Healthy, easy recipes

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Phoenix2, Jun 1, 2017.

  1. Phoenix2

    Phoenix2 New Fapstronaut


    A big challenge that I have is eating properly. Can anyone reccomend some healthy recipes that i can try?

  2. Ddoc13

    Ddoc13 Fapstronaut

  3. Take boneless, skinless chicken breasts, sprinkle garlic, pepper, rosemary, tumeric, cayenne pepper, and a little olive oil (about one or two tablespoons for every three pieces of chicken) over it, but try to avoid salt for the most part. Next, you put it in a high sided pot and flip it every now and then until temperature is safe (or you can just bake it. Remember, no metal utensils can be used in a non-stick pan.) Have rice and a vegetable of your choice on the side (carrots, potatoes, and other starchy veggies don't count. When in doubt, eat green). Now you have a healthy and easy meal.
  4. r8js

    r8js Fapstronaut

    eat 6 banana everyday. just make sure banana is well ripped. u will see changes in next 2 days. do it every day for one week . see changes . if u like it, continue or u will definitely get more suggestion . just stay here for while. because , for me banana is the cheapest fruit in india . u can get 3 banana in 10 Indian rupees = 0.15541 US dollars . the rate is same for last 3-4 years .

    being vegetarian is also difficult sometimes.
  5. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    What kind of recipes are you looking for?
  6. If you struggle to get enough nutrients in your diet then a multivitamin would be a good thing to invest in. As far as cooking meals goes keep them simple. An example of 3 healthy meals.
    Breakfast: Eggs cooked in olive oil, grass fed butter or coconut oil with sauteed spinach and potatoes. Coffee or tea is ok on the side.
    Morning snack: Oat, rice or corn cakes with cashew nut butter and a banana.
    Lunch: Rice with broccoli and beef, chicken or pork chop.
    Afternoon snack: A fruit smoothie. Blend in a handful or two of greens like kale or spinach. It affects the taste very little.
    Dinner: Any protein source with a buttered baked potatoe and any veggies.

    This is just an example. Surf the internet for healthy recipes and get creative. Avoid high PUFA vegetable oils and don't eat too many refined carbohydrates and you are on your way to good health.
    Kenzi likes this.
  7. HappyDaysAreHereAgain

    HappyDaysAreHereAgain Fapstronaut

    Too simple chocolate pudding:
    4 Tbsp cocoa powder
    3 Avocados, ripe
    2 Tbsp honey
    Blend until very smooth, refrigerate for 30+ minutes and enjoy.
    You can vary the ingredients to taste, add milk to thin, add a bit of vanilla, cinnamon, or mint for taste, or add nuts, coconut, or other healthy texture.
    When I first tasted it, I couldn't guess any of the 3 ingredients except chocolate. I enjoyed it before finding out how healthy it was.