What is your primary Trigger?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by MorganaTheBus, Apr 7, 2021.

  1. MorganaTheBus

    MorganaTheBus Fapstronaut

    For me it is right after a hard day of abstaining, and right when i let my guard down because the hard feelings are gone, i get curious and PMO. So hence just wondering to see what yall think, whats your main trigger? Maybe this can help some people reflect on their past on move on.
  2. Chudmeister

    Chudmeister Fapstronaut

    my trigger is stress, and loneliness. but I have gotten better, after talking to a psychologist, im not really bad off like i used to be. the urges are always there its just fighting them off.
  3. Revanthegrey

    Revanthegrey Fapstronaut

    New situations i need confront:emoji_pensive:
  4. Doublep

    Doublep Fapstronaut

    For me it's lonelyness, Isolation , and sadness. I have been working with a therapist to get to the root cause and this is just what we have uncovered so far
  5. dandausa

    dandausa Fapstronaut

    I think it's not feeling wanted. Or not important to my friends.
  6. Loneliness, sadness, approval and mainly social networks
  7. anxiety, too much time on my hands, rejection and hearing girls laugh
  8. 2080Future

    2080Future Fapstronaut

    For a while my trigger was pretty obvious, it was sex and nudity in movies or series, and also sometimes being bored and alone in my room. My solutions have been:
    For Sex and nudity in movies i use the IMDB Parent Guide, when i want to watch a movie I look up what sex and nudity is in there so i am prepared and when it happens i can skip it, since most of the times the sex scenes arent really important for the plot.
    For being bored and alone, i just find things to do to take my mind off PMO, if there's nothing I just don't stay in my room, i go to the living room where my family is, talk to them, or other things. If you get urges at night or when you wake up, make sure you don't have electronics near your bed that you can reach and watch porn. I know you can do it, keep going!!
  9. Stress and loneliness are what trigger the greatest urges in me. They make me feel uncomfortable, so I seek comfort in the pleasure of porn, even if masturbating doesn't help me solve my problems in the slightest.

    Another trigger for me is excitement, especially when meeting new people or having new experiences. I want to engage what's new fully, and this sparks in me a great energy. I've noticed that if I don't spend my vigor on external things, I tend to turn it inwards and to waste it on masturbation.
    Does anyone else do this?
  10. KyloFinn

    KyloFinn Fapstronaut

    Strong emotions trigger me. If I'm sad, angry, feeling not good enough, uncomfortable / hurt like in pain. I'm noticing my triggers are more often tied to my emotional state.
    MorganaTheBus, Candun and 2080Future like this.
  11. Anthony Man Stoner

    Anthony Man Stoner New Fapstronaut

    Hmmm... I don't know if "triggers" is the right term. What happened to me today was that I felt pretty lonely and like I'd messed up (didn't show up to work, difficulty sleeping at night), like a combination of fatigue, guilt and depression, and so all of the sudden porn felt much more tempting... it wasn't a full "relapse" but I did watch something like two hours, no orgasm, no edging.

    I think a lack of human contact, bad mood and low energy made it difficult to enjoy my hobbies and anything productive, this would've been day 115.

    Something that's more like a trigger for me is a lower body/core workout with the increased blood flow, immediately gets me thinking about sex.
    MorganaTheBus and Candun like this.
  12. SingedBone

    SingedBone Fapstronaut

    Stress seems like a big one to me. When I’ve got many deadlines to meet and get little time for relaxation, I often rationalize porn use as “it’ll help me through this”.

    Also, my latest relapse was triggered by the weather getting nice and girls wearing less :/
  13. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    Basically, chatting and meeting apps.

    Every time i have a good streak, i find a girl to whom i send nudes, she sends nudes back, and i'm fucked...
    ahora240 likes this.
  14. ahora240

    ahora240 Fapstronaut

    Maybe, random chatting app makes me watch porn. When I use the app, I talked to girls who want have a sex
    and I'm fucked up. It's strong habit to me.
  15. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    The gym and meeting apps.