @rishi123 Happy New Year !!! ...you can do it ...i believe in you

    Thank you @Eleanor ...stay on the horse and make a history!!
    Flyhigh, Eleanor and Dr. Jekyll like this.
  10. The_Fisher

    The_Fisher Fapstronaut

    Absolutely amazing accomplishment! Congratz.
    Flyhigh and Deleted Account like this.
  11. Destroyporn

    Destroyporn Fapstronaut

    This is awesome! Very inspiring.
  12. Flyhigh

    Flyhigh Fapstronaut

    Congrats!!! I'm aiming for a fapfree 2018 myself, you are an inspiration to me. :)
  13. Son of Midgaard

    Son of Midgaard Fapstronaut

    Pretty inspiring. If someone so down and out that you cannot even sustain relationships at all can break the cycle, why Couldn't I, or we?

    Thank you for sharing.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. That's awesome, Congratulations and good work! keep going, all the best
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. Romans12:1

    Romans12:1 Fapstronaut

    Such an awesome achievement!! You are an encouragement to us all!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. DE.HK

    DE.HK Fapstronaut

    Hey bro, I am proud of you! Keep up the good work!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. romlel

    romlel Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Yeah great story! : )
    Did u have others benefits besides better energy?
    Thanks man !
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. Wow man @chris1978 thanks for sharing your story & inspiring me, so happy for you!! Cheers & keep going!! Its a huge achievement to be able to abstain from pmo for 1 year after getting addicted for 25 yrs of life.. Thanks again my friend !!
  19. Harry Maclad

    Harry Maclad Fapstronaut

    Its inspiring to see someone who relapsed after big 132 day streak but then came back even stronger, last year I relapsed from a 131 day streak and I hope to go an year too, I really hope I can make it and you really give me inspiration!! Keep up the good work!