how/ when will your look at ladies be different?

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Jimmy.mike, Jun 9, 2017.

  1. Jimmy.mike

    Jimmy.mike Fapstronaut

    I am on my fight to Stop PMO and trying to rehab my brain. I just wounder if someone has tips about how to change the thoughts about when you see a lady and start to see them as persons not body part, I found my eyes programmed to see body parts not a person

    I am trying my best but when I deal with the world and I see a good looking lady I resist my eyes slipping to see a body part!!
    I don't want this and I want to act normal not objectifying female. From your experiences please share any tips and or when did you reach this stage if you did.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. Mister_Chamomile

    Mister_Chamomile Fapstronaut

    First step is taking out the black and white thinking. You don't see women as EITHER a person OR body parts. You see a person WITH body parts. It's normal for your brain to see butts, boobs, legs, pretty faces, certain proportions of body part sizes, as arousing. It's normal probably because of some mixture of evolutionary biology and social conditioning, and who knows exactly what degree both of those factors influence us. Hard to say.

    Forgive yourself for liking a woman's butt when she walks by. You're with the vast majority of men on the planet. If you can validate this as a normal experience, the guilt will reduce a bit. With the guilt having reduced, you can think more clearly.

    One helpful thing is to try to go with a 3 second rule. Let your eyes follow a body part for about 3 seconds, then look away. See if you can reduce to 2 seconds, then 1. Also be mindful of the age of the person. If your eyes automatically track the butt of an 18 year old, and a 17 year old, all the way down to a 13 year old, probably time to retrain those eye behaviors. Go in public and practice sitting on a bench or something and let women walk by while your eyes are in the middle area of the sidewalk. Notice the urges to have your eyes move toward body parts. Focus on your breath or sensations in your body, or try to distract yourself with other thoughts.

    These things take practice. But overall I think the biggest issue is the amount of shame you have associated with feeling sexual arousal. That's not healthy in my opinion.
    Deleted Account and Jimmy.mike like this.
  3. Jimmy.mike

    Jimmy.mike Fapstronaut

    I am in those moments when I really cannot distinct what's right from wrong, I think if someone looking and admired the person: (she is good looking) is different from staring with inner fantasies arise,I wish i can reach that state it would free me. I have to rehab my brain.
  4. Mister_Chamomile

    Mister_Chamomile Fapstronaut

    I don't even think fantasizing about having sex with someone is objectifying them. Also, thoughts and feelings don't harm people. You can feel horny and think "I want to fuck that girl silly," but that doesn't hurt them, or yourself. As long as you don't violate someone's rights you're fine. If you're in a relationship or out dating and you only see women as people to have sex with, and they're only consenting sex plus intimacy plus intellectual chemistry etc, then you're being manipulative.
  5. Jimmy.mike

    Jimmy.mike Fapstronaut

    "If you're in a relationship or out dating and you only see women as people to have sex with, and they're only consenting sex plus intimacy plus intellectual chemistry etc, then you're being manipulative."
    I couldn't understand what you really mean by this, can you explain more?
  6. AllanTheCowboy

    AllanTheCowboy Fapstronaut

    It happens. I'm too tired to explain it much, but it does happen and it's awesome. I still get weird random sexual thoughts about women I see/talk to, but they (1) seem ridiculous, and (2) are easily dismissed. The vast majority of any sexual thoughts I have are about my wife. The vast majority of those are about a unitive sexuality - a healthy one that enriches our love. Everything else I shut down immediately and mostly easily, and take to the confessional on Tuesdays.

    I found in the first few months I sort of went backwards through my history of sexual tastes.
    Kenzi, hope4healing and Jimmy.mike like this.
  7. Jimmy.mike

    Jimmy.mike Fapstronaut

    I am really happy to know that it is possible!, thank you for your reply. What about the triggers, have you been easily triggered to feel a sexual urge? Not necessarily the thought of having sex with the woman that you saw but feeling horny just because you saw a female, or a female body part. (many time when that used to happen to me and it didn't matter her ethnic group or age (except for underage i feel disgusted by the thought). I wounder if this is also gonna get better with rebooting
  8. AllanTheCowboy

    AllanTheCowboy Fapstronaut

    Triggers fade, and ultimately disappear. The only thing that recently triggered me at all - and triggered may be the wrong word; turned-on might be more accurate - was a photo for an article about female homosexual attraction in my facebook feed. It was two attractive women lying on a bed in their underwear kissing. I scrolled past quickly just to be safe, but two things are noteworthy. One is that I characterize this more as being aroused, than triggered. The second is that the level of arousal from this one small, still picture, of women clothed enough for a news article caused substantial arousal. That indicates a pretty much total reversal of two decades of porn and sexual role play induced escalation.
    hope4healing and Jimmy.mike like this.
  9. The Consigliere

    The Consigliere Fapstronaut

    I've noticed over time that I look at women differently on NoFap then when I used to be on PMO. Same goes with my thinking. My views of objectification have decreased significantly over time. I have minimal issues keeping eye contact with an attractive women or even looking at an attractive women's butt, breasts, etc. for a long period of time. How long did it take me? I've been on an off NoFap all year long until 18 days ago. I feel at this point I do look at women differently and in a positive way.
    Jimmy.mike likes this.
  10. Jimmy.mike

    Jimmy.mike Fapstronaut

    Thank you, your reply is good news for me.