JOIN US! No-Snooze Grand Challenge

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Deleted Account, Jul 21, 2019.

  1. I usually had the same problem when I slept too little, or when I slept too much. Sleeping too much just gives you an excuse for staying there some other "minutes", gaining some bad momentum for the day.

    Anyway, I think that sleeping through the alarm may be cause you're sleeping too little, or not gaining enough quality of sleep.


    Message to all the participants, could you share your sleep schedule?

    My schedule right now consists in: sleeping from 01.00 until 07.00 with 1 nap at 3 pm of 25 minutes.
    napstronaut likes this.
  2. napstronaut

    napstronaut Fapstronaut

    Great goal. I’ve found that in order to accomplish any goal, the key is preparedness. My bad morning habits are 99% often the result of snowballing the day prior. In order to avoid that snowballing today, I need to:

    1. Make sure I get my work done/avoid procrastination
    2. Clean up my apartment/feel like I have things under control
    3. Get a workout in/tire myself about a bit in the evening
    4. Do not use my phone in bed

    I’m also going to rotate my bed around so I feel like things are starting fresh.

    I found a cool app called “alarmy” that I think will help ensure success. I just set an alarm that I can only turn off by scanning a QR code in my bathroom.

    Do, or do not. There is no try. Let’s go.
    Jerky and Deleted Account like this.
  3. napstronaut

    napstronaut Fapstronaut

    Mine’s usually non existent/extremely erratic and awful (stayed up until 5am last night, woke up around 10:30am) Work remotely with flexible hours, so I can get away with a lot. Am aiming for 12am-7am, plus a 30 min nap if I feel like I need it for this challenge (want to shift workouts to morning/get things more normal, reserve night workouts for pull ups/home exercises)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. greenishmoon

    greenishmoon Fapstronaut

    Mine's completely destroyed. I have no reason for waking up early. I do notice that sleeping too much is somewhat harmful.
  5. Bucklord

    Bucklord Fapstronaut

    6:00 am wake up, I like to be up before the sun.
    Workout or walk or jog
    Typically 11:00pm sleep.

    Nap at any time from noon to 2:30. For maybe 30 minutes max.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Jerky

    Jerky Fapstronaut

    Had to be woken up again.

    Sleep schedule:

    Not enough sleep.

    Last night i went to sleep at 12:30am and was up at 3:30.

    This is my problem. I know this.
    This is what has to be fixed.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. napstronaut

    napstronaut Fapstronaut

    Day 1.

    Went to bed at 12:30. Room is still a mess, and still behind at work. I put in hours yesterday but didn’t get as much done as I wanted. Stupidly decided to get up at 5:30am to get some early morning work done. It “worked”, but my body didn’t like it/was an ineffectual zombie just kind of browsing the web until I left for the gym at 6:30 for a swim.

    Not an ideal start/didn’t follow my own advice, but still got up, and getting my butt to the gym in the morning was definitely a win. Going to take an hour long nap and get to work around 10.

    Putting a hard stop to work around 8, regardless of whether I’m still behind, and block out cleaning from 8-9.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. napstronaut

    napstronaut Fapstronaut

    Yeah, not having enough sleep is rough. Made that mistake this morning. Always way overestimate my ability to power through. We’ll get a solid schedule in eventually, just need to stay committed/focus on it. What made you get up at 3:30?
    Jerky likes this.
  9. Bucklord

    Bucklord Fapstronaut

    Pissed tf off.
    I could not sleep last night. I had a date yesterday. And I was insanely excited by it, but it was over by 7. I got home and worked on a paper, finished at 10:30. Reasonable. Went to bed at 11. I broke from REM at around 1am and couldn’t sleep afterward.

    So I slept through my only alarm but my roommate got me up at 7. So it’s still technically an early rise but I feel like trash rn.

    On the bright side I figured about half of a really hard guitar song out and I have a coffee date to look forward to today. Anyway, I’m going to consider it a check.

    Day 3/30
  10. bucklord, unless you had dreams in that short period of time, you didn't have rem, but deep sleep. Deep sleep is useful for physical "healing" while rem for mental.

    Keep up the good work!

    Bucklord likes this.
  11. Jerky

    Jerky Fapstronaut


    I need to go to sleep earlier, that's all there is to it. I can change the time i go to sleep.

    I can't really change the time i have to wake up to go to work.
    napstronaut likes this.
  12. napstronaut

    napstronaut Fapstronaut

    Rough, sucks that you need to get up that early. What kind of work do you do, if you don’t mind my asking? Any way to transfer to a shift/role/something else with a saner wake up time?
  13. buddy, you can go and check out polyphasic sleep schedules, and find the schedule that is most functional for your present position. Let us know about what you choose =)
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2019
    Justeen, napstronaut and Jerky like this.
  14. Jerky

    Jerky Fapstronaut

    I chose Biphasic.

    I'll try and see what it is like.

    Going to sleep early tonight
    Deleted Account and napstronaut like this.
  15. Ohh, I'd like to say yes, but this must be even harder than NoFap.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. Justeen

    Justeen Fapstronaut

    Now got to get into waking up earlier, like 9:30 - 10. Been waking up late lately and starting to fix it. I hope i don't quit.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. Bucklord

    Bucklord Fapstronaut


    Sleep has been shit for past two days but I’m arising when I wake. Need to keep going! Heading to another city tonight for a climbing adventure
    Justeen likes this.
  18. 13/30.
    have fun mate!
    Justeen likes this.
  19. Justeen

    Justeen Fapstronaut

    5/30. Got up at 10. 9 tomorrow would be nice.
    Deleted Account likes this.