Psychological reason behind this addiction

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Silentlyasinner, Jan 9, 2021.

  1. Silentlyasinner

    Silentlyasinner Fapstronaut

    Today i kept thinking about why i have pmo addiction. Is there a psychological reason behind it? If anyone has an idea, feel free to reply!
  2. tout ça pour ça

    tout ça pour ça Distinguished Fapstronaut

    hi, addictive behaviour is laid down quite early by various components. if you are interested - you can have a look at Hungry Ghosts by Gabor Maté's work.he has a book and several longer videos.

    Knowing helps but dealing with it of course is what we're all trying to do.
    all the best, tc
    Silentlyasinner likes this.
  3. Silentlyasinner

    Silentlyasinner Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the suggestion! I watched his video on youtube on addiction and it is quite enlightening!
  4. Chefb87

    Chefb87 Fapstronaut

    I know for me , I grew up in an alcoholic home. Which made me feel unsafe, and anxious. And when I found porn I made me feel "good" and at that age , once you find something that works , you stop looking for other ways .
    For me porn took away, or distracted me from the chaos around me. It was a survival tool that was unfortunately an unhealthy one.
    I used it so much , I became dependant on it to make me feel good. And as the years went by. I kept using it and using it , but each time I had to escalate it because I wasn't getting the same "high" ...the deeper and deeper you go, the more and more Shame and negative feelings grow . The more and more you feel bad, the more and more you have to use the only tool you learned how to make yourself feel good.
  5. Silentlyasinner

    Silentlyasinner Fapstronaut

    I can relate....... Goodluck to you and to myself on this journey of living w/o being dependent on this drug to escape reality
  6. Addiction is 'coping mechanism' to receive love that was supposed for us to receive since birth until we were satiated with this love and go forward, from mother to world. The main way in which baby can be feel loved and appreciated is touch. Receiving enough touch is crucial to having this feeling of being enough, worthy, feeling yourself and in your body. If we will not receive this in childhood, coping evolutionary mechanism of our primal brain will force us to receive it from externals (mother is external for baby) to help in ending up learning process of emotional regulation. Baby through touch is learning to emotionally regulate, baby cannot regulate themsels without mother. Enough care from mother is responsible to have successful and meaningful relationship to self, people and world - the opposite is "mother wound" Addiction is primal way to self regulate. This feelings of emptiness, lack of worth, pity are still in brain of adults as an footprint of what kind of childchood we had. This also creates "perception filter" through which we all see in lens of, for example, fear ( I was). What helps is "Letting go" technique described by David R Hawkins, to release old pain and be free to live. It worked and still works for me priceclessly.
    More you can find in book "Continuum concept" written by Jean Liedloff, she spent many years in Amazonian jungle with indigenous people and studying how they behave toward themselves and how they upbring their childrens. Briliant book that helped me relating it to my addiction and self-doubt and healing. Most adults due to poor childhood are living their life in survival. So is the price of modern techological world.
    "The opposite of addiction is connection" said probably Gabor Mate.
  7. I think everyone here has their own psychological reasons for why they became addicted to PMO. The journey that we are on is one of discovering. I have been in recovery in SLAA (Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous) for 10 years and I'm still learning. The best part about being in a community is that we learn from each other. Hearing other people's stories helps us to understand our own.

    My "root" cause of my addiction is two fold. My mothers family was liberal and my father's was conservative - so I got a lot of mixed messages. My mother used to walk around the house naked. She said in Europe, where she grew up, that was normal, but we live in the US . . . "so don't tell anyone". This left me really confused. Sex is totally okay but also something that should be very secret. I've heard that in the US we are totally obsessed with sex, while at the same time being very repressed.
    The other issue, for me, is that my mother's father was a womaniser. This affected her and her mother deeply. And those issues were passed along to me. My mother taught me that "all men are pigs" and "all they want is sex" and then made me promise (as a 4 year old) that I wouldn't be like that. For this reason, deep down, I feel deeply ashamed about having sexual desires for women. The shame affected my ability to form healthy sexual relationships with women IRL and drove me to porn as an outlet for my sexual desires. The porn and masturbation led to more shame which led to more PMO and more shame . . .
  8. Silentlyasinner

    Silentlyasinner Fapstronaut

    I understand..... my dad is also a womanizer and my parents fight a lot. And both would express their frustration to me, not that they would beat me up or express their anger through physical or verbal abuse. But they would be frustated with each other and complain about one another to me. And that is hella emotionally draining. I couldnt do anything to help the situation.. and they would keep letting me be the middle person. But its too much of a burden for me... i'd cry myself to sleep because i felt useless, for not knowing what to do.. reading your perspective made me think wow, people could get affected like this as well. It is somewhat of a similar situation to the point where i can relate and understand, but it is a different story. But we have the same escape. Guess im learning something new about people everyday on this site. Let's do better mr tenpercent! I'm rooting for you, because we deserve to live a good life. We deserve to not feel shameful of ourselves. We deserve to be at peace. We deserve to be happy
    +TenPercent, kropo82 and MeTP like this.
  9. mananddog

    mananddog Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry to hear this brother.

    I suffer from PTSD and porn/fapping was my coping mechanism since the age of 14. Like drugs, I have used porn to cover the pain inside. Whatever happened it was okay because I could just fap.

    Addressing my PTSD and going to therapy has really helped me in my NoFap journey and I would recommend going to therapy to anyone who thinks they're fapping as a coping mechanism.

    Succeeding with NoFap would not have helped my PTSD, likewise, if I had not sought help for my PTSD NoFap would not even exist to me.
  10. re-Wire

    re-Wire Fapstronaut

  11. A lot of it has to do with loneliness. Whenever I have the urge to PMO, it comes from being lonely and not being around someone. Although PMO is different for everybody. Some are never addicted, some are in a relationship and addicted to PMO, and some don’t have a spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend and continue to relapse.

    In my personal opinion, I believe it’s mostly for depressed people. Because I started to PMO when I became depressed.
  12. Chefb87

    Chefb87 Fapstronaut

    I can understand this too . My mother would depend on me and my other two brothers to make her feel better. Which was never our jobs.
    +TenPercent and Silentlyasinner like this.
  13. tout ça pour ça

    tout ça pour ça Distinguished Fapstronaut

    im glad you did. it is pretty interesting and answered a lot of questions for me too. just working through it though, which is another thing altogether.
    Silentlyasinner likes this.
  14. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    I so relate to this. For me it is not just "an outlet for my sexual desires" but a source of seeming acceptance of those desires. Like @Silentlyasinner I was looking for the psychological reasons behind my addiction so back on Day 379 I wrote a journal posts listing everything I got from porn, one was this:
    +TenPercent and Silentlyasinner like this.
  15. Silentlyasinner

    Silentlyasinner Fapstronaut

    Thank you for replying! These replies made me think that, we all don't necessarily do it for the same reason. Kind of eye-opening to read these different past experiences
    +TenPercent likes this.
  16. Maltheal

    Maltheal Fapstronaut

    There is the dopamine rush you get when you Orgasm makes your mind crave that rush again and it becomes a habit.
    Silentlyasinner likes this.