Everything you need to know about women attraction - 5 years experience with life hacks

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by sephhh, Mar 16, 2018.

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  1. MrYang29

    MrYang29 Fapstronaut

    how if you do nofap but you ejaculate when having sex with the girl? are the benefits lose?
  2. Johnhello

    Johnhello Fapstronaut

  3. You said hair loss stopped. Did your hair patches disappear?
  4. sephhh

    sephhh Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone, I appreciate all the messages and interest around this post.

    Nofap is quite silly by itself; there's simply so many layers to self improvement; sperm retention only works with the continued right mindset fixed on letting out the sexual energy on a solid, worthwhile goal(s). But I can tell you through pertinacity and continual effort toward your goals your mind and spirit do incredible things when you really want something. Failure is the most beautiful aspect of success because they go together magnificently. Failure teaches you what not to do. When you give up is when you allow failure to win. If everything in this world came to us easily, then would there be any reason for us to try to be better? Jim Rohn was told by his mentor that he should set a goal to be a millionaire because it would require him to be a better man to achieve it. Constantly trying and working toward your goal and teaching yourself self-discipline is the best road to travel on. It's taken me quite a long time to get to where I am at now - but that time would have gone by anyways so might as well work toward something! There is never a quick get-rich scheme that works. Nothing in life works out the first time you try something. Have you ever known anyone who is always trying to come up with ideas but can never stick to anything? It never works. The universe waits for you to prove yourself in any single direction and when the stars align themselves just right, all of a sudden luck is on your side and everything you diligently worked towards starts falling in your lap easily; but after much effort. Much like a tide of the ocean you need to ride the wave and enjoy the journey because it will eventually crash and you will need to try again and again to get that success you so deeply desire. Don't be a spectator in life; jump in and ride! When you cultivate your energy correctly you will find energy and wherewithal within.

    I've had several business relationships fall apart; money stolen from me. People promised me one thing and when money was involved I never got paid; thousands of dollars! But I kept moving toward my goal, told myself that those people removed themselves from my life because they aren't on my level naturally. I learned how important contracts are in business and now I only operate with them instead of quitting and saying I failed I kept going. Don't allow past mistakes to keep you down. You can rewrite your own story and tell yourself a different past; it's not crazy, you're always living in the present and the past should never be baggage you carry with you.

    I urge you all to try to empty your mind to what you think you know and look at this life with a different set of eyes; especially when you think the world is grim, because it's not. When you practice looking at everything with magnificence, gratitude and flowing beautifully there is something magical that happens. I think life is so interesting and learning more about myself everyday and how to handle situations with grace and taking the high road doesn't always appear to work in the moment; but people later on compliment me for how I handle things because of my sensitive effort of improvement and building relationships even when they are falling apart. Time is a funny thing to people.

    Women attraction is not as simple as the wordage; we are all emotional beings, especially women. They perceive the world very differently from men, and they should. Assuming they are more on the feminine side, they typically want security and want to come close to a man that has that "confidence" but they can never really figure out what that is; such a fine line between cocky and confidence and it's enough of a difference for women to run from one and be attracted to the other.

    Anyways, just some thoughts I wanted to throw out there for you all. I appreciate and love you. Thanks for keeping the post alive! I'll try to be back on more

    @Johnhello I entered the building!

    @ELITE2BE I did spend some time attempting to create a video to share with you all. But I ended up scrapping it due to several reasons. Mostly because I am really quite busy right now working on my two businesses and I have a goal to become a motivational speaker eventually about success. I think I might try again here shortly when I get my new place/office next week.

    @MrYang29 You do, but not nearly as much; and it also depends on the woman and her return energy - please find information on sacred sexuality.

    @Phast My hair is thicker and it doesn't fall out like it used to. If you have missing patches perhaps use castor oil every night on your scalp and wash it out the next day so your hair isn't all greasy.

    @Mistakesweremade It's a continued learning process. I think sexual energy is a constant work-in-progress throughout life. Napoleon Hill talks about sexual energy like a dam; it will eventually force a way. But you must learn the art of controlling the release on a goal. It will usually break when we lose focus and when a negative event occurs. Depends on the person.

    @AfricanSunset You're right; I have many goals in mind. But there is nothing wrong with wanting the freedom money can bring. One of my businesses has been generating revenue and it is quite liberating for me to live where I want to live. Money makes slaves out of people when you fall in the paradigm that your time is worth a set dollar amount; and leaving someone else in charge of our destiny when they can tell us what to do and fire us when they feel like it. It's not a bad thing to work for someone if you're okay with that. I know not everyone has the mindset of being a business owner and leader, but you can do it if you want it bad enough. Owning a business is definitely mentally hard, especially at first.

    @rob13_ Sex is a beautiful thing. It's sharing energy with a loving person. Not wasting it. It does not have the same effect as PMO.

    @George0202 There's plenty of great sources of chakra energy. I found youtube to be a great source.

    @pimp I don't always fast, it's okay to break it. I just recently completed a 5 day liquid only fast. When you fall off a horse, just get back on it and start new. I think our diets are meant to change throughout the year as the seasons change. That's why everyone is always searching for the new fad diet; but the truth is we are always changing and we are cyclic.
    maradona10 and Axesteel like this.
  5. MrBlue201

    MrBlue201 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Good read! Thanks for sharing bro. The stuff about attracting Women seems to be true in my life, but I've been hopelessly addicted for so long I have only seen 3-day, 10-day, 16-day max variation in results so the changes in my interactions woth people are more subtle.

    Anyway, again, very detailed explanation, and I'm glad you seem to have it all figured out. I am figuring it out too. Some of the frequency jargon and new agey stuff I starkly disagree with since I am a follower of Christ, but overall I appreciated your post!! I really did. Heck, I even laughed at the part where you said financial success will not leave you as fast as a girl will (if) when you relapse lol. Its weird how true the mental fog is after pmo. Its a real drug in my opinion! Cheers! Good luck in life.
    maradona10 likes this.
  6. sephhh

    sephhh Fapstronaut

    I am a follower of Christ as well. Believing in Christ doesn't mean we have to limit our understanding of truth within us. Vibration has nothing to do with religion at all. But it has everything to do with our connective ability to great many things.

    In regards to your addiction, just keep trying. I believe full-heartedly that going from porn addiction to monk mode is not easy for anyone. I'd recommend this pattern: begin masturbating to no porn, or any fantasy of porn, everyday as much as you please; for 7 days. Then begin nofap. 7 days into nofap do a 2-7 day fast. If you can get through that, you should be clear for an easy streak. Naturally, there are other things you should consider to safeguard yourself. Setting limits to your thoughts and your actions; such as don't fantasize long, or peek. Try to stay busy as much as possible. Diet is important and building connections within.

    I'm glad the post helped you; always a pleasure to hear compliments on it.
    maradona10 likes this.
  7. MrBlue201

    MrBlue201 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Hey man! You're very welcome! It was a great post and encouraging. I know its like 3am, but I can't sleep since I've been sleeping all weekend basically. Also, I didn't mean to upset you, I'm just cautious to agree full-heartedly about words like manifesting, or vibrations etc. I don't mind hearing about it! I know its popular, I just disagree that they are accurate or harmless explanations for things. I'm sure we can agree thats not your or my main point though :)

    Anyway, I have not thought of fasting, that is a good idea. If I wasn't fighting a cold I would do that in a heartbeat. However, I may incorporate a small fast soon to keep the streak going. Also, I'm totally on board with the stay busy thing! I have stuff planned nearly every day after work so I'm busy and engaged in activities and hobbies! That's crucial. I know all these things, but I am just stubborn on this crap. I have to really apply all these tips intensely to beat this. Thanks man! I'll be free soon I'm sure.
  8. retainer

    retainer New Fapstronaut

    Hey sephhh, Ive been following you throughout this thread and want to say thank you for all your great posts. I became fascinated with this topic after trying nofap for a month and suddenly having women eyeing and approaching me for seemingly no reason. Years have passed and after a lot of experimentation I believe it to be from semen retention not necessarily cutting out porn. Curious what your thoughts are between dopamine reset and retention of sperm in regards to women attraction. Hope your businesses are doing well!
  9. Sc8r51o1n

    Sc8r51o1n Fapstronaut

    @sephhh Do you wish to join a Discord and help other guys about dating?
  10. This happened to me past like the 55th day.
  11. I believe what you said about IF. In my journal, I wrote that after intermittent fasting, I felt like a person on Day 30 (It hasn't been Day 4).
  12. MrBlue201

    MrBlue201 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I havn't eaten all day. Also on day 7. Hmm. When you fast, you can eat at night right?
  13. That depends on how many hours you'd like to fast.

    But postponing all of your food consumption till night will help you losr weight even if you consume the same amount of calories you're used to consuming.
    MrBlue201 likes this.
  14. MrBlue201

    MrBlue201 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Thanks Phast. Sometimes I fast for my religion, but fasting for health is also an interesting topic to me.
  15. Ramadan is near. I'm Muslim, too.
  16. MrBlue201

    MrBlue201 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Ok, I'm Christian, but respect!
    Phast likes this.
  17. Thank you. Respect, man! :cool:
    MrBlue201 likes this.
  18. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    Fasting? Dont you loose muscle mass while fasting?
  19. greenishmoon

    greenishmoon Fapstronaut

    Hey, great post man. I feel akin to how you write and perceive. I look forward to further posts. I am now on day 40 or so. It is hard, but certainly I have seen great changes happen. And none of them was automatic.
    Phast likes this.