Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Vincent Awareness 2 Porn, Sep 6, 2016.

  1. fapshooter

    fapshooter Fapstronaut

    Thank you for sharing your story.
    I visited your website and I saw the pop up. I really don't appreciate the "I want to be controlled by porn forever" button, it's unnecessary to trigger those who choose not to listen to what you have to say.

    Good luck on the rest of your journey!
  2. lorenzo1988

    lorenzo1988 Fapstronaut

    Well pretty much everything at the moment. I'm 28 and I haven't figured out what do I actually want to do with my life. I have a low salary boring office work that I'm sick of, but don't have any higher education either. Plus I actually don't feel like there is a job in the world that would interest me. Totally lost at the moment. And this weekend I rebooted after 20 days of PMO also. Massive procrastination also going on - I have planned to check out new jobs etc for months now and still haven't done it.

    -edit- Those first 19 days were easy, but after partying and with hangover, I just PMO'd 3 times yesterday. I'm starting to think that I am kind of addicted to partying/alco in the weekends and that's a bigger problem than PMO since without alco/hangover I have no problems to commit to NoFap.
  3. Hell yeas Yashar, reach out to me!
    Hey there Beatt, just like any skill or in breaking free from addiction you have to develop those social skills only by taking action daily!
    What is keeping you from doing just that?

    Thanks for that feedback Fapshooter, I can see how that comes to you like that.
    It's the choices you made toward your health and lifestyle (drinking too much) that made you relapse in for my perspective. Just know your greatest pain will become your greatest gift. I've seen 10000 of men here who beat there addiction. Keep going thru that tunnel, keep moving those feet, go to WAR. And you'll plew your way thru!
    -NoMO- likes this.
  4. Spirale

    Spirale Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your words. Purely inspirational. I will spend many days in critical reflection looking deep within pondering these three question. Hopefully then i can answer these honestly from the pure essence of my heart.
  5. That's simply beautiful, I really honor you for going deep with yourself. May you find your answers friend.
    PotentLife and Spirale like this.
  6. I'm curious for all, after reading my post. What is possible for you?
    PotentLife and vibemaker like this.
  7. Lori

    Lori New Fapstronaut

    Great story bro! Keep up!
  8. Fantastic post, Vincent! I've read your story before on a blog. It was very helpful and inspirational!
  9. Hopewithinme9

    Hopewithinme9 Fapstronaut

    Fantastic Story!!!
    PotentLife likes this.
  10. PotentLife

    PotentLife Fapstronaut

    Wow. I think this is why I've been "friend zoned" by a woman who I really want to love me. I gave her great rewarding feelings for very little input, very little investment on her part. So she doesn't respect me. She gets a free ride that is worthless in the end. And it's how I've been living my life with porn. How can I get her to earn her validation from me and invest in me if I can't earn my validation in life and invest in my life? I've been taking the easy way out, and she's been taking the easy way out of our relationship.

    Hmm... thanks for getting me thinking, here. Congratulations, Vincent! I love your philosophy!
  11. Resolved Oregonian

    Resolved Oregonian Fapstronaut

    Way to go @Vincent Awareness 2 Porn !! Keep up the strong work my friend. There are not enough beautiful people in the world, and it is great to see you shining yours in this life.
    Deleted Account and PotentLife like this.
  12. IWillQuit

    IWillQuit Fapstronaut

    What a great story!!! Congrats . You have accomplished what every person in this forum is trying for.
    PotentLife likes this.
  13. nick9999

    nick9999 Fapstronaut

    Good post increased my confidence.
    PotentLife likes this.
  14. Rhys0

    Rhys0 Fapstronaut

    Thank you Vincent for this really motivating and inspiring story.
    I hope all is still going well with you.
    I just have once question. I have been going about 3 weeks now without PMO, and I feel pretty good. However, now since I have been going a long time without this drug, I am getting this urge to relapse.
    I try and not think about it, I try and replace this urge with healthy activities, but it is still at the back of my head nagging me.
    Is there anything that you could recommend that I could do to either ease this urge or completely get rid of it.
    Anyone else's opinions are welcome.
  15. Fink93

    Fink93 Fapstronaut

    hey rhys0, its been hard for me as well and it still is. many people go for a cold shower, a long walk, read a book on a park bank or in the library. or pick up a hobby like bouldering (which i did) and work out. you need to have something that makes you not think about porn all the time.

    don´t watch any movies, play video games etc. its just a temporary dopamine rush like porn but it won´t get you far. you need something you do every week, which is useful. even better when you get in contact with people when doing it.
  16. Patillitas

    Patillitas Fapstronaut

    Friend @Vincent Awareness 2 Porn thanks to share with us your personal experience, is an really worth example that this journey really function!. Your storie is amazing and can motivate me to keep fighting and seek the light in my life.
    You have the power to create your dream life and become the person who you want to be, great phrase, thanks!
    The Prince of Persia likes this.
  17. Boost242

    Boost242 Guest

    Thank for your post Vincent Awareness 2 Porn. A post of success is very powerful to read as a newbie on the forum. I am finding my awareness around why I have been acting out PMO increase = beneficial. For instance when you mention 3 years ago 'Hide behind false persona' and 'avoid connection' -- it really resonates. Currently it is as if my (depleted) social group have a sense of what I am hiding and therefore my social connections are mostly very shallow. Though they don't know (no incidents to date) I feel like they see me as hooked on pornography because this is the energy I emanate. I can see the thread of the healing power of love in your wonderful story and importantly your taking responsibility (you didn't wait for a woman to save you).
  18. Care to share that article with your fellow Fapstronauts?
  19. Flyhigh

    Flyhigh Fapstronaut

    Bravo! One of the most inspiring and touching stories I've read so far.
    Resolved Oregonian likes this.